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Alternate ending to Abramo Aiello's final appearance
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Oh, well, in that case... Blessed Enlarged Bull-Strengthed Smite Evil Charge!


Also, Sneak Attack!


Wait, I had DR 5/Good! None of those weapons were Good! Especially not the Sneak Attack!


The petitioner is advised that this Court does not have jurisdiction over bug reports. Once verdict has been rendered it may file one with Otolmens's Office in Axis. It will be the petitioner's own responsibility to make its way to that Office, or otherwise communicate therewith. Does the petitioner have any information that this Court may find relevant to its case?



(This has always worked for the minotaur previously, and entities with Int 9, Wis 7 are not noted for their rapid adjustment to circumstances.)


We did not think so. Then that will be the Abyss; court is adjourned. In our private capacity we do wish the petitioner good luck with its bug report - Otolmens will likely be most interested, once you get the correct forms to Her office.


For the record I do think there was a bug here? The minotaur should have shrugged off the Sneak Attack, as far as I understand the rules, and the militia's swords and pikes should not have bothered it at all.

Wait I got the achievement for defending "without losing a building"? That makes no sense, I had 8/12 left by the time the minotaur went down.


That's not a bug, that's Iomedae putting a finger on the scales for us! In a plausibly-deniable way that doesn't cost any intervention budget, because the goddess is highly Lawful but also believes that Lawfulness means winning. (In expectation.)

Kenabres kestää!


Since all this discussion is metatextual Abramo will not be reminded of his Torah studies, he will just take the level-up, tweak the spell prep, and get ready for actually acquiring the venture funding from Horgus Gwerm this time.


Ok, but has Abramo considered that this town has more than one filthy rich noble?


Eh... you know what, it's on the way to Gwerm's, we can have a quick detour in the interest of establishing some competition. Venture capital is all about the social confirmation, that's why I brought Camellia along.


Ok... that sure is the sort of party that gives "nobility" a bad name. It reminds Abramo of the way the Jackal worked, the slow creeping gnawing away at people's trust that rich men will invest their wealth in productive assets and not pure hedonism. Still... it does seem clear that this particular plot has not yet spanned centuries. The only drug in evidence is alcohol; the strippers dancing on the tables aren't even fully nude; if there's any inventively-cruel sex going on the participants have at least taken it to a private room. As decadent orgies in besieged cities go, it's practically wholesome. 


...also if the strippers are going to scream that loudly for literally two demons, would it kill them to run away from and not towards the danger?


Ok, you know what, a redemption arc might be an amusing diversion. Besides, there's no way any further partying is going to top literal demons bursting in; Daeran knows a peak moment when he sees one, and there's nothing more boring than an anticlimax.


All right; go to war with the army you can recruit, and so on. Then we'll continue our quest for venture capital.


Yes, but do you have a business plan? Or a minimum viable product?


Right, right, we will give a demo of our B2B killing-as-a-service app. 


This manor doesn't have an orgy in it just at the moment. But it does have the vibe that any orgy held here would not be the reasonably-wholesome sort of affair we saw at Daeran's. 


Woljif is generally in favour of casing mansions, but... this place gives him the creeps. He'll lean into the dual-wielding, token-evil-party-member trope and get his pet cat out, daring anyone to say a word about it.


Whips, floggers, collars... strange. Abramo has not had two decades of Internet exposure to inform him about kinky sex varietals. He does not read "lifestyle BDSM" at all, that's not a concept available to him; but qua torture implements they seem rather weaksauce.


A brisk little skirmish with a couple of demons will make everyone feel better, right?


It does, actually!

Sneak Attack!


Even though Otolmens has not RECEIVED a report in the proper FORM, She has diligently INVESTIGATED the alleged BUG. She wishes to point out that the mortal WOLJIF has the rogue talent WEAKENING WOUND, which reduced the complainant's DAMAGE REDUCTION by his level, which at the time of the INCIDENT was three (3). The reduced damage reduction of two (2) was indeed applied CORRECTLY to all attacks made on complainant.

Although the COMPLAINT does not raise the issue in the proper FORM, Otolmens has included in Appendix A of Her INCIDENT REPORT a bibliography of previous problems caused by the COMPLEXITY of the feature commonly called DAMAGE REDUCTION but referred to informally by Otolmens's debugging inevitables as OH THAT GODDAM THING AGAIN. Otolmens would also draw the reader's attention to Appendix B, containing a somewhat LENGTHY history of mortal COMPLAINTS about what they call BALANCE ISSUES surrounding damage reduction, reduced damage reduction, and resistance to reduction of damage reduction. Otolmens does not fully UNDERSTAND these alleged issues but they certainly do add rather a lot of WEIGHT to what is already quite a heavy REPORT.


Pharasma is glad to hear that there was no fact of the matter which might have impacted the timing of Judgement for the relevant petitioner. Petitioner's request for review of their sorting to the Abyss is therefore moot. Otolmens's report will be sorted... into the usual bucket for such reports.


Ok, but to answer the actual question, yes Woljif did gain "Bewildering Injury" on hitting fourth and yes that's why that Flameblade has that modifier now.

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