"I do apologize for any inconvenience related to my having a girlfriend," says Lisatoline, politely but insincerely.
"It's all right, really," says Jann.
"You've given me an excellent opportunity to try to seduce Jann," notes Arel. "Really, I should be thanking you."
"Oh," giggles Lisatoline.
"I hadn't realized it was quite as binary as all that. I hope you won't object to a bit of seduction."
"My next stop is the Caves of Fire and Night," says Jann, "if you want to go with me at least until we pass someplace comfortable and private."
"I've never been either, I just need something in them," says Jann, consulting his map and turning his horse with a last wave to Lisatoline.
"Ah. What d'you need from them? Lost artifact, prophesy, natural resource of some kind..."
Arel winces. "Eesh. Sounds unpleasant. I might get some of that in case of emergencies. I'm guessing you have a specific case, though?"
"I never met him, I don't much feel the lack, but yeah, it's about time I brought home some Water of Life, what with being a knight now."
"No, there's no prophecy about his recovery. There was one about the turning into stone in the first place, but that's over with now."
"I don't mind, but one thing you do need to know is that you do not touch the pretty dipper. This is the sort of thing they cover in knight school, you have to use the plain tin dipper or you'll turn to stone."