Demon Edie and Demon Cam in Milliways
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"Or just ensured demons getting summoned gagged was less of a thing -"


"I never did think of a good angle to counter that."


"Did it actually reduce instances of people getting talked out of their souls? You said desperate people'd leave the gag off anyway..."


"They do. It's hard to get good statistics on it - there were so few summoners pre-Revelation - but I can't believe it helped anything."



"Maybe you'd have put together interdimensional summoning. Or heard about it from a daeva who'd been on one."


"Maybe! And then Earthlings would have kangaroo-lizards to investigate and trade tech with."


"It would have been very exciting for you! The kangaroo-lizards have lightleapers according to their aesthetic sensibilities - Elves think theirs are very ugly and they think the same of ours - but humans probably wouldn't have cared."


"And presumably there could be cosmetic redesigns."


"So I'm told. We tried to figure out how we could leverage the interdimensional summoning to get places tech, but it was a very clumsy instrument for that."


"How many sets of daeva worlds did you wind up finding?"


"Inconveniently, it was hard to verify that two demons we talked to were from different Hells unless they were feeling cooperative, and lots were vaguely suspicious. There are at least eight and either our random selection isn't random or there's fewer than thirty."


"Huh. It's not all different species - not one kangaroo-lizard Hell and one human Hell and so on -?"


"There aren't any kangaroo-lizards outside ours and we never summoned human-like ones except from yours but some universes have lots of species."


"Huh. How many is lots?"


"I think the record is hundreds."


"Did they all wind up near each other in the daeva worlds or no?"


"Nope, lightyears apart. Only knew of each other through conjuring."


"Ah, would've been fascinating to see the kind of society that'd arise..."


"Wouldn't it? Well, they have lightleapers now, maybe they're mixing."


"That'll be interesting in its own way!"


"What we hadn't encountered was any dimensions with native magic except daeva, or we'd have tried pulling in a hundred of them back in Valinor and finding someone with a magic system that could help us. I didn't know those even existed until Milliways."


"I was actually kind of unclear on whether the magic god Valar and Maiar were legit magic gods or just sufficiently-advanced. Mirror's a point in favor of the legit magic gods hypothesis."


"Because it's got the glowy trees, or because sufficiently-advanced is a less plausible hypothesis when the local tech level is 'would be really excited about a lightbulb'?"


"The latter. Also like - you probably don't light a planet with glowy trees that cover only one continent for the aesthetic? And you probably aren't sufficiently advanced if you don't know how to do a sun."


"Probably not. ...did they figure out how to do a sun, because what - 'put a lot of hydrogen a hundred million miles away' isn't - isn't an approach that'd arise naturally -"

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