...for they've got enough on their plate, seriously
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"The population-stirring thing doesn't have to be permanent. There could be a sort of study abroad program and then they could go home. Be less kidnappy that way too."


"Are we considering taking away his bargaining chips to be an advantage or a disadvantage?"


"Not sure, they kind of pull double duty as 'bargaining chips' and 'not tormenting him'..."




Actually, at a guess, if we push him too far he just swears himself into one of us, observes that this is cleaner and doesn't leave a body for someone to find. Gets to make people feel guilty and leave us in the awkward position of being able to give him free will -"


"...what would even happen if someone were sworn into a different personality and then got free will."


"Isn't that pretty much what happens with orcs? Once the oath's not actively breaking their brain they might have residual hatred of Elves going on but their innate personalities surface and are usually kind of adorable."


"Yes, but his base personality is the one he has now."


"Right, so he commits suicide in a way that lets him come back if anyone with enough power to achieve it wants him to exist, and if no one ever does then he's gone. It's very tidy. I'm almost certain he's thought of it."




"I mean, it's a tolerable outcome. It will bother the Bells a lot which he probably considers a bonus, if he's figured you out enough to pick that up..."


"We could get over it, but yeah."


"He can't actually do anything you couldn't get over, or I'd be much more worried."


"What constitutes pushing him, though. He's - hard to navigate around, you give off very deliberately legible cues and I find him harder to read in the first place and what I do read is obviously not trustworthy in the same way, I don't feel like I can predict what'll make him go 'oh, fuck it, I'm out'."


"If we do field trips for cultural education we should probably be careful about how they're presented. If Forever takes his century and decides he's extremely happy to never go near him again, I'm not sure there's a sufficiently careful presentation but -"


Nod. "Well. That's a century off, presumably."


"I'm not sure where the obsessiveness is from. I fall in love very deeply and very permanently and I'm now actually married - did you see the way he reacted to that, he tried very hard not to - but I'd be significantly better at coping with Pterodactyl leaving and the difference doesn't seem like an obvious extension of making me evil."


"I didn't actually catch a reaction or conspicuous suppression of a reaction to that. ...Side effect of the emotional blackmail oaths? Maybe?"


"He was already obsessed enough to make the emotional blackmail oaths, though!"


"True. Not sure."


"Space has pretty architecture. Maybe we can pull some of the more reasonable designs for your capital city - are you interested in helping design your capital city, doesn't seem dangerous to me..."


"City planning: totally harmless."


"I love you too."


Communication protocols more efficient than personally teleporting around are established. A few more cities sign on to the charming and aggressively persuasive Elf-king's alliance on Stork. A few people secretly approach Pterodactyl about what the secret to gay Elf marriages is. He tells them it'll work for them off-planet, to minimize the information hazard.


Vanda Nossëo sells lightleapers and servants and amasses absurd riches and spends them fixing things. And after a while Fëanáro has unbounded working memory, which he hops over to Marlatia to hand its rulers, and his counterpart, personally. 


"At last!"

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