Ellie and Thario in MO
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Maya notices her sudden weightlessness and then her aura goes quite transparent with small sparks appearing around her.



Well, she can push herself back down to the ground, at least.


Fortunately there is in fact a tree she can push off, yes. But then she'll have to bounce between objects to get anywhere.

Maya, on the other hand, appears to be moving in whatever direction she chooses, although it's relatively slow movement – slightly slower than walking pace. So she moves over to a tree and then kicks off it so as to speed herself up.

It's quite fun if you have something to protect you were you to kick off in the wrong direction. Wouldn't want to accidentally fly into the sky or something, would we?

(Elleira will notice that the lightning pain has slightly dulled.)


Elleira moves slowly and surely, careful not to exert too much force with each push.


Well, in that case she can slowly continue her way in the direction she was previously going.

Maya will go faster at first then notice Elleira's falling behind. She will slow down and continue reading the book instead of messing around with the weightlessness.

It's curious how her aura seems to do different things with different colors/styles, just like the Cloud, isn't it?


Curious indeed.

Suspicious, one might almost say.


Perhaps she got the magic here? She still hasn't explained how she got the cut, has she?


She didn't have the vocabulary to make a proper go at it. When they get out of this inconvenient zero-grav fog, she'll ask.


The zero-grav decides to turn green instead! It is no longer zero-grav, though Maya continues hovering along.

That is, until she breathes in and chokes a little. Apparently the fog is not currently designed for breathing in.

This may be an issue.


There's a basic Force technique that allows the user to hold their breath for an almost indefinite period, provided they have some warning. Getting caught by surprise makes it... less efficient.

Elleira starts moving more quickly.


Maya drops down to the ground and flares her aura white instead! She continues having trouble breathing but manages to stand up and carry on.

She doesn't look too happy about what she's doing. Apparently it's quite unpleasant.


No one here is happy about this turn of events.


This will continue for about ten minutes, with Maya continuing to walk – not too slowly but probably more slowly than Elleira would like – despite her difficulties breathing, and then suddenly they're out of the cloud and Maya breathes a deep breath and her aura goes back to the blue color that it started off as.


"That was unpleasant. Are you more capable of coherent conversation now?"


Fortunately, Maya re-flares her aura red when Elleira starts talking – 'coherent' is not a particularly common word and Maya wouldn't understand it otherwise.

"Yes," she says. "Which is a useful word. What do you want to know?"


"Everything. Your magic seems to be based on or affect the color of your aura, how does that work?"


"I pick a color, the colors do things. Red is understanding, blue is getting power, spark – somehow a color? – is propulsion, white is– undeath?"


"I can't die? That fog would have killed me."


"How did you acquire this magic? Is it inborn?"


"Nope. Got bitten by a small– thing like a snake?"


"Here or someplace else?"


"Here. After the shiny and dizzy thing."


"Have you noticed any drawbacks to it?"


"This red thing takes mental effort. It's– like I have to do a three-digit multiplication every couple of seconds or something."

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