Depends on how integrated you wind up with other Arda races and whoever else you meet, I guess.
You could definitely support a tourist industry solely by building places pretty enough for you to live in.
It was gorgeous. Your mother recommended Lórien, but except for its very large trees it didn't stand out compared to the rest of the place. It was really relaxing. I wouldn't want to live there, the time effect is not conducive to getting anything done.
Oh, I didn't know it was customizable! Absurd things like what?
These leaves all tasted like toffee - everything in Valinor is edible to Elves, probably also edible to you - the trees would support my weight while I ran around, the river would get to the temperature of a hot tub and have some bubbling jets to relax my muscles, it smelled like fresh-baked cookies, the leaves tasted like said cookies, the leaves would adopt a format that let me use them for scheduling and planning, I could carve stone with this stick...
That's hilarious. When I go back for Lúthien maybe I'll play with it.
Wasn't hinting. I told your mother I'd tell everyone she wishes them well.
See you later.
And Loki goes to tell the rest of Nerdanel's family that she wishes them well.
There's a limited supply of eidetic necklaces, so she can't make her offer as broad as she'd like, but: she's willing to duplicate Celebrimbor's arrangement for anyone who's not under competing oath and wants to be backup sorcerer in case she dies or something, and healer/teleporter in the meantime.
How long do those take? If there could be enough she'd like the recipients of the spells to be broadly distributed. Dwarves. Nolofinwëans. Etcetera. So if one city goes down not everybody who can pick up where she left off is lost.
"Ten thousand would be an awful lot. It'd be hard to arrange them all so I was close enough to osanwë them in one batch. Fewer than that should do the trick."
"The two of them do not qualify for receipt of sorcery, but you have a more general point. If Fëanor or I move, though, we have nobody to talk to most of the time we're under acceleration. Maybe Curufinwë should babysit the Silmaril more of the time."