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"Can we get a copy of one of your physics books while you're here, Loki? I have a blank to attach pages to somewhere..." He walks out of the room. Maedhros 'won't be worse off', hmm?


"Sure, no problem." I was assuming that he meant by Maedhros's own lights, there.


He closes the door. I actually don't think he's being clever with wording. He wouldn't do that. It's just - I owe him less than nothing, I'm not sure it'd be good for Maedhros, and then the narrative if it gets out more generally - not through action on Fëanor's part -


If not through action on Fëanor's part how would this get it out?


The Enemy knows. We're used to his lies at this point but it would not be unlike my father to say 'Fingon, settle the latest lie the Enemy's spreading with a public oath it's false, that's easy...'


- what does that have to do with whether Fëanor hears it from Maedhros, though...?


If it gets out at all, the fact it happened with Fëanor's knowledge is a political disaster for - well, mostly for me, but also I think it'd damage Maedhros.


The nuances of that are a bit lost on me.


Hmm. Alright. One option would be for Fëanor to at that point react as if he hadn't known, and hope he can do it convincingly, but he's a bad liar. More likely, he just declines to react, which reads as 'my son was acting with my leave' which is - I'm sure there are atrocities by Asgardian standards where having some of your soldiers sneaking around doing it is embarrassing and damaging, but the implication they had instructions or the tacit approval of their command would be far moreso?


Maedhros would anticipate this and could I guess choreograph a suitable reaction on his father's part if everything comes out.

Seems like the sort of thing his talents lend themselves to.


Does he want to do it?


It's sort of hard to tell, but he said I could ask you.


The reason to would be if he does think it'll come out and that his father's reaction would endanger the war effort.


...I'm going to try not inserting my cultural opinions at every opportunity and see what happens.

Yeah, I think you need to substitute it with - with the news that one of your crown princesses put things in peoples' drinks - obviously it's unconscionable to endanger the war effort but it'd also be unconscionable to say 'well, it's their private life', it's genuinely a hard line to draw.

He sits down. Can you take me invisibly to Maedhros?

...I could, but they have opinions about Noldor in Doriath and I am trying to limit the extent to which I make rude gestures at Doriath's opinions.


Fine. Tell him I'm sure he's thought of all of the considerations I have.


All right. Anything else?


"Thank you for the book."


...She flips quickly through the pages under a single layer of accelerated perception song and prints him a book. "You're welcome."


And he takes it back to his niece's party.


And she goes back to Maedhros.


Who asked Lúthien if he could be swapped for a day, and she said yes certainly. He smiles ruefully as he conveys this.

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