Demon Edie and Demon Cam in Milliways
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It is Elfy levels of pretty and he ooohs and aaahs and is not appalled at the plot because his Valinor is not censorious.



And while they are eating whatever-meal-it-is after the show, the other Maitimo comes down.


"Hi," he chirps at him. "We have a lot of questions about differences between your world and ours, do you have a couple minutes?"


"Yes, sure."


"Valinor was lit by glowy trees? Were they actual trees? Were they doing the work of keeping the planet warm and the plants growing, or were they decorative? Why trees?"


He sends an image of the Trees. "They were doing the work; everything died when they did. Before the trees the Valar tried lamps."


"Lamps. What kind of lamps, the trees are silly enough that I can't quite not imagine lava lamps..."


"I think just big lights on poles. Enemy knocked them down."


"Were the lights made of or powered by anything in particular?"


"I don't know. This was Ages before Elves started existing."


"Awakened beside Cuivienen, like us - wait, if the lamps had been knocked down and the Trees only covered Valinor how did you manage by Cuivienen?"


"Starlight. Yavanna was doing something to keep the plants sort of functional, Ulmo was doing the same for fish and other things in the water."


"...that might explain the tech difference all by itself. No agriculture?"


He relaxes considerably and sits himself on the nearest unoccupied couch. "Not until we got to Valinor."


"Do you know what the stars are made of?"


"Your stars are giant balls of hydrogen, we have been doing our reading. I think our stars are just illusion lights in the sky."


"I wonder where they even came up with the idea of doing illusion lights in the sky that looked like that. Why stars and not - stripes. Or tiling the sky with illusory hexagons! Why would they look like stars?"


"Before he sent the Valar down to create the world, Eru showed them a vision of it. They knew the intended result from a couple different vantage points but they had to make some things up to get things that looked like those results. If you know the sky's supposed to be starry, putting some illusions five hundred miles up springs more naturally to mind than putting flaming balls of gas unthinkable distances off."


"Huh, I guess that does explain it. The vision did not include a sun?"


"No, it did, but they couldn't figure it out so they improvised. We have a sun now."


"Is it made of flaming gas?"


"No. It's made of the fruit that the Trees bore as they were dying. They built a sort of chariot for it and appointed Maiar to carry it across the sky."



"That's stupid."


"If you want to go make us a proper sun you can be my guest."


"I am concerned that you may have elsewise bizarro physics and trying to make you a real sun would cause problems."


"Can you do clever things with scale models or will those default to working by whatever the physical laws are here?"


"Can't make anything magical."

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