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To the Remarkable and Justifiably Admired Catherine Aspexia So On And So Forth, notable among the Legendary Adventurers Who Freed Cheliax From Hell, Enjoying The Sincere Respect Of The Free Peoples Of The World Wholly In Spite Of the Additional Names She Chose After Doing So:


I heard great tidings today. Not directly, as I am in an antimagic cell; but I heard a great cheer go up from elsewhere, and recognized the voices in it, and knew what it probably meant; and a short time after that I was conveyed a letter confirming it. It is news I had hoped for very dearly, every day, eighteen months ago, and then despaired of ever hearing, and then in the last week seen cause to hope for again.

More of the people of Cheliax are free. The country has decided it can do with less slavery. 

Thank you. Not for my sake, of course; I have always been free, and still am, though I haven't figured out a way out of your cell yet. But few of those who endured in bondage until this day possess the audacity yet, I suspect, to thank you for it, and also once that audacity arrives (and arrive it will!) they might quite justifiably be furious for that unnecessary further year they waited. I do not know if there is anyone who feels their anger, who has felt it every day since those who count liberty quite cheaply declared Cheliax liberated, and who would still know to thank you today; and so I write to you. 

I know you to have, among the thousand concerns of a people warped by Hell, seen this Evil for what it is, and to have started down the road to ending it, even if it took you too long. Even if you are not done.

I want to help.

I was not at all sure a week ago that I wanted to help. There are many places not ruled by Hell that I would not name allies, much less friends; not all Evil comes from Hell, not even most of it, and the Evils of Absalom and of Taldor are a satisfactory ending point of efforts to expunge Evil, for many who name themselves Queens. And I knew very little about you; only what you triumphed over, and what you chose to call yourself about it, and who you chose to marry, and in only one of those did I see much common ground.

But now I know also that you want your people to be free, not just to consign themselves to the ordinary unfreedom of men not ruled by Hell, and this inspires me in charity about your other vices. I too have terrible taste in men, actually. There is a great deal of work going undone in Cheliax; but perhaps, rather than assuming that you did not mean to do it, we should have assumed that you needed our help to get it done. I regret, in any event, having put the interests of saltwater cod insurers above those interests that we seem to share, and I find myself inspired to question how I spent the last year as much as I question how you did.

I can teleport, and I would like to be about the work of fixing Cheliax, instead of sitting here while you argue with my saltwater cod superiors over how much they owe you for the trouble. I think you should release me on parole. 

You say, of course, what parole do Chaotic mercenaries give, and mean when they give it? and I say that the question is at least more complicated than that description makes it sound; but more importantly I say that you have in your service - in your remarkably immediate service! - very scary archmages who would not be substantially inconvenienced in retrieving me from the furthest reaches of Arcadia, and so you can trust my sense if you don't trust my word. May your negotiations with my saltwater cod superiors continue; I wish to spend them free, in the service of a freer people, whether you need cargo runs to the Worldwound or azatas for every orphanage.


P.S. This fellow you threw in the antimagic cells with me also seems wasted here, and I'll keep an eye on him and prevent him from starting any armed rebellions if you choose to release him along with my people; but I admitted already that my taste in men is dreadful. The company of my allies who were arrested alongside me, on the other hand, is a necessity; they possess most of my common sense, more than half my charm, and (as you may have inferred already) all of my knowledge of how to write letters to monarchs without infuriating them and getting oneself executed.

P.P.S. Catherine is a great name and I don't see why anyone would set it aside in favor of 'Aspexia'.

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Aspexia has the Andorens brought to her at breakfast on the morning of the 10th.


"The problem that We have is that if We charge you with attempting to burn down the port of Westcrown, then for the next week the Convention will be petitioning Us to invade Andoran instead of writing a constitution like they're supposed to be doing. We do not wish to conquer Andoran. We would gain nothing from it and lose much. There are no good reasons for Cheliax to conquer your country, and We would be obliged if you would stop giving Our people bad ones.

...So We are going to offer you parole. Deal with one of the empire's problems, return a third of the plunder - if there is any - to the crown, and you'll have your freedom. If you decline - or if We think you won't keep to the deal - you can sit in jail for another week or so, have a hopefully very quiet trail for sabotage, and likely have all the possessions you were arrested with confiscated to cover the fine."



"What problem do you have in mind?"


"There's a list, you can take your pick. Adventuring problems that need a group like yours but aren't big enough to rise to the archmages' attention yet... You're fifth-circle? Not Athervox, then - I'd recommend the badger-lich, but another group got her last night. There's a charybdis off the western coast and rumors of a hag coven north of longacre and a hydra near Swiftrun, in Isger - off the top of my head."


"Always happy to help people out with monster problems." She's not very willing to say aloud that this is in exchange for anything in particular, and she flatly disbelieves all the geopolitical claims, but - if you assume that none of the words mean anything, there's still plenty of reason to go fight a charybdis. 'this country that recently ended halfling slavery has a monster problem' is sufficient reason all by itself.


What. He's absolutely not from Andoran and in other places they call tyrants "your Majesty".


"I am very glad to hear it, as I am sure will be the neighbors of whichever creature you choose to deal with. If it's the hags I think the archmage Naima might want the heads, and that can be your third.

Since we still have some time, tell me, where do you intend to go after your parole? Cassomir? Demirah? Katapesh? Or would you stay in Cheliax, or go back home?"


Presumably what she means is 'get out of my country and don't come back', which would be easy to agree to if Cheliax had in fact abolished all slavery. Not that they can admit that's relevant. "There's lots of problems all over, your Majesty."


Cat wrote a letter to the Queen and is less confident that's what the Queen is asking. "I think my question is, is the situation in Cheliax that the Empire's been restored and can of course handle all its business, it being an insult to an Empire to think it'd have missed any, or is the situation that there's a real convention that can really choose freedom for its people? I'm just a mercenary from Absalom but I've taken jobs in both kinds of places and they're pretty different, see."


"The convention is very real though I don't know if you'd characterize it as consistently choosing freedom."



"So there's this problem people sometimes have, in places that used to be ruled by Hell, where the only freedom they're accustomed to is what sprung up where the 'Queen' and her people weren't looking, and it doesn't occur to them that you can build freedom on purpose, much less that you're supposed to, and wherever they see freedom they take it for incompetence." 


They're not going to get some other opportunity to talk to Catherine who freed Cheliax from Hell! And it's quite possible no one's done it since she immediately styled herself a tyrant!

"If you're not thinking of every pamphlet that doesn't stir up any riots and is actually pretty hilarious as an achievement of Good, as spitting in the face of Asmodeus, then why not ban them once some start stirring up trouble, right? People here know that they're supposed to choose Good over Evil now but I don't think they know they're supposed to choose freedom over tyranny."


"I agree with your assessment of the problem, though I would quibble that 'supposed to choose freedom' seems, perhaps, a slight contradiction in terms - but I have yet to find a better solution than the ones we are trying now. Do you have suggestions?"


"No, no, see, it works great. You tell people they're supposed to choose freedom over tyranny. And some of them listen to you and support a free press and ban slavery and stuff, because they don't quite have the spirit yet but it turns out slavery's just as banned whether they have the spirit or not, and the pamphlets are hilarious even if someone originally only allowed them because they thought they were supposed to.

And some people hear you say they're supposed to choose freedom over tyranny and go, and who are you to tell me what I'm supposed to choose? And those ones have it all figured out."


"Have you tried, like, going around in disguise as a blind beggar and then the first person who helps you gets all of their life problems magically fixed as a reward for their Goodness? People love that stuff and it's not, like, 'I the Good Queen order you to be nice to beggars because Iomedae says so', it's just, hey, have it in the back of your mind, yeah?"


"Well, I do sometimes go around in disguise, but never as a blind beggar yet."


"It doesn't help if you don't tell people afterwards and they need to recognize a Mind Blank to figure it out."


"It scares people, if there are rumors of it. That's the opposite of freeing them."


"Yes, it seems that it would. Blind beggar, kindness repaid a hundredfold - I'll take it under advisement."



"You could also try not being a Queen. People usually feel more sure they're supposed to be free if they haven't got a Queen."


Look, if she were going to kill me she would have already.

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