Evenstar and the Pirates in Minecraft
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The man bows his head to her in return, and goes back behind the counter, fussing with some of the raw fruits and vegetables he has in the pantry. 


Hailey bows thrice as well, claps her hands to her chin, and gratefully accepts the gift basket the man offers them.


"Wow. That's enough to really set us up, crop-wise!"

She looks through the basket: beetroots, potatoes, tomatoes, wheat, cabbage, sweet berries, rice, carrots, and onions!

Her quest book vibrates cheerfully in her inventory, too.


"Yeah, wow!"

She bows gratefully to the man once again.


He bows back, then waves a shooing hand at them and goes back to the pot of soup he has on the stove.


"Let's not outstay our welcome. These need to be planted as soon as possible, too."

Hyacinth bows once more and leads the way out the door.


Which is when she realizes that there is a large glass greenhouse in the distance. 

"— ooh! One last thing before we go, I want to see what's in there."

She darts off towards the greenhouse before really thinking about it. 


Hailey chases after her, laughing. "Hey!"

It's a bit of a hike, but not too far.


Hyacinth stops inside the dome, and Hailey catches up to her easily. There's a whole fountain inside, and lots of bushes of roses.

"Gosh, these people really know what they're doing. It's beautiful..."


A large iron golem wanders in from the street and looks directly at her and Hailey. 

"... I don't think we should stick around for long to admire it, though." 

She bows to the golem, wraps an arm around Hailey's shoulders, and makes a fairly speedy exit from the conservatory. 


"That was gorgeous. Now how do we get back out of here?"

She looks around.

"Right. Slope was easiest back to the east. C'mon."


Hyacinth follows along, careful of any more powder snow pockets. 

Gradually, they descend toward the sakura trees below. It's a nice view, if a bit misty. 


They even get to see a cloud go by at ground level along the way.

As they get back into the grove, Hailey comments, "The book mentioned a well. I'd like to try to find that on our way back. What d'you think?"


"Sounds like a good idea. I think it's probably in the cherry forest somewhere? It didn't sound from the book like it'd be a long distance away." 

Evenstar follows Hailey, pointing out a fox in the underbrush as she passes, a little of her confidence coming back to her as she starts to settle into the foreign surroundings a bit more. 

They descend into the cherry forest again, chit-chatting along the way, and gradually work their way along its perimeter. 

Their search proves fruitless, however: they end up on the edge of another biome, this one of green grassy plains and scattered trees, as the sun begins to descend in the sky. 


She frowns. "Looks like we're not finding it this time. Wanna head back?"


"Yeah, probably wise. I don't know how long the days are here, so we should be conservative. I remember Minecraft ones are pretty short." 

Evenstar turns around, and starts making her way back through the trees towards the vague direction of home.


And would you look at that:


"Hey, I think we found the well! It was much closer than we were looking all along." 


She laughs and shakes her head. "Should've figured."

She walks up and checks it out. Sure enough, there are a few empty glass bottles leftover. She dips one down and takes a drink.

"Mmmm. Refreshing. Weird that we're not getting really noticeably thirsty, but I guess that fits with our not usually adding those kinds of survival mods."


Evenstar nods, and looks up at the clear blue sky. The sun shines down steadily from overhead, despite their journey back taking a good ten minutes or so.

"The sun doesn't seem to have moved since we started back."


"Looks like days are longer, too, then. Good to know we'll have more daylight available, at least."

They keep going, and make it back to base soon enough.

"I think everything from here on depends on tools. Time to see if I can punch a tree?"


"Use one of the sticks we got off the forest floor, it'll spare your knuckles and should work just as well."


She scoops up a sturdy-looking stick and takes a few whacks at one of the birch trees near the base. Sure enough, a chunk of log breaks from the middle of it. The floating upper half of the tree is quite the sight.

"Oh wow."


"Heh. Classic Minecraft physics. You see if you can craft some things while I take care of the rest of this tree?"

Evenstar starts knocking out the remaining blocks of tree with her stick.


She takes a couple of the logs and makes first planks, then a crafting table, then sticks, then a wooden axe and pick. She looks over at Evenstar's progress.


She looks back just in time for Evenstar to knock out the last block of the tree and startle as all the remaining leaves abruptly fall to pile up on the ground.


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