Demon Edie and Demon Cam in Milliways
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This one has different incentives than his one. His one was capable of compassion and broad-mindedness back before he'd had the opportunity for anything different. 


"Then I will probably just - stay quietly out of the way, take a break, learn all these things - if that's all right -"


"That is entirely all right.


"If this Maitimo fucks with you, will you be able to tell me?"


"Probably not, I doubt mine would want yours to get in trouble and it's obvious you'd be upset with him."


Sigh. "Okay, just thought I'd check."


"I appreciate it."


"Least I can do. D'you want me to introduce you to Edie?"




So Cam writes Edie a note. The aforementioned Findekáno's world in addition to being low-tech and having magic god style Valar is also some kind of horrifying mirror universe or something (I hope) and I think he would be best served by meeting more people who are not Maitimo to hang out with while he's waiting for engineering output, come down to the bar?


...Edie comes down to the bar.



"Hi! Nice to meet you."


"...Full disclosure, I'm dating Tyelcormo, is that going to make this weird."


"I don't have any grievances with him. He'll probably side with his brother if it comes up but Cam doesn't think it will."


"I don't actually know what's going on, Cam's note was pretty terse."


"I can't figure out if your world's generally much more civilized than ours, possibly as a consequence of having so much more technology, or if it's just that demons care about various things and so people who want to trade with demons need to be unobjectionable...the latter consideration is less likely to apply to Tyelcormo - anyway, our Noldor had a civil war and it was ugly and my Maitimo's been holding me prisoner since it ended, nearly three hundred years ago, and if he came up with plans to rule the multiverse they'd be - tidier but less nice."


"...I see. That does sound really unpleasant, I'm sorry."


"I am also sworn to go straight back to him if I find myself escaped, unless I'm doing exactly what he'd want me to be doing, which means you should consider me to be working for him for as long as I'm here. Luckily we both want Melkor dead very badly."






"Do space Elves not have that, Cam seemed familiar..."


"Yes, that is a thing, but why...?"


"'s very hard to keep Elves prisoner, it's not as if you can lock us up, so if you want to do it effectively you need an oath to come back either at a specific time or if removed from a specific set of locations, Maitimo alternates..."


"And you agreed to this so you wouldn't literally die?"




"That's awful, I'm sorry."


"It's usually not a problem since I usually don't make escape attempts, I wasn't expecting something that counts as an escape that was also a win-the-war opportunity to show up."


"Winning the war's important. I guess if Valinor and Endore aren't different planets you couldn't go Cam's route even if you had a demon--well, you couldn't anyway, you don't have chips and that method's horrifying anyway."

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