"It's important that people can think private thoughts," she says. "It's still important, maybe even more important, if their thoughts are messed up in a way they need help with; so instead of saying that if someone needs therapy they have to sacrifice the chance to have private thoughts to get it, we say that 'told to a therapist' still counts as 'private', no matter what."
"Guessing is different from knowing for a fact like a subtle artist can. And it could still be wrong to comment; I'm trying to point out that there's a counterexample, I'm not saying it's the only one, it's just the easiest to explain."
"And that is why telling lies is wrong. It does not justify saying everything that happens to be true in no particular order with no particular care."
"When I say people shouldn't say mean things about you I don't mean that they should be stopped, I mean they should decide not to do it in the first place."
"Well," says Bella, "that doesn't mean she wouldn't use real information to convince you of that, if she has some."
"If it were a lie, you're assuming she'd be more desperate to convince you than to deal with you hypothetically being marred by Melkor. Do you think those would be her priorities?"