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I'd given up on it, but I do still have the notes.


I don't think looking over this schedule a third time will produce any new insights. And the only other thing I had for the evening was writing long letters to Findekáno, but he can get a short one.


If you would like to play Governor I am game.


I would.


Here's all their notes.

They play well into the night.


Loki loses - narrowly; she thinks under other circumstances presenting Maedhros's interim governor with his long-lost daughter while her black ops team held the cure to her illness hostage would have worked. "This is a good game," she pronounces.


"I would be in favor of playing it as frequently as you benefit from breaks from work," he says.


"Sounds fun. When are you most relevantly botherable? I think my schedule flexes more than yours."


"Evenings are best for me. The city actually mostly runs itself, I only keep long hours because I ask it of my people."


"Then I will poke you when I am taking an evening break. Could up the scale. Asgard versus a postwar Arda."


His eyes light up. "Yes, let's."


She laughs. "See you."


"I see you around anyway! I shall dye my hair some more dramatic color so you recognize me." It's a vibrant red.


It's really weird that he can just turn the charm on and off but he's so damn charming when it's on. "It's no good, I just don't see that well."


"The best thing about this war being over will that it will be impossible to say things like that within earshot of my brothers without an enchanted pair of lenses arriving on your doorstep the next morning, which generally sharpen and enhance vision and also announce me specifically whenever I appear within their sights."


"But will I be able to see ultraviolet?"


"You can't? That's an easy fix, they could do it for you even with the war on."


"...Nope, still can't see ultraviolet. Or infrared. I'm sure they know that, it came up fairly early in my time here."


"Huh. Maybe it's a harder technological problem than I thought. I'll suggest it to them anyway, as an apology gift."


"It'd make my illusions more convincing."


He blinks. "Curufinwë says it's somewhere on the priority list but if they'd put two and two together and realized it'd fix your illusions it'd be much higher on it and you can't actually have it in the morning but within the week, certainly, with his apologies."


She laughs. "I haven't actually had that many occasions to need to fool somebody with fake ultraviolet, but okay."

"We could have had a dozen illusory cities, just to waste the Enemy's time! Or you could go rebuild one for the Men, have the illusion of a populace hurrying along in patterns sufficiently complicated that casual surveillance won't catch it, see what comes after it."


"I mean, the fact that Maiar contest illusions would seem to be the main prohibitive factor there."

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