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"Killing them? I'd probably agree if I didn't know I could heal them."


"I don't think they want to die. Hard to tell because the oath sort of - encompasses it - but I don't think so. Are you just here to ask about the bats? They won't harm the living, unless Melkor figures out some clever way to alter them."


"Yeah, just asking about the bats, not like it took me hours to get here."


"Suppose not. You're not having nearly enough fun with that, you know, if you haven't seen the whole world. It's beautiful. We worked hard on it."


"I just can't get over how it's supposed to be a sphere like any self-respecting planet that comes about the long way."


"I like it flat, it means I can see all the way to Valinor from here."


"There is that, I suppose. And no fussing with time zones now that you have a day cycle. But it's just so silly."


"Takes all kinds to make a galaxy. Time zones?"


Visual aids. "Spherical planets usually orbit stars at a considerable distance, and turn around so half the planet's facing the star at any given time. Exceptions exist, but this is standard. So it's night over here," point, "and day over here."


"D'you'know if the Ainur are even going to work on other planets? We draw ourselves from the fundamental nature of this one."


"Good question. Not sure. You might be stuck. Well, in this neighborhood, anyway, I don't know about this planet in particular."


"Damn. Well, I suppose there are lots of ways to keep this one interesting, especially if people from your world can still pop in."


"I'm not expecting to depopulate the stupid cylinder," Loki says.


"Aren't you? You're picking a fight with the Valar, sweetheart. Those rather depopulate the vicinity, at a minimum."


"My really dramatic option is to move the entire cylinder and not bring any Valar along."


"...if you move it to a universe that doesn't follow the laws this one does, I think we and the Valar may not be able to come along. I'm not even sure we'd continue existing."


"Well, I could leave Maiar behind, too, although I'd have to apologize profusely to a couple people."


"Maybe there's a way. I'm thinking about it."


"I'd be intrigued to hear what you come up with. Anything else I should know about the scavenger bats?"


"They make me stronger, I can control them remotely although it requires most of my attention, their bite is probably very toxic to incarnates but that shouldn't be a problem because they only eat dead things."




"Any time."


And Loki pops back and delivers this information to interested parties.


Several people are mildly nervous that the bat-scavengers with a dangerous bite are under the control of Thuringwethil, but not superconcerned, they are in any event easy to shoot down.

And if anybody gets bit Loki can almost certainly fix it.

...Hmm. She has read a lot of books. She's discharged all the relevant science books onto the Fëanorians but there might be demand for others, in translation especially. Any Men really fond of languages to the point where she could give them an Allspeak-translated Asgardian dictionary (...based on a local Mannish dictionary; she has not in fact ever read an entire dictionary) and some grammar lessons and then set them to producing translations of this-and-that whenever she wants to spend twenty minutes turning pages? Econ. Architecture. Maybe somebody wants to read Asgardian history. Novels. Maybe not so much the romance novels. Poetry. Travelogues. Weapons-irrelevant science and engineering.
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