Demon Edie and Demon Cam in Milliways
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"Are you sure you don't want some form of reassurance I'm not-"


"I do I just don't know how to - word it or anything - and it would be kind of dumb to take suggestions from you on it so -"


"Yeah, fair." He closes his eyes and leans in a little more and shivers. 


The wing squeezes. Cam drops his head on Maitimo's shoulder.


After a while he relaxes slightly. "Complete written works over a hundred thousand words in that world, so I can search for histories..."


Cam hands him a compilation.


"Thanks." There's not much; this world hasn't invented the printing press yet, after all. He starts searching. 



Eventually: "You could swear that there are no facts known to you which, if I learned them, would seem to me to have been omissions from this conversation. And that you're however sure you are that you haven't resorted to amnestics, I guess."


"Um. I have enjoyed play with consenting partners along the lines of what my evil alternate seems to enjoy doing to prisoners. They also enjoyed themselves and I have absolutely no reason to think they were there for any reason other than wanting to be and I have no idea if you'd consider that an omission so there it is. I swear that I don't have any shifts in my motives or goals that are plausibly attributable to having sworn and forgotten something, don't have any gaps in my memory, expect that I would know I'd used amnestics, and also don't have a supply or access to one except via demons, and in general consider it vanishingly unlikely that I've done that at all and even more vanishingly unlikely that I'd have done it to forget having given someone unconscionable orders, there being very few of those I'd be tempted to give and even fewer that'd be useful if I didn't remember I'd given them.


I swear that there are no facts known to me which, if you learned them, will seem to you to have been omissions from this conversation."


"Okay." Sigh. Snuggle.


Sigh. "You can ask about anything later if you think of it."




"Evil awful oath-chips: useful occasionally."


"If they were never useful I would be considerably more bewildered about their widespread adoption."


"There's got to be a safer way to do it, ones that only enforce 'I'm telling the truth'-type oaths or something -"


"Who designed 'em, in your world?"


"Not any specific demon, just some demon or demons?"


"Mandos claims credit, but not especially credibly, and our daeva are way ahead of us on most tech - much older society -"


"Brilliant work, Mandos-or-whoever-you're-plagiarizing..."


"And we were all impressed with them for ending death before Edie happened to mention that non-chipped people don't actually stop existing when they die anyway..."


"Might depend. Non-chipped humans don't, but Elves might be different. And Limbo does kinda suck..."


"Being resurrectable is great, I am just not at all sure the cost-benefit comes out ahead -




- our Melkor. Chip. Has anyone checked -"


"- to see if he's chipped? I haven't, Edie may've -"

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