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"Valia, the confession can only hang you because you committed awful crimes that got hundreds of people killed."


"I know that! But - look, you've got to argue this with the Lord Marshal. He can explain what he meant."


"I have sent for him. But if he doesn't come back in time? Are you going to betray the Queen, and get me into a lot of trouble, and turn the whole trial into an embarrassing mess, because you aren't willing to admit to things you already admitted to? When the Queen did you a kindness, here?"


"I am happy to sign it if we just explain that it's because the Queen did me the kindness of releasing Alicia and Victòria. I just can't say I'm signing it for any other reason because I'm not."


"You were two days ago! What changed?"


"My lawyer thought I shouldn't have, and the Lord Marshal thought I shouldn't have....if you can't get a hold of the Lord Marshal maybe you can get a hold of my lawyer. I'll sign it if she says it's true."


"Valia, I'm scared for you. I'm scared that you're going to refuse the Final Blade as you're Iomedae's, and that you're going to go to judgment and they're going to say 'well, she not only got three hundred people murdered by being bloodthirsty and shortsighted and reckless and stupid and cruel, she then spent the rest of her life trying to dodge responsibility for it as much as possible.' I don't know what the place is, for people who do that, but it's not Heaven. It's not even Axis."


"I think Iomedae would have to renounce me, if I were Evil."


"I think she's holding on to you because sometimes you are trying to take responsibility for your mistakes. But - you're running out of time to do that."




"That is upsetting to think about but - makes sense. Thank you for telling me. If Iomedae renounces me after the trial I'll take the Final Blade, I guess, so Hell can't use me."


"Or you could repent, and go to Heaven!"


"I'm trying! But it's not repenting, to sign something that isn't true! Iomedae would renounce me for that and she would be right to! And - the Lord Marshal said that I serve the Goddess better if I live than if I die, and I ought to try to - without being untruthful - explain all the reasons I originally thought I was following the law, and the reasons my lawyer thinks I'm innocent."


"I think the Lord Marshal's wrong about that, Valia. A lot of people will attend the trial, trying to see how a priest of Iomedae became a terrible murderess, and I think it will be much better for Iomedae if they see that you have confessed your crimes and are trying to set them right than if they see you insisting that sure, you are responsible, but only in senses that don't mean you can be punished -"


"That is not what I think! You're really not listening to me! I think that I made a bunch of terrible mistakes because of not knowing anything and not listening to the people who did know things, and I can't repent of that if I'm still doing it!"


"You're not listening to me, only to the people who tell you what you want to hear, the same way you did before the speech."


"I am listening to you. But your job is to hang me, and - I know you're trying to do the right thing, but other people with different jobs have different takes on what I should do."




"Okay. I understand. Let's have some lunch, and hope to hear back shortly from the Lord Marshal, or your lawyer."



"I'm not really hungry."


"You've got to keep your strength up."


"Do I, though? I - do not really expect strength to come into it at many points."


"At least have some wine, for your nerves."


"Last time we drank so much it gave me a headache."


"I don't think that will help me give good testimony at the trial. And it'd be embarrassing to the Church."


"They're not going to let me see you after the trial, you know, and the execution's going to be very painful. Easier to bear if you've had a bit to drink."

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