"My name's Edie Lehnsherr. I grew up on an Earth much like this one, except it never was an Arda and it has daeva! There are three kinds of daeva: demons make things, angels change things, and fairies move things. I'm a demon. It was in the vicinity of now-ish as you see it that daeva became public knowledge. I became a summoner--one summons daeva to do tasks in exchange for things, all very consensual except when things go horribly wrong. Summoners, as it turns out, become daeva when they die. My twin and I died in a car accident a few decades from now. Eventually Maitimo from Abbadon, which is one of two Space Ardas where Valinor and Endore are separate planets, summoned me. Abbadon differs from the other Space Arda--Singularity--in that Singularity has--had--long story--magic Valar and Maiar like yours, whereas Abbadon Maiar are shapeshifting hive mind beings and Abbadon Valar are daeva. Anyway, they invented transdimensional summoning to make demons easier to pay--demons can create anything if we can specify it well enough--and he got me, to make ships to cross from Valinor to Endore. Then he brought us down to the planet to get things organized--we weren't helping with that, but there was some legal stuff. So then the Valar say no one's allowed to leave. We head for Alqualonde, the nearest shuttleport.
It's my understanding that this usually involves us killing people but in Abbadon it was the Valar who killed everyone who died. And then they blamed me for it."