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we don't want to wait a year to see how Marvel fixes this
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"The rest of us might have to sit out, we can't tank a star."


"I can! It was necessary for the forging of Stormbreaker."


"I can too, although not because Asgardians can and not just since in my world they usually can't, my enchantment to look like one has two flaws and one is glitching in heat, I have a separate thing."


"Just Nat and Cap and I, then - or are you going to tell me you're actually half-star, Nat, this seems like that kind of day."

       "I'm staying well back," Natasha says. "Are there people who are half-star?"

"Nothing about it in Fury's diary but at this point I'd put money on it anyway."


"And Thor and Huan and Carol and I go do things, mkay."


"I can hella help arrange an ambush I just shouldn't be there when it springs unless vibranium has a bunch of properties you neglected to mention, Shuri -"


"Well, I haven't had access to any stars to do testing on but I don't like our odds of building something that can keep a person alive, not on that timescale -"


"Same. If we have time left over after fetching our starlet we can just spend it arranging for Lemistra to be a bad place to land."


"Is there anything specifically useful for me to be doing in the meantime or should I go try yelling at Doriath and probably fail at borrowing Lúthien, or see if I can smooth over Jotunheim, or some other low percentage option? Luthien is a half Maia, the magic dog is a Maia."


"I don't think there's much to be gained by smoothing over Jotunheim when all this will be rolled back. Operations in neighboring universes seem better, since they won't be erased and are less likely to leak to Thanos."


"Okay. Operation yell at a forcefield is on, anyone wanna preempt, going once going twice..."


"Why yell at a forcefield?"


"Doriath is a noninterventionist post-scarcity force-fielded nation of which Lúthien is a princess. You might like her."


"All right, I'll come, at least until we get more information on finding Danvers."


"Maedhros, does Space Lúthien have chip-independent osanwë?"


"I have no reason to think so."


Loki bops Shuri with the Allspeak wand.


And Loki puts them outside the forcefield.


One bit of Endorë looks a lot like another bit of Endorë. It's all a bombed-out wreck.


"Excuse me!" Loki calls into the forcefield. "I'd like to talk to Lúthien! This is Princess Shuri, I'm Princess Loki!"


There is not, immediately, any reaction. Shuri is looking around Endorë with some dismay.


"They might take a while to send someone to chat, Elves are slow about things," Loki says. "I'm reasonably sure they will have heard but I'm not positive, if there's no reaction in fifteen minutes I'll try illusion sound on the inside. I don't want to teleport in, they hate that."


"We do too. It's pretty worrying."


"One time I showed up uninvited in a protected kingdom a lot like this one except without a force field per se, and it's a good thing I had the sense to be invisible and throw my voice when I tried to talk because they shot at me a lot and had really good aim."

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