Demon Edie and Demon Cam in Milliways
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"Are there - explanatory circumstances -"


"And do those things translate into actual coordinates such that I don't have to demonically find them."


"If we had actual coordinates we'd have bought a fucking drill or something."


"I suspected as much. Alright, lemme fiddle for a while."


"Explanatory circumstances."


"Enemy turned the entire northern mountain range into supervolcanoes, killed tons of people, organized resistance to him collapsed and he could just kind of pick off the remaining kingdoms at his leisure. He lobs a Silmaril at Doriath. They keep it. They genocide their Dwarf population in a fit of paranoia, Thingol's killed, Melian stops maintaining the protections because she completely loses it without him - we asked them to give the Silmaril back, they didn't send back our messengers - we sacked Doriath. I died. Moryo died. Curvo died. Couple hundred thousand people died. A three-year-old girl escaped with the Silmaril. Took it to a refugee camp by the mouth of the Sirion. We found out it was there.


You tried to delay, I think. Twenty years of resisting an oath, but the thing about doing that, is that it slowly wears away everything you care about which isn't the oath. Meant when you did sack Sirion it was - even worse than it had to be, probably - I don't even know how many people died that time, some of your own people tried to stop you and they died too - Amras died there - 


- and then the Valar noticed that Beleriand had a population of approximately fucking nobody and now was the time to come fight the Enemy. And they did. And it took sixty years but they won, and afterwards they claimed the Silmarils as spoils of war. And you wrote them letters, reminding them of the oath, which they ignored. And you slaughtered your way into and through the victorious host of the West, and then you took the Silmaril and leapt off a cliff with it."



"Remind me, do you have an oath like that on you because if so -" gesture in the direction of the security office.


"Figured it might in fact incentivize the Enemy to lob it at Doriath and if he did that it was better than him figuring out how to redirect all backups. But. Yeah." Security officewards.


Where Nechar is very obliging about de-oathing him.


"The guy in the Security office can remove oaths," Edie explains to Tyelcormo.


He thanks Nechar. He comes back.


"He can what?"


"He is magic and can remove oaths."


"...gonna go try that."


Nechar waves politely at him when he comes in.


"Can you remove oaths?"




"I swore to kill anyone who withheld a Silmaril. Can that. Not."


"Sure." That not.


" Thank you. Thank you so much." He is maybe crying.


"You're welcome," says Nechar. "...why do you people keep swearing things, anyway."


"This was over thirty thousand years ago and under extreme circumstances which later changed."


"Okay then."


"Anyway, thank you." And he leaves.


Don't know if that's an evil Arda or just a really Doomed one. Someone shoulda bugged him to check whether he got oath-swearing removed...

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