Ellie and Thario in MO
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Does a wavy hand gesture work? Is that a thing they have in Elleira's culture?


"Not yet. Wonderful. I hope this does not take too much longer."


She sighs a little, points at herself, and says, "Maya."


"That's your name? Okay. Actually, I have something here that might help." She pulls out the translation book and opens it. "This will let me understand you."


"I can understand," she says, in Basic. "Translation magic need– uh, needs? – needs data."


"Oh good." She closes the book and puts it away. Something she won't have to explain if Thario or Blue decides to show up. "How'd you get here?"


"Where?" she asks, looking at her a bit carefully. "Here?" she asks, pointing at the ground. "Here?" she asks again, this time gesturing around herself.

Then she frowns since she's not really sure that's very clear what she's trying to ask. Sigh.


"Here, specifically. Not this fucked-up world in general."


She raises her arm – the wounded one – and says, "I actually need something."


"And what's that?"


"… Magic," she says, rolling her eyes. "Magic is rather inconvenient. I can– something, but do not understand specifically," she shrugs. "It's wonderful and good but inconvenient."

Her aura continues to be slightly red.


"You don't have enough vocabulary?"


She shrugs and waves her hand again. "If you answer, I can understand. You don't have what I need, but might help? I don't understand inconvenient magic."


"Unhelpful. Right. I'm not going to stand around here talking any longer, so if you want to keep talking, keep up." She starts walking.


Maya rolls her eyes but follows. "How did you get here?" she asks. "And what's your name?"


"Saw something shiny and felt dizzy. Elleira."


"I had that," she says. "It is inconvenient and unhelpful."


There isn't really anything interesting around them, since the White Cloud seems to cover most things up, but they can see the ground in a few-meter radius around them.

"… What– you want?" asks Maya after a bit. "Ugh, vocabulary."


Elleira pulls out the book and hands it over.

"Vocabulary towards the beginning."


She reads it through for a bit.

They do not stumble across anything interestingly new – the White Cloud continues to be white and oversensory, though it's apparently worse so for Elleira than for Maya since Maya doesn't seem particularly impaired by it.

They get into an area with fewer trees for a bit. Elleira's Force sense still seems slightly messed up for who's around, but there definitely seems to be someone within about… half a kilometer.


She's more interested in getting out of the cloud than meeting up with someone else.


That is probably a good priority to have!

… It might take a while, though, since the cloud seems perfectly happy to be quite large.


Well it's not like she's going to stop.


It continues to be quite large, and then it gets quite suddenly blue.

How heavy is she? Because, well, her weight has apparently turned to 'zero' and now she's probably having difficulty walking as normal.

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