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Yeah, Ulmo gave me permission to bring Olwë's niece over for a visit and back. Maitimo's idea.


Why don't you come in.


Where are you, and would it in any respect be unwise for me to be seen?


My workshop, and that depends very much on what you're doing here and what you're doing there. But there's no one in here.


Can you osanwë me where your workshop is?


She sends a mental image, but it's ground-level.


Loki can still orient on it to teleport. She pops in, shapeshifts in almost the same moment.


The woman in the room - red-haired, plain faced for an Elf, holding a chisel - barely glances up, though she does set the chisel down. Hello.


Hi, nice to meet you. Questions or should I launch straight into why Maitimo thought I should talk to you?


I think I'd be happiest if you started with the situation over there - where are they, are they in good health, does the war look hopeless, did they get there in time to protect any of the people over there, have they committed any more atrocities -


Loki pulls out her map. They're mostly here, although Maitimo's here and Caranthir's here to babysit Silmarils to distribute their protective effect. Everyone is in excellent physical health; Maitimo's not in ideal mental condition because he was captured for a time but I rescued him a few years back and he's functional at this point. The war is not hopeless. We leveled Angband, and in a few years more I'll have a spell that will let me get back to my universe and access all kinds of more sophisticated resources than the one we reinvented to accomplish that. There are lots of people native to the continent alive and well and they've been doing very well on the not committing atrocities thing.

Oh, good, I'm so proud of them, two whole years with no unspeakable crimes, they must be working so hard at it, she says. Osanwë does not usually quaver,

How did Ambarto die?

I don't know. It was before I arrived and no one's mentioned.


In the dreams I've had since he was born my husband set him on fire.


...I don't know how he died, I'm sorry.

I like to think that someone would have stopped him, if he did -

How can I help you?


Leveling Angband did not kill the Enemy. Assuming he doesn't manage to kill me before I get out of the universe, I should be able to finish the job, but in the meantime he's got various tricks to pull to make life unpleasant. Maitimo thought I should ask your advice on petitioning Aulë for allowing me to teleport in refugee non-Noldor Elves, Dwarves, Men, and some orcs I managed to get out from under their oaths of service if it should transpire that Valinor is the only habitable place on the planet at some point. We're assuming there's no way anybody Doomed gets back in.

If Valinor is the only habitable place on the planet then taking all the Elves who aren't Doomed will not be a problem. Dwarves - can you save the Ents, that'd mean Yavanna'd be in favor, and hobbits, so we have Estë - I think I could bring Estë around anyway, on the orcs...Men are very much not supposed to be in Valinor but in a sufficiently dire state of emergency I think it could be approved.

I am not at all sure you should ask in advance.
I haven't met any hobbits or Ents, but if anyone can tell me where to find some I can teleport them too.

I'm not sure I should ask in advance either; that's why I haven't. Maitimo may or may not have been too cynical when he speculated that if I brought in anyone who wasn't supposed to be here they'd all be executed on the spot.

If you brought back the exiles, yes, I do think they'd - they wouldn't call it an execution, just a relocation to the Halls of Mandos. Ordinarily Men would be put to death for arriving in Valinor, even by accident, but I don't think they'll do that if it ends the species.


I'm not certain I have them all. I have all except maybe one missing one, of those who appeared on Beleriand, but it's possible there are some I didn't find on another continent.


And I think the rules are intended for - Men mariners arriving on these shores, not the rest of the world being rendered uninhabitable - I suppose you're in any event only doing this if death is the only alternative, so it's worth chancing...


There might also be some nightmare scenario where I can keep them alive there but only if I do nothing but heal with my every waking hour and then I can't finish my spell, get out of the universe, and get my hands on artifacts of ridiculous power to end the war.


I don't know enough about the population there, how it's distributed, what capabilities you have, what capabilities they have - at a guess, if you bring back people who aren't the exiles, and we go at once to Aulë and I talk to some people who can go at once to every other Vala we stand a chance with, we can at least drag out the debate over whether anything should be done about them for a few decades.


Oh, a few decades should be long enough for me to win the war and find everybody however many planets they'd like to colonize.

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