how many blai threads can i keep up with? let's find out
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"No. There was a specific portal. It is both now closed and not close to where I was when the monster teleported me here."


"That's good. Do you have any questions for me, or need anything, before I send you off to be someone else's problem?"


"Will the someone else be able to do your language spell or should I expect to be unable to talk to anyone until I can prepare my own spells in the morning?"


"...Any people on their own land can give anyone their language. Is that not what you’re used to?"


"No. I can cast a spell that does that but I don't have it prepared."


"We'll send you somewhere they can. I don't know if they will. Probably. If they're not willing to, they probably won't take you at all and then I guess whoever I send with you will have to take you somewhere else."


"...okay. I hope it is not too inconvenient to escort me such a distance; I can at least create food every day if there's nothing else I need my third circle slot for."


"You know, I don't think I've ever heard of a priest doing anything that useful before." There is, for the first time, a little warmth in his voice. "You probably won't be on the road that long, I expect the first place we send you will take you. I'm thinking maybe Acarthen, up north, by the sea. They have... the god most similar to yours, from what I understand."


"The spell actually makes food for up to fifteen people, and it lasts all day before it disappears, if you would like me to cast it before I go. I had it prepared to cover my lodging in houses I passed on the trip I was trying to take."


"...You might want to spend today's outside our territory, especially if you have to stop somewhere on the way to Acarthen - you don't have to go all the way there, either, I just don't think you'll like our nearest neighbors as much and they'll probably let you through. And that's even likelier if you feed them."


"I am sufficiently confused about the local religion situation that I don't know what I should expect when I hear you say you think I will or will not like some group of people here."


"Huh. The local gods are Vesseth, who apparently really likes making people into twisted sculptures, and Eron, the god of some people east of here, and Ain, who has a thing for gardens and doesn't like it when people fight or argue, and Forth, the god of Acarthen, whom I have never heard of actually doing anything, and Vy, who likes breaking people's minds, and a couple more whose territories are further from here."



"I guess of those Ain sounds perhaps fine??"


"I don't feel that way but okay. I can have someone take you to the edge of her territory but I'm not asking anyone to go farther than that."


"I would not be shocked to hear someone describe Erastil, who like my own god is also Lawful Good, as having a thing for gardens and not liking it when people fight or argue. It would not be the usual way to describe Him but it would not in that context seem bizarre; it is not centrally my own religion but as practiced on Golarion I believe it is a force for Good. But of course you were not expecting this morning to have to explain all of these things to a stranger and I should not take up too much of your time. I will go where you direct me."


"...You're right, and that's considerate of you. And if you hate it when you get there, you can come back through our territory on the way to somewhere else." He sighs and looks at someone else in the circle. "Valna, will you take him?"

Valna nods and takes a couple of steps toward Blai.


"Thank you for taking the time to escort me," he says to Valna.


"Not like you chose to be here." The circle is dispersing and she gestures for him to follow her. "You are allowed to talk about your god, by the way, it's just having a god in range to suck people dry that nobody wants."


"I don't think gods of the kind I'm familiar with do that. - I guess maybe Zon-Kuthon does, I'm not sure because His entire country is literally dark at all times and rumors escaping therefrom are few and confusing."


"I think they all show some restraint with their own followers."


"What is it that gods suck people dry... of? Are they somehow also vampires?"


"Energy. What do you mean by 'vampire'?"


"A vampire is a type of undead creature which drinks the blood of the living. What kind of energy do you mean?"


"The kind that lets you be awake and move around and not be dead?"


"...we call that positive energy, if I understand you correctly, and even Evil gods are net providers of positive energy, because it is useful to have followers on the mortal plane pursuing goals that are more awkward to address personally from across the planes."

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