...for they've got enough on their plate, seriously
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"Mine's fine... what happened to yours..."


"Huan's going to take a little while to be okay. And when we did it we didn't even know there'd ever be a way to make it okay - anyway, he and Irissë are starmapping and he'll speak to us again someday but - Elf-paced."


"We really need to solve interworld communication in some way that isn't 'if it's urgent enough to visit in person without knowing what you're interrupting you can do that and if it's urgent enough to go through Cam in spite of him having a million things to do it'll probably get there same-day'."


"The hivemind of my dad is working on it, among other things. Probably a couple years out. Once we know if people non-adjacent can daevify that'll help."


"It should be improved before it's solved, then, can we, like, hire a local not-Cam demon who's trustworthy to teleport to run around dropping updates in a mailbox in each world a few times a day?"


"Loki's been pretty careful with the teleport, since you really had better be exceptionally trustworthy - and a demon with a teleport who turned out to be less-than-fully trustworthy, or coerceable, or targetable with mind-affecting magic, means a thoroughly fucked multiverse-possibly-excluding-everyone-adjacent-to-Edda."


"Yeah... if the eidetic memory necklaces could expire or something... nah, that's another technical problem... can't teach golems to teleport... bleah. Well, it wouldn't have to be a demon, anyone who can teleport could make a mail run and just have to do pickup and dropoff separately, I'm probably up to programming a protocol for it if everybody can encode their messages by a standard to compensate for lack of demonic format conversion."


"If you post the protocol problem online here you'll probably have dozens of solutions by tomorrow, you can pick through them and improve on whatever's interesting. We've got Edda-to-us file conversion, isn't everyone else still using, like, paper -"


"Sorry, sorry, I'm only making fun of you a little bit and only because of the time Maedhros and Fingon stranded us on an island with no food because it hadn't occurred to them we wouldn't know how to forage for it -"


"He neglected to tell me that story! Anyway, yes, we do still use paper."


"I've got a Revelation-type computer, Iobel's got one too, if Aurum's on a different standard I can figure something out there, it'll take a while but not years."


"I don't know how long the wait is on whether people from non-adjacent dimensions can daevify, it could be any day or the test subjects could hold on a few more years. We should just hope they don't hold on until the dad hivemind figures out scalable human immortality, it'll be unethical to test if we've got a solution there...."


"Well, there's not aging and then there's being immune to everything there is to be immune to."


"Sure, but this being a non-evil Arda our death rate from things other than mortals being mortal is tiny, it could easily be Years before any of our not-from-an-adjacent-world test subjects die."


"Yeah. Might also turn out to matter where they are when they die, doesn't that matter for Flat Elves?"


"If there's a Mandos in the dimension Flat Elves can find him; if there's not they wander bodiless, and I think Vanda Nossëo's working with the Mandoses now that they're more reasonable so this can be fixed. If I had to guess I'd guess that every summoner - except possibly Elves - who dies adjacent to a daeva world goes there, everyone - again except possibly Elves - who dies adjacent to Limbo goes there."


"If that's true then Revelation and the daeva worlds are literally the only worlds adjacent to Limbo. I wonder how much branchiness varies."


"The only worlds with people however Limbo defines that, at least, yeah. Loki said there's lots of boring dimensions adjacent to Edda -"


"Well, relatively boring. They're inhabited but don't have exploitable magic or advanced tech or particularly standout culture."


"Or any of us."


"Or that, yeah. Untargeted worldleaping from Edda has turned up a previously-visited world only once so far so there's probably more though."


"I really wish we could be forked into other species, it'd make us way more portable to some of those worlds and 'make a thousand, go and fix them' would start looking tractable - it'd make me queasy but if it let us fix the whole multiverse -"


"...alas?" says Kib uncertainly.


"I know it doesn't actually work this way but it feels like we have a lot to make up for."

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