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Alternate ending to Abramo Aiello's final appearance
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Then his contribution to the cause of civilisation today can be... building a bridge. A rickety, improvised bridge that will just about allow foot traffic - one at a time. Well. You have to start somewhere.


And they can meet Nenio doing "experiments" on Baphomet cultists!


Well, really now. Two groups of N=3? The instrument differs between the groups, and one of the groups gets to see the other one being tested? No blinding? (When you think about it, Golarion ought to be the perfect place to do social science, you can literally blind the experimenters first and then fix it with a scroll!) This "experiment" is bad and Nenio should feel bad. you know what, it's not that bad as psychology experiments go.


Abramo has the education the early twentieth century thought suitable for a gentilhuomo, plus some very idiosyncratic Torah studies; he doesn't particularly notice the badness of the "science" Nenio is doing qua science. He does notice that it's rather useless, though. However, he's happy to advance the plot recruit another caster. 


They can also meet Ember, who seems surprisingly unbothered about being "sacrificed to Iomedae".


And Abramo can signally fail his Diplomacy check! Possibly because it's not super possible to negotiate with people who are sufficiently... whatever-it-is that leads to believing Iomedae will give you power in exchange for the blood of an innocent.


And speaking of extremist followers of Iomedae, heeeere's Hulrun!


Abramo does notice the immense suspicion of everyone and everything, but... to be fair, there really do seem to be rather a lot of hidden cultists about. They called his cousin Eliezer insane too, before the Long War was out in the open and any idiot could see that the Jackal's powers were blocked by the herb moly; and they said it of Chiano the Lionheart too, who was not suspicious enough. So he will give polite answer to the rudely barked question:

"I am a crusader (*)."


(*) The Taldane word is much closer to "holy warrior" and does not particularly have the Christian associations that the 'crux' root implies in English. 'Ghazi' would be an equally good translation.


Which pacifies Hulrun so far as Abramo is concerned... but he has history with Ramien.


Ok that there "Lawful" dialogue option is actually Lawful Stupid, and also sycophantic.


"What is the accusation?"


Treason, in the form of interfering with the Wardstone - just before the attack.


The timing is undeniably suspicious. But... Abramo is not only a Jew, he is a secret Jew; the Aiello are, actually, the marranos your local inquisitor warned you about. The title "inquisitor" does not fill him with joy; the conflation of suspicion and proof... brings to mind more recent police states, some of which caused millions of deaths and literal billions of ducats of property damage before their defeat. Abramo will not be hunting down Ramien on Hulrun's word.


Yeah no. Attacking Ramien without hearing his side of it is not "Lawful", it's not even Lawful Stupid, it's just True Stupid. Come on, now. Iomedae even has the actual concept of an unlawful order! And in fact Hulrun can't even give Abramo an unlawful order to arrest Ramien, on account of Abramo is not in Hulrun's chain of command at all and doesn't take his orders.

It doesn't fit into Abramo's narration, because he hasn't read the AAR he was isekaied from and isn't intimately familiar with those episodes in it that wouldn't make it into a family history or similar text, but there's an episode in it where an Aiello refuses to take orders from an arrogant ally. 


That said, Abramo is not actually super impressed by Ramien's claim of receiving information in dreams... until he remembers where the Jackal's powers are strongest. There isn't, actually, any reason why a similar entity, allied to humanity instead of opposing them, couldn't use dreams as a medium of communication: Uninterceptable, impossible to jam, perfectly encrypted... unfortunately, also rather well encrypted for the recipients. Abramo's judgement, as is often the case, remains suspended.


See that's the actually Lawful approach! You don't jump to conclusions on insufficient evidence!


Abramo will nonetheless raise an eyebrow at the Desnans' confidence that the voice they hear in their dreams is indeed an informant within the enemy ranks. The other thing about dreams is, they don't carry checkable metadata about the sender. He doesn't agree with Hulrun's burn-the-heretics approach to the rule of Law, but... he will quietly observe to himself that there's also such a thing as Chaotic Stupid.


As will be well demonstrated by this random-encounter barbarian!


Ember will just note that it's actually really difficult for a combat-oriented game to combine the Otherworldly Waif trope with being a playable character, and that the concept of separation of narrative and gameplay is super useful to her! She really appreciates Abramo bringing it to her attention, it drastically lessens her confusion about her role in the world! She feels much less dysphoric about pulling the trigger on this crossbow now!


After clearing the necromancer out of the market square, they can return to the Defender's Heart.


Which is under attack! Man orc to the walls!


Norgorber trip the alarm, this was supposed to be a safe space. Woljif will run along the rooftops stabbing people who have just come up a ladder, that's probably the safest task he's best suited for.


Lann will do fire support from the rooftops. First target, any escaladers Woljif misses.


Seelah will lead the sortie out the main gate!


Then Seelah can be the first to enjoy this freshly-sulfured, artisanally handcrafted, short-travel Stinking Cloud!

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