how many blai threads can i keep up with? let's find out
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"...I think your homeland might have some very different customs for interacting with gods or at least for talking about them. I have no idea what you’re talking about."


"I apologize, what are the customs here?"


"...Uh. Hm. ...Well, now it makes a lot of sense to me that you didn't just tell me yours. I'm not sure I can give you a summary that's not oversimplified or inaccurate at all but just to give you something to work with... most societies belong to a god, and you can tell which one because most people wear a piece of jewelry that connects them to their god, so the god can see them and take power from them, and some people are priests, which means they can mostly speak for their god to their people and their god might work miracles for them, and some people get taken away to be with the gods and be, uh, reshaped."


"I... uh... the power transfer does not go in that direction?"


"How do you know?"


"I have been a cleric for most of my life and met many others. I get spells every morning. My god is having a busy year and is therefore selecting fewer people than normal, not more."


" - Yes. A priest might get more than what they pay. Don't you have people who belong to gods and aren't priests?"


"There are people who... pray to various combinations of gods according to what they think might help... but even most clerics aren't necessarily monolatrous, let alone lay worshipers."


"That's very cooperative of your gods."


"It's possible that Zon-Kuthon has managed to actually prevent anyone from so much as praying to Erastil for a good harvest, in his seat of power, but other gods who have countries don't even set that as a goal, and most gods don't have countries."


"Uh-huh. And you're a priest of your very cooperative god?"




"I'm pretty likely to kick you out but if I do that I can have someone escort you somewhere with decent people and vouch for the fact that you haven't attacked anyone yet. Got any preferences about where you'd like to be?"


"Oh, is this an atheist country? There's one of those on Golarion, I apologize, I didn't mean to come here at all. I don't know anything about your neighbors and would be inclined to accept your recommendation."


"We're not fond of gods, if that's what you mean. I'm not sure what to recommend. What kind of place would you be comfortable and what will your god want you to do?"


" Inner Sea climate, a tolerance for Lawful Good deities? If there are... undead or demons or anything She's in favor of fighting those, I spent most of my career fighting demons."


"...What are Lawful Good deities?"


"...the ones who are both Lawful and Good. As opposed to Chaotic Good, or Neutral Evil, or Lawful Neutral, or - there are nine alignments and several gods for each."


"I don't know what you're talking about."


"...alignments." He's pretty sure they still know about alignments in Rahadoum. "There are - there are nine of them."


"You said that part already. Look, what behavior will they need to tolerate to live with you and your god?"


"Behavior? If - preaching? - is against the law I certainly won't do it - I am very much unclear on what you're expecting priests to be like."

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