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"It was very cathartic. I am a bit surprised by that, I always thought that it didn't really help -"


"Varies, I think."


"The last time we disagreed over the ships we were both armored and I was being very careful not to let it escalate like that, not at any cost -"


"He was trying. I should have given him more space to try in."


"If that's what trying looks like... It looked to me like it was effortless until it was impossible. Maybe that's what trying looks like when he does it."

"He does lots of impossible things, if you lay them out for him the right way.

The first part wasn't effortless. It was not as much effort as I expected but it wasn't - I couldn't tell how he felt about it because he'd decided not to consider that while he was trying to think what I needed, that's never an effortless thing -

I'm very lucky that my father avoids people when he's really annoyed with them, his personality plus even the slightest vindictive inclination would be terrifying."

"...Yes, I imagine it would."

"Burning the ships was avoidant, too, not vindictive, not that it made even the smallest difference. is so frustrating to understand him perfectly and still not see any way to stop him from making horribly costly -

I should have told him that when the war was over I was going to walk the Helcaraxe, a hundred thousand times, for every person in Nolofinwë's host. And then he'd have said 'well, I'll assign a hundred people to you so it doesn't take you quite as long' and then probably if I'd played it right we could all have done it, and it wouldn't really help but it'd make him stop lying to himself.

We should go back."

"You're sure you're ready?"


"No. I can't think what would make me ready though. Wandering around alternating between regretting hurting your impression of my father and intensely resenting that it's so hard to give him things to reflect off such that he comes off well isn't going to do it. I can't exactly go back and apologize."


"If you're as ready as you're going to get then," she says. "- am I going to need to convey him metaphorical dance steps?"


"The line Findekáno and I settled on, after much discussion, is that after being rescued I conveyed to him that were there anything in my power that didn't advantage the Enemy I could do to apologize, I would do it. That part's true. And then, rumor-to-be-spread-if-needed goes, he responded that I could suck his cock and I, for inscrutable Feanorian reasons and also perhaps insanity and also I had made him a very open-ended offer, accepted, and so he's been accepting in increments the repayment of the debt I owe him, and this is the extent of a sexual relationship between us. It is sufficiently shocking that no one will be able to talk about anything else, it means because of the stupid Eldarin notions surrounding all of this that Findekáno doesn't lose any standing, and I'm the one who wanted this so I'm the one who can live with whatever they say about me."




"I find it very soothing how ridiculous you find all this. Trust me, that would have the intended effects in terms of lots of social drama and no intractable political repercussions."


"Shall I find it ridiculous more conspicuously? If the nice sexually liberal galactics hear that story they're going to think he's a predator."


"Really? ...why? It's not an acceptable ask but I could have ignored it..."


"Well, I suppose it depends on how much they buy the 'perhaps insanity' part but even without it nice sexually liberal galactics often frown upon sexual favors as currency in the repayment of generic debt, at least in unfriendly contexts."


"Noted. It might matter that it's me - no one here, hearing that story, would worry that Findekáno's taking advantage of me, just wonder what the Halls I'm trying to achieve and how I thought that'd get me there - and speculate about it, which is important, because we have to assume that at this point the real story is out there so we need something that's less damaging but more fun to talk about."


"I hope the need doesn't arise."


"...I feel like there must have been further comment there. But yes, so do we. Obviously."


"If everyone is talking about it someone might expect me to have an opinion and then I have to have the nice sexually liberal galactic opinion and I like Findekáno!"


"Opinion of Findekáno would be split pretty evenly between 'good for him', 'how many millennia is it going to take the House of Finwë to stop acting like fifty-somethings', and 'he's going to get tricked somehow just you wait'. You could maybe fit in with the second group."


"Maybe," she sighs.

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