though not as good as other days
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"It doesn't really matter at that point what state I'm in but it matters for the trial."


"There's a spell I know called Delay Poison, that forestalls the effects of alcohol, so you could be in your right mind for the trial but I could let it expire right after."




"There are ways to put people to death without pain. I assume the Queen chose hanging for a reason and I don't feel tremendously inspired to try to get around her in some complicated way that involves casting spells. I appreciate the offer to keep me company, I really do, but - I was planning to spend this morning in prayer and reflection. I'm not going to confess, and I'm not going to take leave of my senses. I - you know I respect you, and I trust you, and I'm sure you're trying to do the right thing as best as you understand it, but - I think that right now it is going to be difficult for us to be helpful to each other, because we want different things. I'm Iomedae's, and you're not."


"I think I am a much better servant of Iomedae than you are."


"Sure. I'm not trusting myself, either. I'm trusting the Lord Marshal, and Feliu, and - the other paladins who came to do their incident report, and they didn't get me drunk for it at all, and they didn't - ask questions lots of different ways until it was hard to keep track of the answers -"


"Valia, I have only ever tried to help you repent because I do not want you to go to your death unrepentant."


"I know. And the Church probably doesn't want that either, but they haven't done - those things."


"It is a poor repayment to embarrass them and the Queen and everyone else with a protestation of innocence."


"I am not planning to protest innocence. I am planning to explain myself, and let the Law decide. Maybe there is a better thing to do, but if there is then the people I trust are not all in accord about it, and it's not a bad thing to resort to."


"And when you die and go to your next trial, are you planning to ask for Heaven, or to explain yourself and let the Law decide?"



"You know, I'd never really thought about that, but Pharasma's court isn't Lawful, and I never agreed to serve it. So - ask for Heaven, I think, if that's a thing you can do. I still wouldn't lie, but because Iomedae is owed my being honest, not because the court is owed my honesty."


"Is this court owed your honesty? Separately from Iomedae being owed your being honest?"


"Yes. Because the Queen saved us from Hell."


"The Queen wants you to sign the document that you already signed, without the treason charges she is generously leaving off of it."


Valia is feeling strange. She's not sure why. Maybe it's just because with Victòria and Alicia free there is again nothing she's afraid of. "Well, why don't you write the Queen, and she can tell me so herself."





"No. Because that would be lying."

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