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Alternate ending to Abramo Aiello's final appearance
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"Well? Finish me off then!"


I mean, in light of the luring-into-mazes and eating-outsider-flesh that seems to have been going on here...


"And how do you propose to make the tribe strong, you useless lump?"


"Remind me which one of us can casually disable the other one in a single round? You fired six arrows in that battle and I think one of them hit! What's the use of a demon's bargain that doesn't even work?"


For the record, two of Wenduag's arrows hit.


"You'd have done the same, if it was eat the flesh or die."


"I would not."


"Words are cheap... as you should well know."


Lann seems set to quarrel with Wenduag for the rest of the day, with no particular conclusions reached - he is still reluctant to kill another mongrel, perhaps, if she's not actively shooting at him. Or - Wenduag implied that they'd been lovers, at some point. So... it falls to Abramo to decide what to do with her.


Killing a prisoner is, actually, a war crime. Wenduag is clearly guilty of desertion, treason, cannibalism... Abramo does not think a jury would be out very long before coming back with the death-penalty verdict. But having surrendered, she does actually have a right to a jury.

It sticks in his throat, but to kill her now is no justice; it's cold-blooded murder. 

"Put down your weapons, Wenduag. You can tell your side of it to a court of law."


"I don't follow weak people."


Wenduag is perhaps overestimating the extent to which Abramo is giving her a choice about this. With a touch of luck, she might resist arrest?


If he doesn't let her go, then yes!


Oh, good. A prisoner who surrendered falsely is another matter entirely.


Yeah sorry, she's a Named Character and not going to die in a cutscene.


For the love of the Name...

Bah. Very well, let's organise the exodus then.


Then Anevia can have a reunion with her wife!


"Nevia! I thought you were dead!"



Abramo was born in 1890 in a timeline somewhat resembling ours and is much more conservative than the average isekaied glowfic character, or the average gamedev in OTL 2022. He would, to be honest, not be entirely comfortable with an openly lesbian relationship. Fortunately for him, the green-skinned, short-haired, pointy-eared person in the bulky shapeless armour, who could clearly lift Abramo with one hand, does not particularly scan as female to him. He's going to take 'wife' as a quirk of the local language and move on with his life.


Then Irabeth can roll a success on her Exposition check and explain about the strategic importance of the Wardstone.


And they can fight their way through the cellars following Irabeth and the dwarf Staunton. 


Yeah that was the expendable blocking element, we put them there so we could set up this ambush with converging fields of fire at the top of the stairs.

Incidentally, have you considered the advantages of joining a cult of Baphomet, such as living beyond the next two minutes?


In the heat of combat many bad decisions are made!


That appears to be treason, desertion, and cowardice in the face of the enemy. Summary court-martial convenes...

(hefts longsword)



Those are not the tactical choices Abramo would have made in this situation. Either defecting right in front of an officer who is clearly very formidable in personal combat, or charging alone into the enemy ranks to punish that defection.

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