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"...Did he love those two Balrogs or something?"


"Huh? No, he hurt people you cared about and you made yourself accordingly obnoxious."


"Oh, I see."


Fingon and Fëanor go back to glaring at each other.


Yum, dinner.
"How long?" Fëanor says.


"That's a while."

"Luckily you're not very observant and don't care about him very often."

"And your family?"

"Was attentive, but their attention isn't as dangerous, they don't jump to conclusions and they have never threatened to kill anyone."

"You were worried that if I found out I would threaten to kill you?"

"Before I knew him well enough I was worried you'd order Maedhros to, and he would."

Oh dear.

"And once you knew him better?"

"That you'd just take him and leave for the Outer Lands and leave us. Which you did, without even the knowledge of this to instigate it-"

"He can have you if he wants, I wouldn't put a continent in his way. I object to the two of you marrying."

"You don't get a vote."

Damn straight he doesn't.

"He is ambitious and talented and ridiculously driven and will have all the resources of the galaxy at his disposal and is probably going to rule an empire someday. Are you going to be loyally tagging along? He is going to get bored of you. Are you going to patiently wait for him to come back? He paces his life like my son and you don't and can't."

"Ah, so you're motivated by concern for my own good."

"I don't want my son tied by guilt to something he'd have left behind if he hadn't been forced to commit to it-"

"Then the Oath was a bad idea, now wasn't it?"

Ooh burn.

"I don't think Maedhros will outgrow me but if he does I will let him go."

"I think he already has and here you are, interfering."

"I for one don't doubt for a second that Fingon will put Maedhros's well-being first. That doesn't mean he'll put your perspective on it first."


"You can't un-marry if it turns out to have been a mistake."


Loki just barely manages not to ask if he's speaking from personal experience and if so what that does to his perspective on people who shouldn't have existed in the first place.

"No," he says, "we can't."

"So wait a thousand years."

"Maedhros doesn't want to."

"Does he have a reason?"

"He does not owe you one."

"But I don't owe it to him to pretend I approve, either."

"I think you owe it to him to be civil," Loki tells Fëanor.


"If I were not being civil the last exchange you witnessed between us would have ended very differently."


"I did not say you owe it to him not to be maximally hostile."

He turns back to Fingon. "I'm sure you are a lovely person and I think it is very unwise for you to marry my son and I have no desire to have a relationship with someone who under the circumstances would do it anyway. Insofar as you're sufficient to make him happy, please do that. When you turn out not to be, let him go. Is that all?"

"I didn't come here for your verdict on anything, so that's strictly more verdicts than I was looking for."
"I am not at all clear on why you came here."

"You haven't faced any of us since you left us to die, I was curious if you'd be bothered by it."

"Bothered by your continued existence? If I wanted you dead, the boats would have gone back for you and then they would have sunk."

"Ugh," mutters Loki.


"I think that's everything I came for," Fingon says. "Thank you for raising such a lovely son, I have no idea how you scrounged up the emotional maturity to manage it."


"Shall I take you home now?"

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