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"If they don't think you are using them as weak as you can get away with to win the war and planning to cut them down so they aren't disruptive afterwards, I expect he'll be sincerely charmed by you, because you are amazing and have done a lot of things that he specifically would have tremendous respect for."


"Okay. Thank you for cutting through this misunderstanding for me."


"I apologize on behalf of my idiotic relatives."


"...Because they're not overwhelmingly likely to do it themselves?"


"They would not consider themselves as having anything to apologize for. In this case."


"So, yes."


"I apologize for my idiotic relatives."


"I accept your proxic apology."


"It's good to have you, Loki. Not just as an outrageously powerful force for our side, either." He sighs. "Good luck with everything."




He starts on magic item distribution.

And she pops back to Himring.

So I mentioned to Find- to Fingon that you've all been acting weird, she says to Maedhros, and he concluded by asking me a remarkably small number of questions that the problem is that you think the reason I'm withholding alphabet sorcery is that I'm deliberately keeping you crippled and intend to 'cut you down' when the war's over so you don't go poking infinity gems or whatever takes your fancy in my universe, but he thinks you will take better to the actual explanation that my universe can absorb substantial numbers of ambitious high-powered people because there's plenty in the mix already and the problem is that I can't actually bring you there yet.

I didn't think it remotely likely you'd kill us after the war, he says. It did occur to me to wonder by what avenues you expected to make sure we didn't pursue potentially limitless power. If you think that, given your alphabet but no innate memory or indelibility for it, and all our current priorities to distract us, we could become unbalancing faster than you could develop interdimensional travel, you are actually in fact overestimating us, but people don't do that often and I think I'll decide to be flattered.


I have no avenues by which to make sure you don't pursue limitless power. You're probably above-average holders for it in many respects. Interdimensional travel could still take longer than I expect and your father binges harder on accelerated perception than I do.


In that case I extend my sincere apologies for 'acting weird', he says, and shall devotedly return to treating you like you're likelier than not the Enemy but if you're not are delightfully committed to murdering him and getting our world out of the hands of its fate.


Thank you. Should I relay this to those of your family who have also been acting weird or will you pass it around?


I already told everyone.


Thanks. Are there any other potential misunderstandings that can maybe be cleared up this simply, lurking around?


You mean, best characterized by "if our fears are justified, drawing them to your attention makes the situation much worse?". I expect if I find myself in a situation like that you'll have to rely on Findekáno or someone else who loves me and does not really care about my goals.


...Well, I didn't mean quite that specifically, but okay.


I'm a big fan of communication, and usually do clear things up unless there's that kind of drawback.




My father studied under Aulë for a hundred years. When the Valar made it clear that there was - a limit, on what it was tolerable to them that we become - it felt like your parents telling you they'd decided to keep you a child, you were so cute that way.


...I can't imagine either of my parents making that specific mistake but it sounds unpleasant.

It was. And only to us, so oddly isolating.

Did you ever want to finish that game of Governor?
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