...for they've got enough on their plate, seriously
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"...I am not. Cam can make stupid-yet-shiny Silmarils, that probably scales better than cramming a million shines into a rock if they want them for decoration or something?"


"I think yours are more complicated than cramming a million shines into a rock. The issue with distribution of stupid our-kind-of Silmarils is that we are all sworn to retrieve them. I think if Cam tries making Elentári's kind of Silmaril it just fails entirely, they're magic."


"I'm sure it's more complicated than cramming a million shines in a rock but a million shines are involved. What do they want them for?"


"Branding, I think. And automatic sufficient-prettiness of the embassy and surrounding areas, and getting Valian crops to grow -"


"A million shines' worth of servantmaker labor isn't trivial but it'd at least incentive people from Stork to learn basic servantmaking if they haven't yet, if they want to pay for it."


"That's been going pretty fast, since Vanda Nossëo's already paying for all the golems and automata - which they're then reselling, but I don't think anyone involved is being cheated - and turns out it's pretty quick teaching servantmaking over osanwë, so we've been relaying the idea even though we can't do it ourselves."


"Makes sense."


"Anyway, think that's it. Thank you. Nice meeting you. Are we allowed to teleport out or will that hurt the architect's feelings -"


"They'll hardly catch you at it. Nice meeting you, good skill, stay in touch once we figure out a way to make that happen."


"Will do."


And hop to Hex hop to Stork hop home. "Well. I like the idea of evacuating Midnight's subjects out from under him, if they decide conclusively enough that it, whatever it is, isn't contagious."


"I'm not sure I know how conclusively 'enough' is. Suppose it is just the Valar sucking more than usual, how do we guarantee that."


"Maybe Elspeth'll get some sourceless truth."


"That'd be nice."


"I apologize for not being more civil to that thing wearing my face."


"Well, you didn't punch him in the face, so, good on that."


"He didn't say anything to merit it, I wasn't really even tempted. What do we do with him if we have successfully assimilated all evil Arda's population into Space or somewhere..."


Sigh. "I don't know."


"If we take enough away I'm not sure at some point he won't ask us to just kill him, it's a bit hard to model how I'd have felt before Angband let alone how he does but 'indefinitely at the mercy of people who hate you' is not very good for us..."


"He expects Forever to come back though."


"I don't think he expects that if he's not running the country or positioned to go back to do that and do it better then whatever solution's currently in place..."


"...maybe not, yeah. Ugh."


"I have expressed my opinion on killing my alt but I have mixed feelings about driving him to suicide."


"Well, okay, so how do we not drive him to suicide."


"Putting him in the communications loop will help, so would convincingly promising not to do various categories of fucking-with-him but I don't think we've decided yet what we're willing to rule out..."

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