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Well, that solves the problem of how to feel like a productive member of society in a gift economy.


He giggles. Some people worry less about that in a gift economy.


I mean, I could see doing that, but I think I'd be vaguely nervous without a way to sort of 'keep score' and a way to save up ability-to-get-things in case something goes wrong with my acquiring-the-ability-to-get-things procedure. I don't think of myself as really a socially adept person and this is a whole new culture, so I'd worry I'd offend people without noticing and then suddenly nobody would give me stuff. If people want to play with recreational synaesthesia then at least I have a chance to corner them and say 'hey, you gave everybody but me lunch yesterday, what gives' or something.


He nods. You have something Fëanáro wants. That's a lot of saved-up ability to get things, if that makes sense.


Is it though? He seems to have some trouble using his ability-to-get-things effectively for himself.


Because he's nine. Anything he wanted, people'd bring to him, he just wants things that no one has, no one can offer, or require leaving the palace.


He couldn't get anyone to fetch him the books from my house plot, I had to go get them myself. He can't get left alone, without sneaking around.


I should probably head back to Tirion. I think I ought to spend more time with him than I do.

Yeah. Now that I have the leaf it might make sense for me to start trying to turn my house plot into a house and actually live in it, and just come here long enough to work with Miriel as long as she can stay up.


Lórien's fun, but I do think that would be a good approach.


Plus I feel like a house is just inherently a better place to do things like reinvent wizardry than a forest. A forest is where you reinvent secular druidism!


What on earth is that?


Druids are a kind of divine magic user who focus on nature, and sometimes nature gods, instead of a specific god; and there are secular druids who don't incorporate gods at all and just operate directly from - I'm not sure exactly, there are a small handful of secular clerics who claim to run on faith in concepts, I'm not sure how somebody has faith in nature as a concept but that might be what secular druids are doing? Anyway, druids can do healing magic and also a lot of magic to do with plants and animals and they learn to shapeshift.


That sounds fun. Wizardry sounds more fun.


Wizardry's more my style, definitely. Very book-oriented!


Would it be easier to learn with experiments?


Probably. I mean, I don't know for sure because no spellcasters at home are doing experiments, but I have the general impression that divine magic is fuzzier?


If you can get it by worshiping concepts, I'd expect so.


Yeah, exactly.


I'd be delighted to study wizardry with you once I've finished Valinor's first written history. I think I'll head back to Tirion in a few days, if that's convenient for you.


I don't see why it wouldn't be.


Miriel's awake, I can hear her from here.

Thank you.

And professional responsibility and a large dose of bewildered curiosity win over the fear that this is going to turn really awkward and confusing again. Bella gets up and approaches Miriel's bed.

Hi. How'd you sleep?

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