Evenstar and the Pirates in Minecraft
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"Okay, uh, I have a cake now. This day just doesn't stop getting weirder, does it?"


She flips through the quests a little more. It seems that finishing the quest to take shelter has unlocked more of them. There's a lot to read. Most of the tasks are fairly simple - collecting stone tools, gathering coal or charcoal, starting a basic farm, making some armor to protect themselves - but there are a few oddballs as well. 

Cherry pie as a reward for viewing cherry blossoms. Of course. 

There's a quest about gathering fresh water. Apparently there's a well somewhere in the vicinity?


There's a quest to meet the locals, as well, which seems to offer everything they could need in the way of food and seeds for a farm.

And last, but not least: 

It seems whoever isekaied her ships her and Sable.


"It certainly seems that the quest-book's author wants us to believe we're in Minecraft on 1.20. Whether I trust them on that is a different matter."


"Yeah, I'm glad we're not on Better Than Wolves too. That would be a lot."

She shakes her head and looks through the book as well.


"Wait, a cake? Okay, I have to try this."

She pokes the cake symbol.

And receives cake.

"Wow. I guess we're having cake for supper? Or lunch? Or whichever meal this is?"


She looks over Sin's shoulder. "Oh huh. Yeah, the ROBs are definitely definitely implying hard that this is Minecraft. Time will tell, I guess?"


"Brupper. Definitely brupper. And honestly, I'd definitely prefer it to the stale biscuits that's the alternative."

She sets down the cake atop one of the chests, and takes her best attempt at a slice. It tastes pretty good, even if it is a bit of a messy handful. 


"You know, this actually isn't half bad."


She places down her cake as well. "Huh, yeah! Surprisingly tasty!"


She blushes, smiles, and hums thoughtfully, looking back and forth at the two beds on the north wall.

Then she leans down and lifts up one of the beds, bracing herself for the expected weight of a whole bed.

Instead, the whole thing just pops politely into her inventory, and she's able to set it tidily down next to the other, where the two sort of merge a bit into one larger bed.


And the book buzzes in Hyacinth's hands. 

"- you just completed the Togetherness quest. Give me a second here -" 

Hyacinth picks up the two beds, and a moment later places two significantly fancier beds down, then follows them with sheets and pillows that come from her book. 

"I recognize that pattern on the sheets," Hyacinth says. "I think that's from Handcrafted." 


She is not entirely succeeding at hiding her blush when she looks back over at Sable.

"So, um. Yeah." 


Distractedly, she tries to pick up the cake on the chest again and put it into her inventory.

It vanishes completely, with nothing remaining in her inventory afterward.

"Wait, what?"


"... Of course. Fucking Minecraft Physics. Once you serve a dish it can't go back into your inventory again. I just destroyed that cake for no good reason."


Sable's blushing too. She squeezes Sin's hand. "It'll be okay. We have the bread, and we can go find more food to plant some crops later today or tomorrow."


"Hey what time even is it, anyway?"


"I think it's getting late, by now, and I don't really want to go check up that twisting dangerous stair when there might be actual real zombies lurking at the top of it. Let's barricade the door for now and try to get some sleep — if we're in Minecraft we'll wake up at the start of the day, right? So we'll be able to try the stair in the morning, when it's safer." 


Sable nods. "They clearly don't have OSHA here, whether here is Minecraft or not. That staircase is absurd."

She looks over at the other beds. "Want a hand moving them?"


"It's alright, I can just drop them out of my inventory covering the door." 

Hyacinth drops the beds in her inventory in front of the door, blocking the way out completely, then flops into her pink-sheeted, heart-covered side of the bed and kicks off her shoes.


She looks over at Sable and hesitates. 

"Um. If you wanted to snuggle, we could. I just — I don't know if it'd be cozy or weird or — you know. It's been a stressful day. But if you want to, I mean..." 

She presses her hand to her mouth and visibly stops herself from continuing to ramble.


She nods. "Yeah, I'd like to try that. If it's uncomfy for you or something we can stop. But I wanna try."

She kicks her shoes off as well, scoots into bed, and pulls her skirt off once she's already under the covers, setting it atop one of the chests.

Then she shyly scoots closer and holds her arms open.


Sin blushes hard when she sees the skirt come off, but she follows suit gamely, slipping off her one-piece dress to be in just her bra and underwear. 

She puts her back to Sable, and squirms backward until her back presses into Sable's chest. 

Sable can feel her breath, too rapid at first, then gradually settling as she gets used to the press of Sable against her.

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