...for they've got enough on their plate, seriously
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"Anyway, once I have a comm protocol that isn't 'wait for somebody to show up and tell you the thing', do we leave Evil Arda out of it, or..."


"Not telling him everything probably doesn't help. Telling him what we're considering just lets him maneuver around it."


"It's possible he might have things to say."


"Being a rapist: perfectly reasonable decision given the circumstances, really."


"Is that his stance on it."


"More or less. But he might have other things to say."


"Probably better to loop them in."


"And anybody who doesn't want to read what he puts in can skip it." Sigh.


"...isn't it reassuring that you don't find his rationalizations compelling? Wouldn't it be worse if you did?"


"Well in the one sense yes because it means the chain of reasoning is in fact fairly alien and not likely to be sneaking in around the edges and in another no because the entire thing's black-boxed and its etiology remains mysterious except insofar as 'maybe it was the Valar, man, fuck the Valar' is a theory."


"Fair enough. You two staying for dinner, should I order something, or were you just dropping in for that memo? And how's the planet acquisition going?"


"Planet acquisition's going well! And I think we were just dropping in for that, though if you have a standard summary of what you've been up to that'd be useful to."


"Not on paper. I should be able to send it to Kib's computer."


"What's the protocol for that, do I need to do anything?" Kib asks, peering at his display. "- no, there it is, it's this thing?" Point.


And he can have all Maitimo-internal memos about the projects here. "No computer yet for you?"


"Not yet, I'll probably get an installation next time Cam has free time but that seems infrequent. Kib got his while we were honeymooning."




He smiles vaguely. 'My husband and my boyfriend are both lovely and we killed our Melkor' goes unsaid. 


"I'm assuming Cam'll swing by to install whatever hardware the mailbox protocol needs," shrugs Kib, "shouldn't be that long - you could also ask him to come by -"


"I would if I actually needed it for anything, but now that I have the memory it's not very much of a problem, at least not locally, and until I have your present all ready I'm not going to be doing much outside our worlds."


"Okay. I think that concludes everything we're here for, but if there's anything you wanted to tell us and haven't wanted to interrupt over..."


"We figured it was past time to have a new-flat-Ardas protocol now that there are three of them, it's in the notes, suggest tweaks if you like. Your version of the Silmarils don't do the ridiculous stuff that evil Arda and Elentári's Silmarils do, which is itself distinct from what our Silmarils do - ours just do backups, demons make them redundant - but your version of the Silmarils aren't magically one-time-only so I think Vanda Nossëo wants them for their embassies.

Your Arda's the only one where my parents aren't estranged and everyone else has been vaguely wondering how they pulled that off and whether it might possibly propagate. 

There are a bunch of designers here who want servantmade stuff but I take it you're not the person to ask for that."

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