Evenstar and the Pirates in Minecraft
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Please be patient. Your Pirates are loading.

They manage to hug Hazel while their brain boots up.


Hazel very gently hugs the Pirates back, and waits.


It doesn't take as long this morning, and soon Sable's arms are tightening around her.

"Hiya, sweetie."


"Hey! Sable, I think? Hailey's less big on calling me a sweetie."


She laughs and nods. "Our voices sound a bit different, too, though that'll take a little while to get used to."


"Yeah. It's just hard to get that from only two words because yours and Hailey's are a bit closer than the two of you and Ruby or Maya."


"Very true," she replies with a soft smile, then presses a soft kiss to Hazel's lips. "Love you."


She flushes a little, but kisses back. "Love you too."

She streches. "So, what to do today?"


"Probably one of us should make some food, and then I think I want to build an animal pen."

She runs a hand down Hazel's side, gently.


"I've got a knife, some chicken, and enough crops to make something actually tasty that isn't a sweet. I'll go harvest and make you some chicken sandwiches." 


She sighs. "I bet the crafting interface won't let me not put lettuce on them, though. Farmer's delight is a bit insistent on lettuce on everything. It's alright, there's still bread, I won't starve, it'll just be a pretty boring day for me cuisine-wise." 


"Right, your sensitivity." She runs her fingers through Hazel's hair. "Hm. If we've got any integration between Create and Farmer's Delight, we'll be able to make more-flexible chicken sandwiches sooner or later, but you may be stuck for now, yeah."


"I think we should try and get together some animal pens today," Hazel says. "We can use the meat, and even if we decide the animals are a little too intelligent for us to be comfortable killing them there'll be eggs and wool and milk and feathers, all of which are important for comfort. Eggs in particular would let me make egg sandwiches, which would be a huge step up from nothing but bread."


"We do have the berries, at least, so you can probably make something with those."

She stretches and gets her armor on.


"Yeah, I'll think about it. Let's get moving, daylight's spending."

She gets her armor on, goes over to the door, opens it, and heads up the spiral staircase to the surface, careful to take it slowly so she doesn't fall.

The crops have all grown in overnight, so she gets busy harvesting.


Meanwhile, Sable treks up to the cherry grove and starts chopping trees and replanting them. She finds herself covered in leaf piles a few times.

"You figure we go for a whole barn, or just a pen for now?", she asks while she chops.


"Just a pen for now; we can always raise a barn around an existing pen, but raising a whole barn and then having to go to bed having done just that for today would be uncomfy. Better to get the animals together first and then get them something proper to keep the rain off."

Hazel replants rows of crops, carefully reseeding her farm. 


"Yeah, that makes sense."

She giggles as another leaf pile drops on her, continuing to chop trees.


Hazel finishes re-seeding, then goes to the sakura forest and digs more dirt to expand the farm with. Once she has a stack (and has broken her stone shovel) she goes back to the farm... and promptly gets distracted by trying to find enough blackstone to replace her broken tool. She doesn't want to take it from the nearby pools' rims because it'll ruin the local landscape...

She is in the middle of her search when she almost bumps headlong into a pig. And she's got carrots on her from her harvesting.

"There's a pig over here," she says, trusting the 'voice call' to carry her words to Sable. "Should I try and bring it back to the house?"


"Good idea! Thanks for finding one."

Sable keeps chopping trees.


"Alright! Here piggy piggy..." 

She dangles out a carrot from hsr inventory, and the pig's eyes fix on it. It comes in close to her, then stops an arm's length away and looks at the carrot fixedly. 

Hazel backs away a bit, and the pig follows, keeping its same exact distance. 

She keeps backing away, and almost bumps into another pig. It fixes on the carrot in her hand too, and follows her as placidly as the first. Even when she bumps into trees and has to pause, neither pig is impolite enough to take the outstretched carrot from her hand. This continues on all the way back to the shelter. 

As soon as Hazel puts the carrot away, the pigs lose interest and start wandering randomly. She needs a pen if she's not going to stand here all day. 

She pulls her carrot back out and gathers up the pigs again.

"Please, ma'am," she says to Sable over the 'call', "May I have some wood?"


Sable laughs and blushes. "Yeah, you can."

She wanders over toward the farm, looking for Hazel, and then passes some logs to her before going back to chopping.

"Almost done over here."


Hazel hastily throws together an improvised pen to keep the pigs in, working as fast as she can to fence them in while they try to wander off. It's slightly challenging to herd both of them, but she manages it after a couple minutes.

Then she slowly refines down the kind of ramshackle pen until it neatly confines the two pigs. 

By this time, Sable's gone on to clearing land up the hill for a proper pen; she goes and pitches in. 

In fact, she pitches in so enthusiastically that she accidentally bonks Sable in the side with the wooden axe she's clearing trees with. 



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