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"You just gave that whole really long list. Of things wrong with me."


"Oh, I didn't realize you thought he would only have reasons to be proud of you if you were literally perfect."


"There doesn't have to not be a list, it's just that that list is really long."


"How many things would be not a 'really long' list?"


"Like three? You probably have like three flaws. People still love you."


"Three, huh. But flaws can be different sizes and different tractabilities. That seems to matter at least as much as how numerous they are."


"I don't like being around people who think about my flaws a lot. It makes me feel awful and empty."


"I only think about them when they seem to be getting in your way, because I don't want things to get in your way."


"Yeah. It doesn't bother me as much when you do it because it seems like you're trying to - show me what I need to get around."


"Other people might be trying to do that too and just not be very good at it."


"I don't think they are, though. You like me a lot more than most people like me."


"That doesn't mean they're not trying to help, it means they're probably not trying as hard. You could still get some information from them about what you could work on."


"But hearing things that make me bad from people who don't like me really hurts."


"Yeah, nobody likes that, it's really unpleasant."


He nods fervently. "It's sort of too bad because if no one likes you there's no one you can get advice about being liked from without it hurting really badly."


"It's a problem."


"You should write a book. Or tell me and then I can write it. About how to be liked."


"...I'm not sure I'd be very good at writing that book."


"Everyone adores you."


"I was not particularly adored on my own plane. People usually didn't hate me but I didn't have many friends, or any really close friends, and I had a very ordinary relationship with my parents - so I'm not at all sure this is a skill I have and not just something about how my personality interacts with being here."


"Maybe it's a skill you have in Valinor, but since everyone who'd be reading the book wants to be liked in Valinor, good enough."


"It could be a skill I have while being me in Valinor. Teaching other people to be me would be silly. And what I'm trying to walk you through is way too individual to make a good book for general audiences."


"I couldn't be you," he says after a minute.


"People in general have to be themselves."


They're out over the water now. He watches delightedly. "How would I notice the time slipping thing stopping? I want to be able to feel it."

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