Evenstar and the Pirates in Minecraft
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She is either saved or doomed so she'd better go find out which. 


Someone with black hair is coming down the staircase. 

Wait, is that...?



If Evenstar were in a less anxious frame of mind, she might remember to do master-stranger protocols. As it is, she practically throws herself into Sable's arms.



She did not expect to run into their long-distance girlfriend in what's increasingly looking like an isekai. Isekai is usually a solo experience. She will not argue, however, and instead scoops Evenstar into her arms and squeezes her so so tightly.



Evenstar squeezes her long-distance girlfriend for a long moment and then exhales shakily. 

"I'm just as confused as you. I'm really, really glad to see you though, I — you know how anxious I get." 

She gulps in another breath. "Where did you come from? This doesn't feel like a dream to me, it's too crisp and whole to me. Usually I have sensory issues in dreams and I'm not having anything like that at all, unless you count everything being kind of blocky which is not usual." 

She looks around at the stone walls around her. "This little area seems to be abandoned and safe, as far as it goes. There's a room with beds and some old biscuits..." 

Evenstar takes a deep breath. "Sorry, I'm rambling. Just, you know, real jolt to the system to wake up here like this. I was pacing and worrying and now you're here and — it feels a lot safer, now, I have to say." 

She shakes her head and runs her hands through her hair, rubbing them across her face. 


Abruptly, she realizes she's not wearing glasses. 

"... Huh. I can see. I can see you and I'm not wearing glasses. Okay, the dream hypothesis is starting to feel a little more likely." 

She shakes her head and hugs herself, crossing her arms over her body. 

"Sorry, it's just so surreal. What happened for you?"


Sable sighs fondly and squeezes her tighter. "Valid to ramble, love. We woke up on the side of that icy mountain up there, standing in the snow. Hiked down, soaked our legs in the hot spring for a minute — highly recommended, by the way — and then found this place."


"Oh, speaking of," she pulls out the book. "Any idea what's up with the weird book? It had advice for finding shelter and seems to have other stuff in it too. We found it on us on our way down. And yeah, I can see without glasses too, but everything is much more vivid than dreams usually are for me. I'm leaning isekai at this point."


"Seems hard to believe, but it fits more observations than being kidnapped and dropped in the middle of suspiciously blocky wilderness so let's go with it for now."

Evenstar takes a slow breath. 


"Book? What book?"

She checks her body for one.


There's a strange sensation, like she's pulling from somewhere, and suddenly a book appears in her hands.

"Okay, more evidence to the tune of magic," she reports. "I don't feel like I'm hallucinating but if I am, uh, do your best." 

She opens the book. Inside...

... What on Earth...?

Okay, text is blurry, that's more evidence for dream... 

But most of the characters are totally stable, it's just a few that she can't read...

"Okay, yeah, this definitely looks like an isekai situation." 


Sable's looking at her own and nodding along. "Yeah, it really does. And I don't have a history with hallucination, so if we're seeing the same things..."

She shakes her head. "At least the ROBs seem to like us? Or at least claim to? I wonder if it's a world we'd recognize, given the reference to our expectations. Only world I can think of with an 'Overworld' is Minecraft."


"Certainly the only block game I can think of with an overworld. Well, uh, come on in and I'll show you the room, it seems to be fit for habitation."

Evenstar slips down the hallway and back through the open door, a slight blush on her face the whole way. It's weird to be sharing physical space with this girl she's known for years. She's seen photographs, of course, but she's so wiggly. It's different being in her presence.


"Lucky find." Sable blushes a bit too, as she follows. Is she really going to be rooming together with her girlfriend after all this long-distance time? "The fact that it's taking an isekai to make us move in together is objectively hilarious, though."


"Yeah, I have to say that's kind of funny. I know you didn't exactly choose it, but thank you for being here. It — really helps."

Evenstar moves across the room and sits on one of the beds. "Okay, so we've got shelter and a short-term supply of food, that's a start. Water I think is next? Though maybe we should go through the book, it might help orient us..." 

She offers Sable an uncertain smile. 


Sable blushes softly and takes Evenstar's hand in her own, pulling out her own book.

"Oh," she asks before opening it, a thought occurring to her, "Who's fronting?"


"Oh, yeah, you wouldn't be able to tell necessarily. Honestly I'm not sure I knew myself with all the running about. Um. Hyacinth. It's a little vulnerable, the only time I've fronted visibly to someone else in my own body before was when I was in hospital..." 

She gently squeezes Sable's hand and risks a small smile.


"I've got you here though, so. I think everything will be okay. I don't know how or why but I think it will be." 

She bows her head and kisses Sable's hand.


"Now we just hope that whatever fixed my eyes also fixed the rest of the things that were wrong with me. I — even if it gets bad, I've survived that experience with someone I love by my side, and I'll manage again with you here to catch me." 

She gently tugs Sable down onto the bed beside her. "Come sit?"


She squeezes Sin's hand and sits down, nestling close and holding her warmly as they look at their books together.

"We'll handle whatever comes, together. I've got you, Sin. No matter what." She smiles and kisses her cheek. "This has been the weirdest day of my life so far, though."


Hyacinth blushes a little at the kiss and smiles uncertainly again. 

"Weirdest of mine too, and I've had more than a few super weird days in my life."

She flips through her book a little more. From a casual look at it, it seems to be a list of tasks and advice, though she's having trouble focusing on the words themselves at the moment with her head in such a tizzy. 

"So, starting hypothesis, we're in Minecraft. Minecraft doesn't usually have hot springs though, does it?" 

She frowns a little and taps her chin. "There is that massive cherry blossom forest outside though, and the freezing weather of the mountains seems to stop sharply at its edge — it being a cherry blossom biome would make sense to explain that. So... Modded Minecraft? Someone's modded pack? What mods, though..."


She starts counting on her fingers. "We're in an underground construction that seems to be abandoned but safe — that's, uh, stone-homes maybe? And the hot springs outside mean there's a terrain generation mod too. The cherry blossoms were in... what patch again? I know they're recent in vanilla, but I know we've played packs that had them earlier than that..." 


"Stoneholm, yeah. I remember the other mod I used for cherry trees had thinner logs than other trees, though? Here they seem to match, which suggests vanilla. Cherry trees were added in 1.20, so it's at least that late."


"That it's recognizable at all is probably good. I would have no idea what to do if there was some kind of total conversion mod in play like, I don't know, one of those huge factory development packs. Or Better Than Wolves. I am pretty sure we are not on Better Than Wolves." 

She flicks through the book and examines the page where it says to take shelter. It has a section for "Rewards" — what happens if she bonks the symbol of a cake? 


Apparently it makes a whole cake appear in her inventory!

It feels weird, like there's a part of her kinesthetic sense that wasn't plugged into anything before that now keeps track of what she has on her. There's a sense of weight, shape and density, almost like an imprint against her skin. 

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