Evenstar and the Pirates in Minecraft
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"And I think I see a bee nest over there!" Hyacinth points. 


She runs closer just in time to see an enormous bee pop out. "Wow! It's so big and friendly! It just looks so silly-cute!"


"Wow, it's almost as big as my head! And super cute! It's got, like, anime eyes!" 

Hyacinth giggles, overwhelmed by the ridiculousness of her situation. 


"I hereby declare this bee Fremb." Hailey giggles as well.


Haycinth smiles and darts in to kiss Hailey's cheek, her boldness surprising even herself. It just feels right. 

"Alright, let's keep going." 


She looks away, flustered, a faint blush coloring her cheeks, lips turning up at the corners, then takes Sin's hand and tries heading toward the mountainside. Maybe they live closer to the slope?


Hyacinth follows along, and a few minutes later...


The trees fall away, and Hyacinth lets out a small gasp.

"I think I see them! They're up on the mountain!"


"... That they're all the way up there is a bit of an issue. That terrain looks a bit treacherous." 


"Yeah, that looks like a tricky hike. Might be easier around to the east, though. C'mon."

She takes Sin's hand and leads the way east, finding a shallower slope they can climb.


Sin follows determinedly, keeping as best she can to bare rock, away from snow that might be unexpectedly deep. 

Eventually she comes up to the edge of the town. It looks quite extensive. The road is steep and slippery.

"This place looks kind of treacherous..."

Hyacinth looks at her book again. "Okay, how did it say to greet them — Bow three times, hands clasped, then touch your hands to your chin. Okay. I think we're ready."

On she goes into the village.


She keeps leading the way to the first building. As she walks up to the door, though, a patch of snowy ground unexpectedly turns out to be a deep hole full of powdered snow. She sinks completely into it.

"Ach! Pthp, pheh, ptch blech gweh!"

Much flailing ensues to try to dig her way out of it.


Hyacinth, a step behind her, is too slow to see the hole coming, slips, and falls into the powdered snow right after her, going completely under in the deep loose drift. 

Thinking quickly, she paws at the snow hard, trying to compress it more — and after a few tries she manages to break the top block of it, making it puff into nonexistence. 

Cold's still painfully stabbing into her legs though; she turns her attention to the bottom of her legs and attacks the snow there too, and then turns to help Hailey —


And a few moments later all the snow is cleared away between her and Hailey's flailing. Which just leaves them in an awkward hole in the ground. 

"Well, that was perilous."


Hailey turns and hugs Hyacinth for a moment, just reassuring herself that their girlfriend is okay, then turns back to face the wall. "Okay. Let's get out of this hole."

She jumps up, ready to reach for the top of the ledge, only to find as her hands slide up the stone that she can stick to the sheer rock face.


She lets go, and instinctively finds herself springing a bit further upward, landing atop the ledge with ease.

She giggles at the surprise of it. "What?"


Hyacinth gasps as Hailey leaps off of literally nothing, then laughs. "Okay, let me try!" 

She jumps, catches, bounces - and lands up a full two meters higher. 


"That was so cool. I love that we can do that." 

Hyacinth giggles to herself and gently hugs Hailey.

"That goes beyond regular Minecraft physics. Wall-jump mod?"


"Wall-jump mod." She laughs and nods. "Sable and I take a lot of persuading to make a pack without it, so it fits."


"You think we got tossed into one of our own packs?"


"Or at least one inspired by or resembling one of ours. I haven't seen a mod we dislike yet, so whoever assembled it has similar taste, at least. We'll see if the trend continues."

She shrugs, and hops across the hole to the steps, but finds no villagers in the first house, then hops back.


"Something to think about." 

Hyacinth goes on through the town. It mostly seems deserted, but for a small encounter with an iron golem on the way — which, while it is a good sign of them being in Minecraft, she steers around just in case. Seven-foot-tall monoliths of pure steel are to be treated gingerly.

The village is quite extensive, and goes up the mountain quite a ways. There's a few more small incidents with powdered snow on the way up, but every time they're able to recover. 



"Is it just me, or does that look like a windmill?"

Hyacinth takes it in for a moment, then a huge grin splits her face. "We have Create! That'll be a huge help with automation. And it's not some incomprehensible tech mod we've never touched before, either." 


"Hah! Better than like, Ad Astra or something. Was meaning to try that, but never got 'round to it. Or Mekanism. But Create, we know that pretty damned well. There'll be a bunch of shit we can do with that. Automate food, automate materials, automate some of the mining even."


"Yeah. That's definitely a good sign for our overall chances. The more we can get machines to do for us the better." 

And Hyacinth continues on down the street, checking more houses as she goes. 


Until she opens the door to what looks like a restaurant and finds the chef still standing behind the counter.

Quickly, she bows three times and clasps her hands to her chin, in the greeting the book taught to her. 

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