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"Your estimates of the value of your existence are even unkinder than mine, then."

"Have you literally never loved anyone, because otherwise this would not be a hard concept to understand-"

"I think one can reasonably vary in how self-sacrificing one gets in response to the plight of loved ones," Loki interrupts.


Fingon is glaring at Fëanor. "He gave you everything. All his talent, all his ambitions, that stupid fucking oath -"




"Yes," Fëanor says. "Obviously his family matters more to him than you do, that's not interesting or surprising. What I'm confused by is that you do, in fact, matter to him. I do not think he just finds it flattering to be surrounded by people who'd throw away their lives for him."

"It might be a nice counterweight to people who can't even comprehend why anyone would," Fingon says, "but no, I don't think so. And we both have in common that we'd choose our duties over each other. And I wouldn't have thought he'd choose you over his duties but he burned the ships, so -"

"No," Fëanor says, "he didn't."

"...That would be why I asked you a few years ago if you could keep a secret," Loki says.


"What happened."

"He disagreed, he disobeyed, and then he walked away. And then the Enemy attacked and there wasn't really time to dwell on it. I expected he'd told you right away. You just decided to forgive him for it?"

"Why didn't he say anything."

"I got permission to tell you and only you and I asked you if you could keep a secret and you said anything I could tell you I could tell your father."


"Which I will. This is strategically relevant."


"Maedhros doesn't want it generally known."


"That's too bad."



"I am curious," Fëanor says, "about the mindset involved in going off to tragically die alongside my son when you thought he betrayed you."

"No one deserves Angband. I'd have tried even for you."

Maybe this at least counts as a character trait.

By the look on Fëanor's face it seems to. "For future reference," he says, "Please don't. I am sure there is something you can do to be useful against the Enemy - one assumes you can dig ditches -"

"I've had the command of a larger host than yours for the Ice and afterwards."
"Mmmhmm, and what have you done with them? Settled down behind the walls we built you -"

"Managed not to turn the Enemy into five vindictive irradiated ash monsters -"

"You really should have just stayed in Valinor -"

"And then Maedhros would have died with you on the beaches of Alqualondë and while I am sure he wishes that he had he's managed to avoid expressing the sentiment."

"The vindictive irradiated ash monsters are kinda my fault."


"They're entirely worth it," Fëanor says, "because we ended the creating of sworn orcs."

"It's a bit beside the point," Fingon says. "We wanted to leave. We knew we'd be safer in Valinor and in danger here, and we were not asking for your protection. We impeded you only in the sense that being reminded of us hurt your feelings. And you left us in Valinor for it."

"Yes," Fëanor says, "I shouldn't have done that. It would have been nice if you'd stopped Galadriel giving speeches about how the only righteous path forwards was to stop me at any cost, and your father could rather have predicted that I'd have difficulty working with him while he called himself True High King of the Noldor, but if I'd thought about it I'm sure I could have come up with a way to make sure you didn't distract me from the war that didn't leave you in Valinor."

"Thank you."

Fëanor shrugs. "It wouldn't have been straightforward. You were making yourselves quite the liability."

"Galadriel's really obnoxious," mutters Loki.


"Most people are," Fingon says, "if you kill everyone they love. I'm sure Sauron finds you a right pain. Or, um, did."

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