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Then bring them. Ah - if it comes to that - the rest of the world is inhabitable only if you heal with every waking moment, everyone Valinor can shelter is here - will you then leave the exiles to die and work on your spell?


Maybe. Or be more profligate with distributing the ability to do and reverse engineer my sorcery, maybe. Next spell on my priority list is resurrection.


Mandos is not going to let you bring them back.


Then I may or may not pause to have an argument with him about it.


Please do not overestimate yourself.


This would only be relevant after I have successfully killed one Vala to begin with.


They could always melt the planet, send everyone's souls to Eru, and tell him things went off the rails and they were forced to begin again.


I have seriously considered confiscating this entire planet from Eru. He takes deeply inadequate care of his toys.


I do not know anything about you but if you are worried about where to put civilians then you are not qualified to pick a fight with Mandos or with Eru.


I'm worried about where to put them now. Once I can teleport out of this universe I will be quite spoiled for venues, and ways to pick up more powers.


I am done talking people back from the edge of cliffs because I'm the only person present who can see they cannot fly.
I may fail. If I am stuck on this stupid cylindrical planet because there's something fundamentally wrong with my spell, and can't kill anything scarier than Sauron, and can't evacuate anyone farther than the next continent, and wind up dying in the process of trying to protect the Men I have more-or-less adopted, or attract too much Eru attention before I can escape or when I'm not expecting to do so and am summarily executed, well, then I'll be dead and that will suck. It seems unrewarding to dwell on that option. I will compromise on my aims when I have to and not sooner.

She turns into a bird. And I can. Too. Fly.

I will talk to people who'd be positioned to petition the Valar if any refugees show up.

Thanks. Loki changes back. Any other questions or comments?


Picking a fight with Mandos remains a really bad idea. I can see why you get along with my children and their father and I wish them all well.


I'll pass that on.


Maitimo was captured? By the Enemy?


I got him out.

Thank you.

I know a lot of people who - but all of them were centuries ago, I'm not sure anything's the same.

I don't know either.


And it's not as if they could go and talk with him even if he'd benefit from that.


I could take letters.


Not sure anyone involved would want to write things. I can ask.

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