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Alternate ending to Abramo Aiello's final appearance
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Indeed. Abramo is not able to see the label "Cultist Champion" above the head of that dwarf; but he does see him fight on after taking several direct hits from Seelah's longsword, with four of Lann's arrows sticking out of him in various places. That's not healing magic. Additionally, it ought not to be literally impossible to land a crossbow bolt on a man dwarf target whose fighting style involves mainly standing still and swinging a flail, of all the silly weapons. Abramo's beginning to think there are some Points Of Interest about the physics here, even aside from the healing magic. And that Lann may have had a point about the skilled fighters.


"This isn't how I pictured it, serving Baphomet. This isn't how I pictured it at all."


Possibly useful intelligence about "Hosilla" and whatever an "elemental" is. Also possibly evidence against mind-control. Nothing either way on which side is in the right; every rank-and-file soldier ever has grumbled in this manner. 


Also, while the Divine Zap spell at least lands every time, it doesn't seem to have any sort of stopping power. Annoying.


Yeah at these levels a Zen Archer is really where it's at for damage output.


And parts of the catacombs are flooded, lovely.


Yes, and not only that, if you don't understand the Acrobatics skill we can land two attacks of opportunity on you!


Calamity! I did not foresee this!


No worries, that's what Cure Light Wounds is for.


Abramo is now dissociating violently; having your neck broken by an unarmed strike is unpleasant enough without then unexpectedly surviving the experience, apparently none the worse for wear. 

...this could, actually, be a useful tactic in some circumstances. "Expendable blocking elements" takes on a much less euphemistic flavor if you can get the elements back afterwards. Abramo is still going to avoid it if he can.


Abramo cannot see the -14 (!) hit points on this raging barbarian mongrel.


But he can be vastly impressed at the thing's ability to fight on while spouting gallons of blood into the dirty sewer water. It reminds him of the defense of Cairo - which is some minor evidence of mind control again. 


The Hand of Hosilla goes down rather easily, but that water elemental is a TPK waiting to happen. Possibly there's an item somewhere else in the dungeon that counters the damage reduction, or something?


Abramo will definitely not use out-of-game knowledge to avoid the thing; he will instead remind the others that they are here to scout, and if the water elemental is as troublesome to the cultists as the Hand's orders suggest then why should they interfere with it? Enemy of our enemy, and so on.


I am annoyed that I cannot tell whether the Baphomet AI is really dumb, cheating so that it doesn't actually damage its allies, or roleplaying Chaotic Evil cultists very well. Who uses a negative channel when surrounded by allies?


Hey you go to war skirmish tactics games with the builds you have. Also, don't mind our ret-icon, @ilzolende offered some help with the graphics and we took them up on it; many thanks ilzo!


Ok who uses a literal pool of blood to bathe in?

Where do you even get that much blood. 

Maybe it's not human blood, if everyone in this maze were eating some beef every day you might be slaughtering a cow every week and that might be a cow-sized amount of blood.

It's not literally impossible that there's some magic spell that would be activated that way, and the blood might come from volunteers, or from legitimate operations of war; but Abramo is beginning to think that he may have been fortunate in which side he fell in with. It's not strictly decisive, but... not a good look.


The dretches do not scan as particularly outlandish to Abramo, who has seen quite a bit of variety among the mongrels; squat little grey-skinned humanoids who fight naked, why not? The stinking cloud, on the other hand, is a surprise. So, they do have chemical weapons here. How unpleasant.


Wow that is really rather crippling. How do I fix the whole party being nauseated?


Oh, Cure Light Wounds fixes? Well then!


God send the right!


Abadar will interrupt this battle to Lawfully discharge some obligations incurred by acausal trade. His new icon is to be credited to @ilzolende. Ilzolende, in turn, gives credit to Paizo for the circled cityscape, and Creativity103 for the wire pattern. 


Gah, capitalism. Anyway we now return to your regularly scheduled non-meta narrative.


Abadar would also like to point out that Wrath of the Righteous wouldn't even exist without capitalism, and might show a smidgeon of gratitude.


Abramo is entirely unaware of this meta-commentary, and will continue object-level commentary on ingame events.

...a torture chamber. How medieval. He supposes he does not know whether his new allies might have them too, but... the evidence keeps piling up that the Baphometans are Not Very Nice People.

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