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Taliar in Evil Arda
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Well. That seems straightforward to accommodate. (He is not gentle. Taliar says yes to everything, all the time.)


Eventually he stops laughing, but his love for Maitimo still shines in his soul, he can feel it, and it's so good and beautiful and satisfying and enthralling, and he loves Maitimo and loves every single thing Maitimo does to him and -

- at some point Maitimo should probably tell him to heal himself, because he certainly isn't going to do it on his own initiative, he's actively delighted by his accumulated injuries right now, every bruise is a tangible reminder of Maitimo's touch.


By sunrise he will recognize this as a good idea and prompt Taliar to do it.


"Aww," he says, with half-joking disappointment, and he activates the aura - carefully, carefully, it's so much stronger now, he doesn't want to accidentally flood the countryside with it.

He just about manages to keep it contained within the room for the fraction of a second it takes for it to restore him to perfect condition. (Maitimo's name in his back stays, and glows blue again.)

" That's - that was - " he's a little too sleepy to finish the sentence coherently but this particular development is going to have effects on the next three days of his healing tour, for sure.


"Going to be hard to pretend the radius hasn't changed?"




"Go to sleep. We'll worry about it later."


"Mmhmm," he says agreeably. "Love you forever."

And he snuggles up and falls asleep near-immediately.


He watches him with delight and fascination and runs his hands across the shining letters some more.


They still light up under his hands even with Taliar asleep. It's a beautiful shade of blue.

Taliar sleeps very soundly and comfortably. His dreams are vague, disjointed, and pleasant.


And when he wakes up Maitimo will make him eat breakfast before dragging him right back into bed.


Oh good.

"I feel like on principle we shouldn't let anyone know I can kill the Enemy until the Enemy is dead, I'm pretty sure I'd have a hard time going on with my healing tour like everything was normal, I don't want to risk flooding your kingdom with my healing aura because that would be kind of a big tipoff, vanishing into your bedroom for days is pretty unremarkable for me at this point, my motivations in this line of reasoning are definitely not purely strategic but I think the logic holds up," says Taliar.


"Very sensible," he agrees absently, lifting Taliar into a more convenient position.


"Love you forever."


You have rather abundantly proved it.


He giggles. Yes, yes I have. What delightful things shall I beg you for today, my love?


He does not routinely vanish into his room for days and should probably get to work at some point. He is slow about acting on this conclusion.


Taliar is a little too distracted to keep track of time and will be no help in reminding him to go behave normally.


He appreciates this! He would feel vaguely insulted if Taliar were in a condition to remind him to get back to work. 


(He eventually gets back to work.)


And his Taliar takes this opportunity to sleep, because opportunities to sleep may be difficult to come by in the near future.


Could that possibly be? (He works very efficiently and comes back to bed.)


Taliar is asleep. Relative to the size of the bed he is adorably tiny, like a cat napping on its owner's pillow.


He wonders what happens if he picks up Taliar's soul while he sleeps.


It half-wakes him up, and the love that fills his mind is hazy and quiet and peaceful, and the soul-touching intimacy feels snuggly and soft.

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