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There are people intrigued by the idea, but not it turns out capable of learning Asgardian just from a grammar and a dictionary, and translation is really hard.


Yeah. Well, maybe some Elves who've picked up Asgardian literacy want to translate things and then at least the printers will have more to do?


Poetry and engineering! The Elves are delighted.


...and if any Men who have reason to talk to her anyway would like to do so in Asgardian that's fine by her. She's read a lot of books. They're not going to run out soon.


Melkor tries the heavy cloud of smoke thing again, the one that shrouded Angband the first time she visited it. It rolls slowly out across the plains.


Ugh. That stuff's poisonous if it's the same kind as last time, FYI, she can turn it invisible so people can see through it but it's still no good to breathe and she doesn't have a counter for that. Can anyone invent mass production of the gas mask... kind of fast...?


Inventing things fast is a strength of theirs but, um, they haven't even had a chance yet to get the needed materials for refining plastics, making things airtight is not a problem that has ever come up. Activated charcoal they can do, her books say that's an ingredient, does she want to go find rubber? A lot of rubber?


Well, with her brain library she knows what a rubber tree looks like, she can go hunting for them in likely-looking climates, but she can't field-refine the trees or bring that much back at once -


They're trying a lot of different airtight sealants. Nothing is mass-producible on the scale of 'next couple of days'. The Elves want to send out some scouts to see how long they can survive in the gas cloud with nothing more than fabric-and-baking-soda air filters.


...Well, if any of them are in trouble and need her to pop in and heal them they should let her know at once.

Yes, they wouldn't be attempting this without healing. They ride out to the edge of the cloud. They give it a go.

Elves, it transpires, can cope indefinitely with mildly poisonous gas if they can constantly replenish the fabric and baking soda and maybe keep concentrations down inside their homes. Manufacturing something for all the Men is less insurmountable. Though still not coming along very fast.

Loki, Macalaurë says, wind songs are ones for which volume matters. And pace. Can you come listen to one?

Yes. She comes at once.


He starts singing right away, adds comments without losing the notes at all. The problem is that wind songs create whirlwinds, not fronts of wind, I can disperse it a little but I can't push it back, I've been trying to think of a way to position a number of sources such that they collectively push back but I haven't got that yet -


I can move them around however seems to be helping. While they play, if they can catch the smoke and pull it away - She records as he sings.


It's not a long song, by Elven standards, and by midway through their hair and clothes are being dramatically tossed around by gusts of a whirlwind.


When the song stops does the wind disperse promptly or do I need to worry about creating a tornado?


You might create a tornado. Compounding weather songs at full volume outside is stupid and reckless, which is why I'm not already much better at it.


Eugh. Any tips or should I just experiment?


Experiment somewhere away from the city first, maybe.


Sure. I'll go tear up that southern continent desert a bit.


Have fun.


So she goes to the southern continent desert and whips up a whirlwind and sees how well she can steer sand around with it and how loud makes it reluctant to slow down once she breaks and baffles its song.


There are a few tornadoes but they are easy to stay out of the way of.


And if she does sub-tornado-level music and just has several little winds moving around...?


They disperse the air. They don't move it in a specific direction, not very well.

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