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Ade moves to Beacon Hills
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"You and Ade can be adorable right back. I don't even think I'd mind losing that competition, you would be so annoyed by being cute." 


"Stiles does really hate being cute, for someone so cute." 




"I'm not cute, and no one who thinks I'm cute is invited when I become world dictator."


"So me and Danny are in?"


"I'm not cute. I'm also super cute. And when I subjugate the entire world with my iron fist, I'll sign a law. It'll be a good law, about exactly how cute I am." 

He pokes at his lunch.


"You're incredibly cute," she declares, "and I'm going to be world dictator so you'll be signing no laws about your cuteness."


"I think the field is kind of competitive."


"I'm sure the three of us can find some way to pull it off."



"So what kind of policies will you have?"


"Oh, you know, the usual: freedom of borders, freedom of religion and ideology, generalized immortality..."


"Gun control? Same-sex marriage? How exactly is immortality a policy?"


"So, what's the title? Empress, queen, president, what? Am I the Emperor? First Gentleman? King Consort?"


"Immortality is not exactly a policy, it's a destination to tax money. Research is, I mean. Other than that I'm not entirely sure 'marriage' as a legal concept actually makes sense; would want to do some research but from what I know I think it should probably cease to exist. Gun access should probably be regulated at least to prevent people who are likely to cause a lot of harm with them from doing so. And I'm undecided on titles as of yet."


"A lot of people want to get married. They might stop after a few decades under your new government, but you'd have a lot of unhappy people at first." 


"She won't do it all at once. I'll find you a marriage consultant."


"Wouldn't it be better to go for disease or aging before immortality, or are you lumping that all together?" 


"We don't need to stop aging if we make everyone live forever first, that's the nice thing about forever." 


"Do we know that everyone wants to live forever?"


"I wouldn't, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't research it."


"I mean, I don't think people should stop getting married, I just don't think it should be the government's business. There's a bunch of arbitrary limitations and benefits and like, the point of government is picking up the market's slack, right? Public goods, incentivizing certain behaviors, wealth redistribution—and I don't see why it should incentivize monogamous pairbonding for any reasons other than purely historical ones.

"And yeah I'm lumping those things together under the 'immortality' label, but mostly I guess what I mean is that I want to make death optional rather than mandatory as it currently is, so people only die who want to when they want to how they want to."


"Queen regnant and king consort sound good."


"Monogamous pairbonding is so last season."


The other students begin shuffling out, to their assorted destinations. 

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