Blai has reserved a side room in the temple for meeting with people privately (for a value of 'privately' that includes his bodyguard unless someone specifically wants confidentiality). He's wearing his delegate tag, so he can be easily identified among the paladins and Iustin. His brain is eating itself alive but what else is new.
"It wasn't mandatory, but if someone were feeling particularly vindictive, they might have hoped to catch someone who had it prepared and didn't wind up using it. It is unlikely you would have rated a scroll, those keep and were more centrally for spies and defectors."
"It was a small enough town that it was a shock that it'd had a third-circle priest at all, I'd expected a second-circle at worst - that's why I got caught, then."
She shrugs.
"The priest - convinced me - while I captured - that it was going to happen to me eventually and it was merely a matter of time. And I hadn't thought to - think about if it was true, afterwards, I just - kind of went on believing it. And it's a relief to realize that it wasn't nearly so definitive."
"...I'm glad you find it a relief." He already knew he and Desnia had very little in common but he cannot imagine taking any comfort in finding that if one ridiculous chance hadn't saved him he might have instead escaped his prescribed fate via someone getting impatient and killing him before coming by a fourth circle priest.
She is reading through today's new slander decree and trying to figure out whether it bans the Acts, which make some scandalous and malicious true claims about some dead and undead people.
"Lieutenant. I need a better understanding of confidentiality practices and in particular whether they are at all transitive with how much work."
"I am not sure what you mean by 'whether they are at all transitive'. It is possible to promise that something will be kept confidential except for potential sharing with a set of other people, and then before you share it with that set of other people you would have to check if they agree to, and are qualified to keep, that confidentiality."
"So if I have a question that is predicated on the existence of sensitive information I need to secure an agreement to treat the information with appropriate sensitivity before asking the question?"
"Yes. You could ask 'can we speak confidentially', and then ask the question. I would answer that we can to the extent of my ability to promise confidentiality - I'm not hard to mindread and I'm not competent to act in every respect exactly like I didn't have a piece of information though I'll try."
"Not you, I need a word with - it probably doesn't have to be Ser Cansellarion himself, probably whoever's handling... logistics? Inventory? Something like that - for him would know. It is not a crisis but it would be more convenient to speak to them before or directly after the convention tomorrow, or failing that to know by then when I can expect an appointment. Is that something you can arrange for me?"
"- handling those things in his capacity as the head of the Reclamation and not any of his other roles."
She assumed as much because she doesn't think he has logistics and inventory in his other capacities. Maybe in his capacity as Count of Llàdo. "Understood."
The man has so many jobs, maybe some of them have logistics and inventory too. "Thank you."
And back to loitering in the sanctuary with his delegate tag on in case there's anyone else.