Demon Edie and Demon Cam in Milliways
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And he goes in and closes the door and finds the exploding stars vaguely upsetting - though very pretty - and he curls up on the floor in the corner and calms himself down and reads on his computer and eventually falls asleep.


Meanwhile Cam is having a bit of a mood over by the fireplace, wings scrunched up tight against his back.


"Hey. ...Sorry about that, but I think keeping it from him would have been worse in the long run."


"Yeah, I know. Can you like - look in on him now and then, you aren't dating Maitimo and haven't holed any planets..."


"Well, I don't know where his room is, but if I see him I can try to check up on him."


"Gave him a computer, you can write him too."




What a mess."




"Is there anything actually helpful I can do right now or should I go hug my boyfriend to feel better."


"Go hug your boyfriend," Cam sighs.


"I'm sorry. I wish things sucked less."


"Yeah, me too."


And she sighs and goes back upstairs to hug her boyfriend.



Coast's clear, Cam writes Maitimo.


He comes down a minute later, looking worried, and looks more worried when he sees Cam. "...what happened?"


"Your alt's fucked up, he's been keeping that Findekáno prisoner with a sufficiently rotated dose of conventional captivity and oaths that he doesn't die of it for nearly three hundred years. Got him a room such that me and Edie couldn't get the number if we tried. Introduced him to the security guy. Got him a computer. Showed him multiversal empire related notes.

"Introduced him to Edie so he'd have somebody relatively neutral around to talk to and I hope I already handled everything he needed to trust me for."


"...oh. Oh, fuck, I'm sorry - he's been what -he sits down, hard - "is he okay, are you okay -"


"He got some food from Bar and went up to his room and I asked Edie to check on him now and then insofar as this can be done without knowing where his room is." Cam tips over to lean on his boyfriend, ambiguous who he's comforting.


He hugs him.


"What the fuck - three hundred years -"


Cam scrunches up in his arms without relaxing. "He can stay here while waiting for end-of-war stuff but this contingency in his oath setup only applies if he's operating under his best guess of what your alt would want him to do. War-ending is top priority, mercifully."


"What are the exact words - if he's rotating there's got to be an expiration condition, what is it -"


"I didn't get exact words -" He did transcribe the summary though.



"What the Hell - even if someone were incredibly dangerous these are not the terms I'd -"


"We've got a bit of a problem with punishments between 'fines' and 'death', because Elves die if imprisoned. We have - oaths as optional sentences, you can choose it if you prefer it to whatever sentence your actions would merit otherwise, they're nothing at all like this - do you want me to promise to answer questions completely and truthfully for a little bit, I think I would want that in your place, I won't have hurt feelings..."

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