She is sitting in the library, studying. It's her most common pastime, by hours; spending time with her sister is more enjoyable but Jaromira prefers to socialize more broadly and Katarzyna would only get in the way. This is better on net; the two of them share a room, so it isn't as though her sister's time is entirely hogged by the other girls who call this boarding school "home." Or at least "prison." Katarzyna doesn't mind it, though; the school library is excellent, and basic manners and care for the books has endeared her to the librarian to a sufficient degree to lubricate the interlibrary loans process when there's something she wants to read that they don't have.
Have you tried legible clothing that says that? For moments when you aren't doing magic.
Legible clothing that conveys the sentiment. If I want to wear a shirt that says something completely innocuous, that's fine, and if I convey the sentiment verbally--not to a teacher, and not loudly enough to disrupt class--that's fine, but if I wear a shirt that says "you must be this smart to talk to me"--or politer versions, I checked--then I'm being "antisocial" apparently.
We had a quarrel about the meaning of the word "antisocial" and whether it was an inherently negative thing. They were unimpressed.
I could have won if I really wanted to but I have higher priorities. Like leaving campus to see the world's best girlfriend.
I've been doing my style homework; the results are relatively subtle, but do you want to see anyway?
The fact that you think so pleases me almost as much as the fact that the magic thinks so.
Only almost? I suppose I don't dispense magical abilities as a token of appreciation.
Yet? If you get magical enough to metamagic me into being able to do that I think it would probably kill people to look at you.
I don't have any idea how I would accomplish this but I prefer not to limit the scope of my ambitions unnecessarily.
And the best part is that I could just switch to something safe when I wanted to be around people and only switch to the lethal outfit when I needed to perform sufficiently high-caliber magic!
Only if you were able to memorize it or record it to sufficient fidelity that it didn't take all day to change into. I guess you could put a burka over it?