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Not a Usual Side Effect
Ellie and Thario in MO
Permalink Mark Unread

Life as a Sith apprentice isn't that different from life as a Sith acolyte, so far. Kaas is rainier than Korriban was. There are fewer overseers around, but more actual Sith Lords. It all balances out, Elleira supposes. At least Zash hasn't directly tried to have her killed. Yet. Sending her to the archive to pick up a few specific historical works is not suspicious, Zash has had her do it before.

She navigates to the appropriate section confidently and begins browsing, keeping mental tabs on the locations of the other Sith in the area. No one's close enough to worry about. As she slowly walks down an aisle, a display catches her eye. She hadn't noticed this particular artifact before. As she moves to get a closer look, something odd glints for the barest fraction of a second in the glass, and she experiences a sudden moment of vertigo. She shakes her head to clear it, then starts in alarm. She can't feel the presence of anyone else anymore.

She goes into high alert mode, hand hovering over her lightsaber. She can't hear anything. No rustles, no footsteps. She reaches out to try to find the people again-

Permalink Mark Unread

It doesn't seem there's anybody around! At all. Anywhere. In her range, there are precisely zero people.

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Is someone blocking her? No, she can still feel herself, and when she yanks a book off the shelf, it falls to the ground with a satisfying thud. What the hell is going on. She takes a second look at the artifact on display. It is completely unremarkable, a standard Second Era Vossik piece.

She makes her way to the entrance, senses stretched to their limits, alert for any hint of danger or clue as to what the fuck just happened.

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There doesn't actually seem to be any danger, no! But when she gets to the entrance, it's probably not what she was expecting on the other side.

There wasn't a forest there before, was there? It's rather green. Also brown. There's some purple and red in there, too, and the trees are quite tall.

No noises come from it, though, so it seems like there isn't much wildlife, at least here.

Permalink Mark Unread

What the fuck

It's not raining. Why is it not raining. This is not Kaas City. This is probably not Dromund Kaas, either, those trees don't look at familiar. Where is she?

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The forest doesn't actually have an answer for her! Well, unless rustling leaves counts.

Does she have an inclination to look upwards upon leaving the building, assuming she does so?

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Of course she does. Always check your corners, especially in situations as suddenly unexpected as this.

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The sky: is blue!

No sun in sight, not that she has much viewing angle from where she is.

Over to the left: it appears there is more forest. Over to the right: a small hut. A wooden hut.

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Yeah, definitely not on Dromund Kaas anymore.

Can she sense anyone in the hut?

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She cannot! She still can't sense anybody around. The whole place seems quite deserted.

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Has she mentioned this is really fucking strange? Because this is really fucking strange.

In the absence of any better ideas, she heads over to check out the hut.

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This is definitely very strange.

The hut: has a door. It is slightly ajar. Would she like to go in?

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Unless her danger sense has anything to say about it, she pushes the door all the way open with the Force.

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Nope! No danger from inside the hut, apparently. At least, not from just opening the door.

She can see a wall of the hut – still wooden – and also a small table near the door. There probably isn't much more inside the hut, seeing as it's relatively small, but who knows? There might be something interesting behind the door.

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Maybe. Inside she goes, then, and looks around.

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There is in fact not really anything interesting behind the door, unless a shiny metal coffee table counts. It's somewhat out of place for the wooden hut.

It has a book on it, which is left open to an empty page.

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Is there writing on any of the other pages?

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There's some writing on the first few pages! It seems to be a list of words, ranked (possibly?) in order of frequency they might appear in spoken language. Near the top are the obvious common words – articles in speech, common conjunctions, that sort of thing. They are in fact in a language she can read.

The list cuts out after three pages, though. Halfway through a word.

Rather mysterious.

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That's one word for it, yeah.

Any writing implements around? The word doesn't trail off in a sort of ominous scrawl next to a suspicious stain, does it?

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There aren't any writing implements around, actually. There's a hammer, but it's not really clear how one might write with such an implement.

She might notice that an animal enters at the edge of her range! It seems to be slowly meandering around, if she can tell such a thing.

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Well that's new and interesting. Predators usually differ from prey in a couple specific affects, can she tell which it is?

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It seems like it's probably prey? It's unlikely to eat any animals, at least. Definitely seems like a herbivore.

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Off to see the probably-herbivorous prey animal, then. Not like she has anything better to do. Maybe she'll recognize it and get a hint as to where the fuck she is.

She slips the book into her pouch before she leaves. It is, after all, a book, albeit an odd one.

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The book doesn't do anything to prevent her from doing that.

The probably-herbivorous prey animal is, surprisingly enough, inside the forest. It seems quite dark in there, although rather colorful where the light does manage to hit bits of it.

The animal is quite far away, though.

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Elleira is no wilderness expert, but she can call upon the Force to move with a fair bit of speed and stealth.

She does not have any aesthetic opinions about the colors or lack thereof.

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The colors will keep on being visible while she continues into the forest. It gets quite dark, but she can still see around and nothing triggers her danger sense.

When she gets relatively close to the animal, she might notice it startle. It also seems to be alone, and it starts scurrying away from her.

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And after she came all this way to see it. How rude.

She reaches out soothingly with the Force. Calm down, creature. There's no reason to be scared. Everything is perfectly normal and not scary at all.

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It seems to be calmed! It doesn't, however, seem to know what to do with the fact that it suddenly finds itself calmed, so it then gets slightly confused, and it looks around for anything in the vicinity, and then it decides to chew on a plant at the base of a tree.

Does she decide to get closer?

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She does! What's this thing look like?

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Small! Sort of like a fox in size, possibly looks like a red panda if she's ever seen one of those. It's not quite either, though, and it's probably not a species she recognizes.

It seems to be somewhat happily chewing on the plant at the base of the tree though, taking no notice of her appearing.

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Yeah, she has no idea what that is.

...What happens if she plants the suggestion it should go home in its brain? Tired, night falling, find safety, shelter.

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It decides to go back in the direction it came from!

… Then after a short distance it seems to get a little confused.

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Go home, little creature. Home. Surely you know what home is.

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It seems to be looking around in this small area here for something, but there doesn't appear to be anything obvious.

It tries climbing a tree? Looks around up there a bit? Still seems confused, and comes down after a short while anyway.

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Does it... not understand the concept of home? Elleira doesn't think that should be possible. She gives up on poking it.

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The animal will… go back to eating some plants, in that case?

There still doesn't seem to be anything else around.

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Whatever. She'll go back the archives, then. She's pretty sure she remembers the way.

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She can find her way back out of the forest and over to the hut just fine.

The archive, though. Well. That seems not to be quite where she left it. Is she sure she didn't– misplace it or something?

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No, this is definitely where she left it.

Why. Why this place. With its lack of anything interesting, its one three-page weird-ass book, its incredibly dumb single animal. Why.

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Incredibly dumb single animal? … Well, that's probably fair.

You know what's weird, though? Someone seems to have appeared about halfway to the edge of her range.

They seem humanoid. Relatively tall. Probably quite intelligent, seeing as they're humanoid.

Also quite surprised, if she can tell that.

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A person! How exciting! Maybe they will know something about this place. Or provide some amusement value, at least. She heads personwards.

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Person: doesn't seem to be moving much. They're very surprised and very confused, though.

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When she gets close, after walking around a couple– rather large trees, she'll be able to see that it's a male humanoid! He's rather tall. Also has slightly pointy ears.

He's looking at his phone and is quite confused. He's also facing away from her, but notices when she gets near and turns to face her. His eyes are very purple. It seems like the sclera is purple, actually, and she can't see an iris from where she is.

He seems quite startled! And then starts talking rather rapidly. Unfortunately, he doesn't seem to speak her language, as is indicated by the fact she can't understand a word he says to her.

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Great. And she doesn't recognize his species either. Obviously near-human, there aren't that many of those.

"Do you speak Basic? What about Huttese?" she asks, rummaging through her pouch for her datapad. Please let her still have that translation program on it...

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From the way he responds to that – that is to say, unintelligibly – it would appear not.

Remember that book from earlier, though? The one she took from the hut?

Apparently it's decided it's a good time to start glowing.

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She is somehow simultaneously surprised and utterly not. She pulls it out. Okay book, why are you glowing now.

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The words at the front seem to be slightly, very slightly blurry. Still present, though.

If she flips to the back – which, you know, happens whether she wants it to or not, though it'll look like a total accident – she'll see that what she's said has been transcribed! There also seem to be other words around it, perfectly intelligible to her, that seem to be what the other boy has said.

They are likewise slightly blurry.

New line: Why is that book glowing.

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This place. Why this place.

"Apparently the book will take care of translation for us. How are you at picking up languages?" She tosses the book to the new arrival.

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He catches it! And looks at it, rather confused, but then it happens to fall open to the back of the book again, he looks at the text, and he frowns in confusion.

"I'm pretty good at it?" he says, walking closer to allow the book to be visible to them both. "Thario, by the way."

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"Good. This place is really strange, and I'm pretty sure any particular conception of 'normal' you may have is going to apply only loosely. Where are you from, and what species are you?"

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"I'm from Rhunya. It's a city in Kerune? And you probably have no idea what that is – it's a country – because you don't seem to be a Rhune or a Luna or a Thamar? I'm a Rhune." Blink. "Um, what are you?"

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"I'm a human. I've never heard of any of those."

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He blinks at the book, tilts his head a bit, and then slowly says, "I've never heard of a human either."

Apparently it does pronunciation of unfamiliar words.

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"Humans are the most populous and widespread species in the galaxy. What sort of backwater planet are you even from?"

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"The– galaxy? Um, we've got some space travel but no colonization yet?"

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"A survey will find you sooner or later, then. Let me see that book for a minute, I want to start training my datapad on your language." She gives him a moment to read that, then floats the book over to her.

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He seems rather startled when she floats it over! "Um."

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"You can have it back after I get these pages scanned in." Which she proceeds to do.

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He can't actually understand her, on account of not having the book! "What the hell is that?" he asks. "Do you have telekinesis?"

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She floats the book back to him. Her datapad is chewing on the examples provided.

"...Have you never met a Force-user before?"

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"What. The hell. Is the Force."

He then remembers to hold the book out to her, since she probably doesn't have his language translated yet.

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Not yet, no.

"Energy field generated by living things, present throughout the galaxy, a gifted few individuals can manipulate it to various advantages? Sound familiar at all?"

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"Nnno? I'd think you're maybe some weirdo talking about lumen but, um, that doesn't do telekinesis."

She can tell that lumen is– person-made light? Apparently? The book lets her know that much.

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"Just light? Sounds kind of useless. I may have to revise my estimate on how far away you're from if you don't know the Force. It's been part of galactic culture since prehistory."

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"That's kinda the whole point of lumen, yeah!" he says. "Light! Blobs or not-so-blobs of light or dark or whatever! You can do that, right?"

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"...Not directly. I stand by my assessment of uselessness."

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"It is a little bit useless, yeah, especially with technology! But you can do pretty pictures," see the pretty picture of a beach that he just made – it's slightly cartoonish but it's not that bad, "or you can write things," see the presumably-a-word in his language, "or you can phoss someone." See as he makes himself glow.

Phossing is apparently where you cover someone with lumen, or try to make it appear intersected with them. It's also kinda rude if you do it to other people. Is not particularly useful. The word is apparently his name, and is also recorded in the book with a note attached saying that it's the word hanging between them.

"Are you sure you don't have it?"

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What an extraordinarily useful book. What a suspiciously useful book.

"Quite. Rest assured, I find your never having heard of the Force equally bizarre."

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But the book is so nice! It innocently glowed when she encountered someone speaking a foreign language, and now it's helping to translate words and give her the context in a totally not-weird way! (It's totally weird.)

"Yeah," he says. "Um. Anyway. Where is this and how did I get here? Any idea?"

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"I saw an odd reflection in a glass case and had a moment of vertigo, and when I looked up, there was no one else around and the room I was in lead out here. This is not where it was to begin with. I have no idea how you arrived here, but it was quite sudden on this end."

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"I was looking at my phone," he says. "It is likewise slightly shiny and I also felt off-balance. Which is– possibly related. Since we both had that."

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"Seems likely, yes. It goes no distance towards actually explaining the phenomenon, but it is probably connected."

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"Okay, well– how long have you been here? Has anything interesting happened other than, you know, mysterious appearance of you and now me and also, yeah, the shiny book, is that a Force thing, or…?"

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"The shiny book is not a Force thing. It was here when I got here, but only started glowing after you did. The woods are empty of higher life-forms except for one extraordinarily stupid herbivore. And the building I arrived in disappeared when I turned my back on it."

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"… I have no idea how a building could just disappear, but then again I have no idea how I'd just get mysteriously teleported here, so– okay. Weird place with a helpful, glowing translation book."

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Has anyone been watching the sky? Because apparently it's suddenly decided that it doesn't like its setting of 'blue' and instead prefers to now be 'midnight'.

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This place. Why this place. Elleira pulls out her glowrod.

"I suppose now would be a good time to demonstrate the non-uselessness of your lumen."

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And lo, a blob of light appears some way between them. It starts off purple and slightly dim, but rapidly changes color to amber and gets brighter. It doesn't really seem to get difficult to look at, though it definitely does seem to be lighting up the surrounding area.

"So it apparently just randomly decides that it's night? Okay. Well, at least there aren't any evil creatures lurking around, or at least, if there are they aren't right here."

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So, remember those big trees from earlier? Would she happen to notice if one started to fall over in their direction? Because she probably should notice. It might end up squishing them if they don't move to get out of the way.

She probably can't actually see it, though, since there are a few other trees obscuring her vision of it.

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No time to talk it out, need to move. Hit Thario with a burst of energy to knock him backwards, not strong enough to permanently injure. Probably. Dash in the same direction. Turn to regard the tree as it comes down.

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Thario gets hit backwards! Then he lands, with quite a loud 'oof' noise, but fortunately there was no snapping.

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The tree makes quite a loud noise as it lands. Shakes a bit, lots of branches snap, squishes a few other trees. It's a pretty good thing they got out of the way in time, because otherwise: they would have definitely been squished.

She might notice that there's a few animals just coming in from the edge of her range. These ones… definitely seem to be predators. They're also moving quite fast.

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Lightsaber: out and lit. The blood-colored beam hums quietly and casts an ominous glow.

"If you have a weapon, get ready. Unfriendly animals approaching."

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He looks at her, confused, then picks up the book from beneath him, opens it and reads it. Does he look frightened? Because, well, he doesn't have a weapon.

He asks something, looking around as if he's trying to see where the animals are.

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Of course the useless light boy has no weapon.

"If you don't have one, stay down and try not to attract attention."

Which direction are they coming from?

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They animals are coming from opposite the fallen trees! They seem rather like wolves, except slightly bigger, more dangerous, and faster. Overall: scarier than 'wolves'.

Thario seems to hear them before they get much closer and suggests that he try running. He's good at running. Is it okay if he tries running? (He holds the book up to try to get her to read it, because really, he'd rather not lie down and wait to be killed.)

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"There's only six of them. If you want to run, run, but I'm going to kill them."

She positions herself to intercept them, saber angled up and out.

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He votes run. He gets up and starts running.

… He's actually rather fast. Probably not quite as fast as the wolves. But only probably.

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Then the wolf things are upon her. One goes right for her center, trying to chomp down on her.

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Conveniently positioned for her to bisect, then. Whmmm goes her saber.

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That animal: gets quite bisected.

Two of the other animals, however, slightly behind the first, are now going for her from different sides.

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Quick blast of lightning to the one on the right to disable, close with the one on the left. Eviscerate it, then back to the other unless there's a more present threat.

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One of the animals that haven't yet engaged with her breaks off to run in the direction Thario went, and the other two seem to be waiting for something.

She can probably kill the one she targeted with the lightning.

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Oh no it doesn't. Slam it down into the ground, drag it back. Come here, little creature, she wants to kiiiilllll yooouuuu.

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The other two decide to jump at her for that.

They were already rather close, and they're rather fast. It's quite likely she'll get bitten.

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She has Force-enhanced reflexes and being bitten is an unacceptable outcome.

She drops to the ground and pushes upwards. Can these creatures fly?

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They cannot.

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Good. Dispatch the other two, then turn her full attention on the ones she sent soaring. Time for a bit of lightning-based stress relief.

She has quite a bit of it to work out.

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They are apparently good targets for lightning-based stress relief! Apparently they do not have any particular lightning resistance.

She might notice that Thario is nearing the edge of her range.

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Useless light boy can run, at least.

One final surge to finish the dogs off, then she'll start off after him.

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She can… hopefully move quite quickly, right? Because he managed to get outside her range.

It'd be a shame if something were to happen to him.

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Yes, it sure would be. Especially if whatever happens to him happens to that book, also. It's become somewhat interesting.

Force speed, here we go.

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… He'll come into her range again shortly. It seems he's stopped! Perhaps he noticed the lack of noises behind him and decided it was safe to do so.

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It'll be easy to catch up to him, then.

And presently, here she is.

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She'll find him in a little clearing, quite a ways into the forest! … He seems to be sitting against the trunk of a tree. He might be sleeping.

There is also a little animal sitting near him. It looks like a bunny.

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Why does she have a bad feeling about this...

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Who knows? The bunny just looks so cute and pettable, right there.

… Is that a bite mark on his hand? It's very possible that that's a bite mark on his hand.

It also seems like the book, which is so conveniently placed just under his leg, has decided to glow again.

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Sinister bunny creature, check. Elleira will stand over here, well out of range, and float the book over. What's it say?

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Well, it looks like it's decided to mention that his last words were approximately 'ow' with a slight hiss.

Oh, and the book also wishes to mention that the leaves of the tree right here very helpfully happen to have anti-venom properties. Somehow. Possibly quite mysteriously. Seeing as this whole place seems quite mysterious.

Placing a leaf in his mouth might work? Might want to get rid of the cute bunny first, though.

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So the book is volunteering unsolicited information now. This fucking place.

Can the bunny fly? Whether it can or not, she sends it soaring through the air, over the trees.

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The bunny doesn't appear to be able to fly, no!

… There appears to be a second bunny, though. It's not really clear how it got here, seeing as it just appeared in her range at the other end of the clearing. Without being present before.

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She chucks that bunny, too.

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… Hm, maybe she missed one? There seems to be a third now.

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Apparently this place wants there to be a bunny here. Whatever. As long as it stays away. She grabs a leaf off a tree and fits it into Thario's mouth.

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… Is he starting to go blue?

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...Any helpful hints, book?

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It doesn't seem to have any!

But Thario seems to start coughing. And spluttering a little. And is getting rather rapidly less blue.

(The bunny is looking over at them innocently from near another tree at the edge of the clearing.)

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Yeah, you just stay away, bunny.

"How'd that running work out?"

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"Fine," he says after spitting out the leaf, still coughing a bit. "But then: bunny."

Then he blinks. "Okay, um, what the hell? Since when do I speak– whatever it is that you're speaking?"

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"Since sometime after you left. Has anything else happened to you?"

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"I don't think so but I have no idea when I would have mystically gained the ability to speak your language so perhaps something has? The bunny ambushed me. It was hiding in a tree, it jumped down, I freaked a little and then it bit me and apparently now I wake up with a leaf in my mouth?"

He gets up and brushes himself off.

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"The leaf had antivenom properties, according to the glowy book. So something about either the creature or the leaf is likely the cause."

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"Can I see the book?" he asks.

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She hands it over.

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He looks it over!

"… It looks kinda blurry to me?"

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"Is it in your alphabet or mine?"

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He frowns. "… Yes?"

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"… I thiiink so? I can't– really tell."

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"That actually makes a weird sort of sense, if you're suddenly bilingual."

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"Yeah," he says, then tilts his head a bit. "Um. It's also in Thuria – another language from my world. And a few others? I think?" Frown. "I really have no idea how because Seren is written up-down. And Thuria isn't."

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"Can you speak those?"

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He squints a bit and seems to be trying to think, but then settles on, "No?" Then he bites his lip a bit and says, "I don't think I can even speak Keiruna, though – that's my native language."

Then he frowns, yet again! "I'm not even sure what I'm speaking right now. Because, like, it sounds like it makes sense, and I understand what I'm saying, and I understand what you're saying, but I don't think I'm using the same phonemes as you, so– um?"

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"This is a sentence in Huttese. I am fairly fluent."

"I speak very little Cheunh."

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"Got both of those," he says. "And again, I can tell you're using different phonemes because it sounds different but I still get what you mean."

Then he says: "This is a sentence in Huttese. I am apparently fluent despite having never encountered it before."

That sentence was in fact in Huttese.

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"What happens if you try to say something in Keiruna?"

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Then he apparently says something unintelligible!

"… I'm pretty sure that wasn't the right sounds for those words."

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"Can you say something in, hmm, Ortese? I don't speak any Ortese."

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He says something unintelligible, but then says, "I don't think that was Ortese. Not sure what it was, but yeah, even though I have no idea what Ortese is, I'm inclined to say that wasn't Ortese."

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"It seems like you can only speak languages your audience can understand. It's too bad we don't have a third person here."

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"It felt like it was the wrong sounds for the Huttese thing too, but you seemed to understand me? And like, right now I– well, I wasn't paying attention to what sounds I was using, but now I am and I'm pretty sure I didn't know some of these phonemes, like who the hell has a glottal stop that actually means something in the language?"

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"More data required, then."

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"Yeah," he agrees. "So, while this is fun and all–" eugh, what the hell is he even speaking – "we should maybe try to find a way out of this forest with all its weird creatures? I think you said your room came with you – where was it to start off with, before it disappeared?"

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"Over on the edge of the forest, near where the tree fell."

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"Okay," he says, then looks around a bit. "Um, which way was that again?"

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She points. "That way." Probably.

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That way it is, then!

Again, he can run quite quickly.

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Her natural pace is slower than his, but she can keep up over such a short distance.

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Then they'll get out of the forest after a (relatively) short distance, a bit of a ways down from the log hut where Elleira found the book.

In front of them are some very tall buildings.

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She is slightly winded.

"Those weren't there before. I don't recognize the style."

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"… What about that hut? It doesn't really seem to mesh with the buildings."

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"That was there. I found the book inside."

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"Oh." He turns back to the buildings. "Any preference for which we go into first?"

There isn't much variation between the buildings! Slight differences in height, slight differences in architecture, but all mostly gray and rather tall. There aren't any logos or things describing what each building is, and the one in front of them has a rather large archway for a door, whereas the one over to the left has a set of automatic double doors and the one to the right has a revolving door.

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"Doesn't seem to be much difference. Let's start with the closest, with the archway."

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On the inside of the building: is a whole lot of basically nothing. The floor is tiled, there's a large wooden desk that wraps around a quarter of the floor plan, but there doesn't actually seem to be anything in there.

The walls are covered in… somewhat pretty and detailed mosaics depicting a wave, a forest, a little grove, and a view of a rather industrialized city. There doesn't appear to be a ceiling except for the glass dome at the very top that functions as the roof of the building.

Thario seems slightly confused by the fact this building exists. Anywhere.

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Looks pretty standard to her.

"What, have you never been in a reception area before?"

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"Reception area for a what?"

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"Any sort of office complex."

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"I'd expect it to be a lot smaller than this. Probably with less of the slightly weird yet still somewhat pretty mosaics, too, and also less of the glass roof, and also the desk–" he looks at it and corrects, "the wooden block that seems to section off a quarter of the room – would probably be a lot smaller and staffed by a person and maybe have a computer on it or something?"

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"You must have small buildings."

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"They're sometimes about this size but they have lots of stuff in them." He blinks. "For efficiency. And because most people don't have enough money to get a building this size all for themselves. And because– who even needs this sort of a thing?"

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"Most major galactic corporations. It's a symbol of respectability."

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Thario shrugs. "Then again, we don't have any major or even minor galactic corporations."

He hops over the wooden bench thing and has a look along the other side – there are some drawers and cabinets, so he opens them and starts looking for interesting things.

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"Shiny piece of metal?" he says.

He opens another cabinet and says, "Piece of paper? It's blank, though." He puts it on the top anyway. "… I don't think I ever got your name?"

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The briefest of hesitation.


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"Thario," he says again. "In case you forgot."

After a bit more looking around, he places a pencil, a graphics calculator, and wristwatch onto the top.

He stands up and looks at the stuff he's accumulated and just shrugs, sighing.

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"None of that seems useful."

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"I'm gonna try something," he says, then grabs the pencil and tries writing something down on the paper.

After he's done, he shows it to her! It looks like an unintelligible scribble.

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"...Is that supposed to represent something?"

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"It's meant to be a word in Keiruna," he says, putting it back down and writing something again.

This time, when he shows it to her, it has the word 'book' written just below the unintelligible scribble.

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"That says 'book'."

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"So does the thing above, to me."

He puts it back down and writes something else below that, then shows it to her again.

This word also says 'book'. It looks different from the word above.

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"That also says book, but... it seems to have more letters?"

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"Mm," he agrees. "It does also say book, and it does also have more letters." Headtilt. "I'm kinda curious about how, since I tried to write them both in your language, but the second one I decided I wanted to write in your language and I wanted it to look different."

She might notice now, if she looks at the two words, that neither of them is actually written how she would write the word 'book'. But somehow, they do in fact very clearly say 'book', and it is very clearly written in Basic.

Despite not being written in Basic.

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"Neither of those are actually written in Basic. What the fuck."

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He puts the paper down again and writes something, then shows it to her again.

The first thing is a box. It very clearly and precisely says that he cannot speak Basic. Despite being a box.

The second thing is a line. It has some sort of meaning, but she can't tell what it is, because it's very incomprehensible. Again, despite being a line.

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"My new theory is that you have some sort of language-related mind control power."

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He puts the paper down, thinks for a few seconds, writes another thing and shows it to her.

It says 'book', it's written in Basic, and it's actually written how she would write the word 'book' were she to write it in Basic. The handwriting isn't exact, of course, but it's definitely how one might write the word 'book' in Basic.

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"That one is actually in Basic."

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"Okay. So this is kinda creepy. Possibly useful, but definitely very creepy."

He folds the paper up and puts it and the pencil into his pocket, then looks at the graphics calculator, decides to leave it where it is, and picks up the metal bar.

"Any idea what this is for?"

It's basically a cuboid of iron or steel or something like that. It does not appear to be doing anything except being shiny.

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"Paperweight, possibly."

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He shrugs, waves it around to see if it has anything inside, and then– it glints. Out of the corner of his eye.

… And there no longer seems to be a Thario present to hold it up, so it falls back onto the wood of the desk.

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She doesn't really want to stay stuck here by herself. She picks it up as well, then shakes it to see if that will activate it again.

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It doesn't actually seem to need any shaking, because as soon as she picks it up she gets a feeling of vertigo and finds herself standing in a much smaller room.

Thario doesn't seem to be present in the room, but she can detect a life-force on the other side of the door in one of the walls.

There's also a few slightly shiny sparkles at the edge of her vision.

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The sparkles coalesce into a yellow-and-black patterned lizard.

"Don't ask me," it says.

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She can hear a thump from the other room! There seems to be a bit of a commotion.

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Elleira looks up.

"You should go check that out," says the lizard. "Your new friend might be in trouble."

"He's not-"

"He's the only even slightly interesting thing here. Go."

She opens the door.

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Thario: seems to be being bitten by a small stoat-like creature? It's red with black stripes. Or black with red stripes. "What the hell?" is what he seems to be asking it, for the most part.

The stoat-like creature, however, doesn't seem to be talking back. Might be that it can't, might be that it's too busy biting his hand.

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...The last time something bit his hand, he nearly died.

She'll just go ahead and levitate that thing off him.

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The little creature doesn't seem to take too kindly to being levitated, but it does eventually detach from Thario instead of deciding to just mangle his hand as it's dragged away.

The animal makes some sort of noise. It's not something Elleira understands, but Thario seems to respond to it with confusion, surprise, and then something that seems to be phrased quite harshly. Then he turns to Elleira and says, "Thanks for that. And again: what the hell."

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"I have no idea."

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"Mysterious, indeed."

The lizard has followed her into the room.

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"Mysteriously appearing animals apparently talk? And there were two of them?" He seems a little… confused by this, sort of squinting like 'oh, of course, ugh'.

The stoat-like animal appears to do whatever the stoat-like-animal-equivalent of squinting is, then Thario seems to glow slightly green, causing him to turn the squint on the animal.

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"One for each of us, it seems."

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The glowing stops, so Thario seems to ask the animal something, prompting a response, which then leads him to say to Elleira, "Apparently the animal is willing to not bite me if you put it down."

Animal: looks at this interaction and doesn't decide to add anything to it.

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Down it goes, then.

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And it stays in its position on the floor, looking over at Thario.

"Okay, so, any idea why there are mysterious talking animals?" He looks at the animals in question. "Animals? Any idea? I'm pretty sure keriols don't usually talk."

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"I think we are somehow part of you. We just weren't separate, before."

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"Seconded," says the keriol – apparently that's the name of the colorful stoat-like creature – after a delay.

"Part of us how?"

… Can an animal shrug? Because apparently the keriol has tried to give the keriol equivalent of a shrug.

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"Hmm. The word I want to use is soul."

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"That's ridiculous."

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"And yet."

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"I want to second that that's ridiculous," says the keriol. "… But I agree."

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"...What now?"

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"Somehow weirdly related to you, is an animal, happens to mysteriously appear when you get teleported by a weird mirror? I'm gonna say either I'm your soul animal or I'm some weird furry brother you never had," says the keriol. "Oh, and I'm a keriol, if he didn't make it clear earlier."

"And do you have a name?" asks Thario.

"Why would I have a name?" asks the thinks-it's-a-soul-animal. "I just mysteriously appeared."


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"Doesn't seem to be terribly in touch with his soul, does he?"

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"He does not."

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"I'm just being awkward," says the keriol. "I feel like I deserve the chance to do that, seeing as I just recently came into existence."

(Sigh. Again.)

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"Seems somewhat cruel. The poor boy is obviously distressed."

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"He can deal," says the keriol.

Thario… is not really sure whether to be offended or complimented here? So he goes for a slight glare.

"Anyway. Perhaps we should explore?" suggests the animal.

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"Sounds like a good idea to me."

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There is another door in this room. Would they like to go through it or would they like to explore the current room? (It has a chair, a table, and a small filing cabinet.)

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Through the door? Through the door.

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Through the door is: an underground… something? It looks a bit like a ravine. With rushing water.

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"… Well that's somewhat new," says Thario.

The keriol jumps up onto his shoulder, causing him to make a bit of a noise, and then decides to settle curled up around the back of his neck.

Thario does not look super happy about this, but he doesn't brush the keriol off either.

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Elleira and the lizard share a silent look of agreement that they will not be doing that.

"Upstream or down?"

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"Upstream, probably?" He shrugs.

His animal doesn't seem to have any input. Seems rather content just curled up on Thario's shoulders, actually.

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"Upstream it is."

Elleira and her lizard start walking.

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Thario also starts walking.

"… Aleir," says the keriol.

"Huh?" asks Thario.

"My name. I think Aleir works."

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"It's got a nice sound to it."

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"Thanks," says Aleir. "… I also seem to have the weird translation thing. Which is neat, but a bit weird."

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"Well, I can sense the Force, so we're matched on the weird magic front."

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"I can do lumen, too. As shown earlier with the green thing."

Theo sighs.

"… Sorry about that," says Aleir.

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"What's up with that thing about not intersecting people with it?"

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"It's rude," says Thario. "Unless you have permission to do it, or like, you're a kid and using it for a game of tag or something."

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"But why?"

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He shrugs. "Why's putting up your middle finger at someone rude? … Or is it not in your culture, because it is in mine."

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The lizard nudges Elleira's ankle.


Walking walking. Anything interesting about this river?

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It's quite deep down. Somewhat sheer cliff, somewhat loud, but otherwise there doesn't appear to be anything of interest!

There's a bend up ahead. She might notice that she can detect a few small lifeforms around it, but they're probably just bats or something.

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"Something alive up ahead. Don't let them bite you."

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"Ha," he says.

The keriol tries to bury itself a bit closer to his neck, making itself less of a target and shoving its tail down the back of his shirt.

Does Thario squirm? A little.

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Lightsaber in hand but not lit yet.

Here comes the bend.

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It does indeed appear to be bats! When she goes around the bend… they do not move.

They seem to be sleeping or something. It's quite dark in here.

… Did it maybe get darker? Weird.

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"I don't like this."

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One of the bats starts moving in response to that, dropping down from the ceiling and flapping about a bit.

The others continue to sleep.

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Thario signs something, stops mid-gesture, shakes his head and whispers, "Me neither."

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Elleira glances down at her lizard.

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It shakes its head from side to side in what might be a shrug.

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She raises both hands and unleashes a barrage of lightning at all the bats.

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That definitely lights up the place! And causes the bats to– well, actually to drop from their nest and scatter, not so much seem harmed by the lightning.

They don't seem to be attacking, at least? But a couple come towards them.

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If the lightning's not working, she ceases it.

Are the bats aggressive now?

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They are not! They seem to be rather frightened, actually, mainly by the weird light, and the couple that came towards them have now flown over their heads.

(Theo ducks.)

"Okay and– what was that?" asks Thario. "Lightning to try to kill the bats before they kill us?"

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"Something like that."

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"Mmh," he says. "Okay, well, anyway, I wanna test something so– looking at me?"

He proceeds to make some hand gestures. They apparently correspond to 'does this work?' and are… weirdly enough… in Basic…

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"...It is really irksome to me that I am parsing your sign language as Basic."

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Then: How's this? he tries. It does not appear to be in a language, though is quite clearly understandable. Is this better?

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"Still odd, but in a different way. I like this way better."

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… What about this? he asks, in a way that seems very much like he has intruded her personal space, stolen information directly from her brain, and decided to pretend to be her so that he can imitate her as flawlessly as possible while also laughing at her from a distance.

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"Do not do that."

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"… What why?"

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"It is intrusively unpleasant and brings back memories she would prefer stay forgotten."

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"Right. Sorry," he says. "… How much is this a 'you should not test with other ways to make it present'? Or is it okay so long as I don't– do that?"

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"Just stay out of our head, you can keep experimenting otherwise."

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"… I mean, I wasn't trying to go in your head and I don't think I did other than it apparently being– weird in some way, but okay. I'll just… test on Areil, then."

"I'm Aleir," says the keriol.

"Right, yeah, that," he says.

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"...Do you want a name?"

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"I'm not particularly feeling the lack of one."

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Onwards through the weird cave they go, then?

The bats seem to have settled at the edges, apart from one another and not doing anything of note.

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Onwards through the weird cave.

"You should do some of your lumen stuff to make it brighter."

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He does so. Then raises the brightness and makes sure to keep it moving along with them. It's currently amber.

"Any preference for color?" he asks, causing Aleir to sigh.

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"This is fine."

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Then they can walk along in the cave for a short while. He gestures a few things to Aleir, gets confirmation on what sorts of things they convey, finds out a few more things not to do and gets a bite for one of them, and then the cave opens to a sort of spring.

There's no obvious way for water to get into the spring, just for it to leave, and in rather large quantities too, but it doesn't seem to be lowering in water level at all.

Thario observes this with a bit of a flat look.

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"Maybe it comes up from below?"

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So he peers over the edge to look around at the spring.

It's not that deep – he can see to the bottom. There does not in fact seem to be any point where the water can come up from below.

"Yeah, maybe," he says doubtfully.

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"Yet another inexplicable phenomenon. Wonderful."

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"I feel like this place is going to make me curious about so many more things and provide me with no explanation."

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"Sounds like fun," says the animal draped around his shoulders.

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"I don't think any of it actually means anything."

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"Inexplicability for inexplicability's sake."

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Would they like to go swimming in the weird spring thing? Or would they like to go around that rock at the other end of the cavern that's very neatly blocking their view of something?

… Is that an ominous glow?

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...Should she be worried about the ominous glow?

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It doesn't seem like it's doing anything dangerous, and her danger sense isn't tingling or whatever, so probably not?

Thario decides to walk that way.

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She'll follow, then.

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Around the rock they will go, then!

There are more rocks. There is also a bigger cavern. Some of these rocks are glowing blue. Ominously.

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"I realize there will be no satisfactory answer, but why are the rocks glowing?"

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The rocks don't actually seem to respond, but Thario decides to walk closer to them. "So far, stuff in this place hasn't been, you know, actually harmful. Just a little weird."

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The keriol is slightly unamused. It decides to headbutt him on the cheek and then say, "You know, you seem to have a really good selective memory."

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"He did run away before the dogs actually showed up and I killed them. And then he was asleep for the part where he almost died after the bunny bit him."

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"What about the tree? He was there for that."

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"Mm. Good point."

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Then Thario touches one of the rocks!

… It does exactly nothing! It continues to glow ominously.

"Huh," he says. "I would've expected that to do something."

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"Something like what?"

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"I'm not sure," he says. Then he looks around the rock a little, notices how it's rather weirdly positioned opposite another ominously glowing rock, and taps that—

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Then he– she?– jumps a bit.

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And the keriol scampers off him-or-her, making sure to avoid that ominously glowing rock.

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"Did–" she starts, then seems to notice the pitch of her voice and makes a little eeping noise. What? she signs, quite scared and confused.

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This animal is just going to sit a few paces away, not looking at him-or-her.

Eeeng. It does not seem to be a happy keriol.

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"Why are you female now."

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The lizard goes over to nudge the keriol with its snout.

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I don't know, she signs. I don't even know if it's just sex or gender or what.

She moves back from the ominously glowing rock and eyes it warily.

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It's just gonna lie here with its eyes shut for a minute.

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"Try touching the rocks again?"

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So she tries touching that rock again!

… It does nothing!

And the other rock–

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– yup, looks like he's male again? He also shudders a little.

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"That was strange. What do the others do?"

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"… I'm not sure I really want to be test subject."

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"But we just demonstrated that it's reversible!"

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"Not necessarily! Maybe it just happens that this rock is 'male', this is 'female', and each of those are like 'blue skin', 'bad hearing' and 'has no legs'!"

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"It could be that one is 'reset' and the other is 'female'."

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"It could! But it also might not be. In which case I might be stuck with whatever it does to me."

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"That's a risk I'm willing to take."

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Well okay then. He goes and taps another rock.

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Now he has blue hair!

Like. Cyan blue. Imagine a cyan highlighter. That color hair.

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He notices it! He can see a bit of his hair!

"… Well that wasn't too bad."

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She wasn't expecting that argument to work. Cool.

"Now try the first one again."

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So he does! … It does not in fact change his hair color back.


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"There's that hypothesis disproven, then."

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… He taps the second rock.

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Now he's female and he no longer has the highlighter cyan hair!

So he or she taps the first rock again.

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Male again! … Does not in fact have the highlighter cyan hair.

"Okay, well."

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"Oh, that's useful! Now we can try them all!"

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"By 'we', she means 'you', in case that wasn't clear."

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"Orrrrr we could both try them."

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The animal seems less distressed but now seems like it wants to sigh.


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"I'm not actually curious enough to try one myself."

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So he sighs and goes and taps, like, five.

One messes with his eyes – they look more like human eyes, except it's an amber iris. One messes with his height – he in fact gets like half a foot taller. One makes his ears slightly pointier and also reduces how well he can hear. One makes his hands gain a finger, each. One decides that his spine is wrong being all straight and it should try being crooked instead – the process is slightly painful but not debilitating and he manages to undo it with the female and male rock things.

"I'm not sure I want to test the others," he says, looking at the three that are left over.

One has decided to glow ominously red.

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He's so suggestible, this is wonderful.

"At least do that red one."

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He taps the female rock, then she gives Elleira a flat look. "It's red. It's literally ominously red."

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"Right, which means it's different from the others. Don't you want to find out how?"

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"Not… not really?"

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"We've come so far, though. Why stop now?"

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"… That is a somewhat valid point and I suppose none of them have killed me yet but I'd just like it to be known that I object to this. At least somewhat."

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Elleira nods and smiles encouragingly.

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So she goes and taps the red rock.

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Nothing horrible happens to her!

Unless being covered in a small splash of water coming off the mysteriously appearing man counts as horrible.

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Who's this, then?

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He blinks and looks around at them, then looks behind and– seems confused by the absence of something.

"Where am I?" he asks in English.

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… Is that an osprey standing on top of the red rock?

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"… Uh."

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"Was he caused by the rock or did he just happen to appear here?"

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"He appeared when I tapped the rock so– probably the rock but I don't know?" She tries tapping the rock again.

Nothing happens.

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"Hello?" he asks, in Cantonese this time.

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Yeah, I can hear you, she signs. Just a sec.

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"Try asking him."

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Did you see anything shiny? she asks.

Then she goes to tap the 'male' rock because ugh this is weird.

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"Nope," he says, using English again. "I'm Formed."

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"He says he's 'Formed', whatever the hell that means."

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… He looks briefly surprised by the change.

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"Ask him what that means."

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"I'll just… translate what he says when he says it. I can probably do that."

To the mysteriously appearing guy, he signs: What does that mean?

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"That I only just came into existence?" he says. "Most people know what the Formed are."

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Relayed (in sign language).

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"Suppose that answers the question."

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"But it raises some new ones. Like what kind of culture has a word for that."

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"It's the regular one for that language, just meaning… to form something, but as an adjective," says Thario, also signing the conversation to the newcomer. "What's your name?"

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"We only started about three years ago," he says. "But we're affiliated with the Turned. My name is Tyler."

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"The Turned?"

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"… Humans who spontaneously get superpowers?"

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"That's not a thing where I'm from. And probably not from where you come from either, given that he's a human. He must be from a third place. Which makes no sense."

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"Does any of this place?"

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"… I am you," says the bird on the red rock, in Chinese, to Tyler.

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"So I see," agrees Tyler. "Do you want a name?"

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"I think I'm fine for now."

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"Is there anything I need to do, then?" asks Tyler. "Perhaps contact Relay, or…?"

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… Oh.

"Apparently doesn't exist here, so nevermind."

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"What is Relay? And do Formed get powers?"

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"Yeah – I have hydrokinesis and flight. Relay is a very helpful someone who has communicative telepathy, but apparently is not present wherever this is."

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"We three are the only people around for a considerable distance, so far as I can tell."

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"He's quite long-distance. I'm not sure they've hit his range limit in testing yet, but they haven't tested past the ISS." Blink. "Satellite thing. It's quite a ways, and he can definitely get around the planet."

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"It's a fairly safe bet we're not wherever you think we're supposed to be."

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"I agree. Otherwise I'd expect to be able to communicate with him." He looks around again. "I'd also expect to be in the middle of a tsunami impact."

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"Because that's where I was supposed to Form. That's where I– know I Formed, except, I didn't because I was here when I… was awake."

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"Huh," says Thario. "That's… kinda weird."

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"Mm," agrees Tyler.

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"Why were you supposed to Form at the site of a tsunami?"

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"… I'm not sure that question can be answered in a way that satisfies your curiosity."

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"Try anyway."

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"People Form at the sites of various disasters. I Formed at a tsunami. Or was supposed to."

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"Does the nature of the disaster influence the powers?"

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"… Yes, but it's not guaranteed that you'll have a power related to the disaster. With people who Form, it tends to be mostly related, though a few people – such as Relay – didn't get a power directly linked to it."

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"What happens if you touch that red rock?"

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He twists around and taps it.

Nothing happens.

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"Apparently nothing…?"

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Elleira reaches out to touch it.

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… Huh, shame, it decided to mysteriously go dark just before she touched it.

Then it disappears. The osprey falls down, and might end up touching Elleira if she doesn't move.

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Her hand is still in the way when the osprey reaches the appropriate altitude.

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Then the osprey will touch her hand, make a little bit of a noise, and attempt to get away.

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Tyler goes a little rigid. The water around them on the floor also goes somewhat rigid – which, being water, is slightly weird.

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Elleira pulls her hand out from underneath the bird.

"What was that?"

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The bird flies over to Tyler. Tyler grabs it and decides that he's just going to stand here for a few moments.

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Thario tries signing to catch his attention.

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"Just a sec," he says. "And, um, don't do that again please."

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After a few moments, he asks, "Does anybody have any idea about this mysteriously appearing bird that is apparently me, then? Because. It wasn't meant to Form with me, I don't think."

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"Nope," says Thario. "They appeared when we got moved here from the weird place we were before."

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"Each weird place has its own unique flavor of weirdness."

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"Right," he says. "And this cave is just one of those places? And I apparently Formed here because you– um, I don't think I have your name – touched the red rock."

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"Yeah," nods Thario. "We should probably keep looking for stuff, since… I don't think we've found any food yet? Well, there was that forest that presumably had some, but anyway."

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"Good idea."

What do the ways out of here look like?

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Over by the male and female rocks, or whatever they're being called, is a hole in the floor! It's not super noticeable, but they can definitely see it now!

Alternatively, they could climb up the slightly slanted walls and see if there are any openings at the upper edge of the room? (Thario says there aren't, but he might not have perfect night vision – who knows.)

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How far is the drop down the hole?

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Not very far! Thario tells her as such after looking, and even decides to show her by lighting it up a little, and volunteers to jump down first because apparently he's like that.

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Tyler is, again, slightly surprised by the light. Light and– shapeshifting-via-rocks? Or something? – well, it doesn't really sound like a typical combination, but okay.

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If Thario wants to go first, he's more than welcome to.

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So he drops down – it's, you know, somewhat far but he's fine when he lands – and then moves out of the way to let Elleira follow down.

And then he makes a bit of a noise.

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Aleir jumps down shortly after.

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"Everything all right down there?"

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"Yyyup," he says. "Don't get too far from your soul animal thing though."

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Elleira picks up her lizard, and they jump down together. She uses the Force to slow her descent, and touches down like she's stepping off a stair.

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Tyler drops down with the osprey, slowing his landing with the aforementioned flight.

It's quite dark in here. At least the floor seems mostly flat.

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Thario lights the place up a bit more with lumen!

… It appears to be a small space. Cuboid.

The hole they just dropped down through closes off.

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"Oh, wonderful."

Any exits?

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… It would not appear so.

Ooh, isn't that interesting – there seems to be a spike about to shoot from the wall and hit Elleira– through the head! She might want to duck.

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She does so.

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Well then, it'll fly through the air and hit the other wall, make a neat dent and– is that water?

Hm. The wall seems to have sprung a leak.

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"… Uh."

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Tyler sighs and stops the water from flowing.

"Should I try smashing the ceiling or what?"

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"Can you tell if there's water all around?"

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"Around the sides there is – not sure how far it stretches, though."

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"Let me check the ceiling first."

She gets her lightsaber out and jumps up to cut a small hole in the ceiling.

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… The bit that used to be a cave is now the floor of a forest. A bit of rock and dirt and grass drops down, and she can see that it's night above.

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"...Yeah, go for it."

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So he suggests they move to the edge, making sure to take their daemons with them, then brings some water into the cuboid and uses it to smash through the ceiling.

It does quite a lot of damage and most of the ceiling is flung elsewhere in the forest, including a small tree. Fortunately, none of the debris falls down – he manages to keep it out of the way by using the water as a small battering ram.

"I can fly you all up there if you want."

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Elleira jumps up with her lizard.

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Tyler looks at Theo questioningly.

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Sure, he signs.

The keriol is wrapped around his shoulders, but moves over to one side to reduce potential exposure.

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So Tyler sweeps Thario off his feet – ha – while making sure the keriol doesn't get displaced, then lifts him through the gap in the ceiling and places him on the ground in the forest.

Then he lets go of the water and allows it to flood the room.

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The room: gets flooded! And results in a slightly square-ish lake.

Weirdly enough, there doesn't appear to be any water other than in the room they just left. No lakes are visible, despite the water flooding in from beneath the ground and through the wall.

The forest itself: contains lots of trees. If they look up and over a few of them, they might notice that there is one big tree standing not too far away.

It might look familiar.

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"Apparently we're back where we started."

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"Hm," says Tyler, then grabs his osprey, puts it on his shoulder, and shoots off into the air.

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"… Yeah, apparently," says Thario.

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"Maybe the buildings will still be there. We could go check."

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"Yeah," agrees Thario. "I think they were, uh–" he looks around a bit, then points. "That way?"

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"Seems right. Is flying guy going to come back?"

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"He didn't mention anything, just said 'hm' and then left. So, presumably but I dunno."

That way they go. Aleir rearranges itself on Thario's shoulders.

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Through the forest walking.

Is the fallen tree still lying around?

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It is!

… So are the bodies of those wolf-dog-things that she so brutally savaged! Look, they're so innocent and small and don't even slightly have sharp teeth or evil claws or anything.

So cruel.

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"...Those were much bigger last time I saw them."

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Thario looks at them, then at Elleira, and says, "Are you sure? Because those hardly look like evil predators, gotta say."

The keriol snorts. Quietly.

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She rolls her eyes and gestures at the claw marks on the tree, and large, deep pawprints around the area.

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"Oh, but those could quite easily be from the other evil predators that walked through here before you and these," he says, snorting a little. "Not."

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Then Tyler's back!

"So. Big buildings, huge tree, weird forest. Also a lake – other than the one we just made – really far that way." (Point.)

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"How far is really far?"

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"Like… quite a few miles? I'd say, like, ten or fifteen miles or something, yeah– about that? It's also a pretty big lake."

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"Buildings are likely to be empty, based on previous experience. We should go to the lake."

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"You sure?" he asks. "They mostly had glass roofs and I think I saw a couple with stuff in?"

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"If they're not empty, then let's go to them. They're closer."

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Towards the buildings they go, then! Tyler flies, keeping up with the others.

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Thario can run pretty fast. Still.

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Elleira can not run quite so fast, especially when she picks up her lizard.

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… Tyler offers to carry her.

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...Fine. But be mindful of the lizard.

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He can do that!

Then shortly, he'll drop her off outside one of the interesting buildings and go fetch Thario.

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And what's so interesting about this building?

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It's not empty!

It seems to be separated into rooms, and each of these rooms… has glass walls. And glass ceilings. And slight holes between them to get from one to the other, also in the ceiling, and there seem to be plenty of objects inside it – such as various desks and computers – and the glass doesn't seem to be shattering.

Maybe it's not glass. Maybe it's some sort of strong plastic.

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Tyler gets back with Thario.

"Weird, isn't it?"

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"Yes, rather. The builders evidently did not value privacy."

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… The glass goes opaque when she says that. Like the walls are hollow but smoke has been blown into them or something.

Weirdly milky-white opaque walls. And holes between the variously sized rooms.

Thario sighs.

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"Or not. I wonder what the mechanism is?"

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"Privacy?" he tries. No response.

Then he's about to say something else, and Elleira gets a warning of impending danger. Specifically, objects falling from above and crushing her.

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She leaps out of the way, extending a hand and dragging the others with her.

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… The danger seems to stop as soon as she interrupts Theo.

The others are dragged anyway.

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"Okay, whatever you were about to say, don't."

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"… Okay," he says. "Can I keep trying things and you warn me if it's dangerous or should I just stop while we explore?"

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"I only get a few seconds. But I don't think this place would get less dangerous if you didn't try things, and we might miss something."

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"Okay," he says, then starts trying some words. "Red. Blue. Color. Transparent–"

That gets a response! It goes transparent, as it was before.

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Tyler looks around, trying to take in the details in case there's anything interesting.

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Elleira will... search through desks, letting her instinct guide her.

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She finds a lot of keys? Lots of sets of keys. A few pencils, various calculators, and a flashlight?

… The flashlight seems interesting. It's not really clear why it seems interesting, but it most definitely does.

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She tries clicking it on and off.

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It doesn't seem to work! Peculiar.

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"… Does anybody know why a glass might be interesting?" asks Thario. Fortunately they are close enough to hear each other.

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"… How about a pair of headphones? Mysteriously interesting headphones."

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"Or a flashlight? Perhaps they do something together, though I can't see how or why."

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Huh, you know, that pad of paper over there looks quite interesting too.

… Is she getting a bit of a danger sense? It's not really clear what it might be from.

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"I think it's time we left this building. Don't bring anything with you."

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Thario starts to say something, sounding like it might be a protest, then cuts himself off.

"Um. Yeah."

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Tyler moves to exit the building. Then notices something shiny over to his left, opens his mouth, and then decides that no, he doesn't really need an earring.

He really doesn't want an earring either.

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That book looks really interesting. It seems to be talking about something very fascinating, as evidenced by the weird swirls on the cover and the blobs that make up the illustration.

So does the small paperweight on that desk.

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Hmm, just the book couldn't hurt...

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The lizard bumps her shin.

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Right. Eyes closed, exiting the building.

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Is that a windchime? It sounds so… pretty. Oh, and the keys in the desk Tyler just bumped into, hm, those must be really interestingly shaped to make such a sound.

… Those footsteps, even – how does the glass react so brilliantly? It's rather thrilling.

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Tyler catches sight of his reflection in the glass– and he swears, he is honestly not a narcissist, but have you seen him? And his face? Because he hasn't actually studied it before, he just has a vague idea of what it looks like, and it's so interesting to see it and— he runs into the glass in front of him, startling him out of his daze.

Through the door he runs this time. Or the archway, whatever.

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Thario actually manages to get out of the building before the other two, getting distracted a couple of times but not actually stopping.

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No no no no no

Once outside, Elleira opens her eyes again. "That was unpleasant."

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"Yeah, no kidding," says Thario. "At least it seems to have stopped."

And it does seem to have stopped.

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And Tyler is through the door— with his osprey distracted by something inside and him still moving at high speed.

On the bright side, this causes the osprey to take note of something that's not 'ooh shiny'.

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Elleira yanks the bird out.

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The bird gets yanked!

Tyler: stops, is obviously in pain, and then returns.

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… Ouch.

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"You should pay more attention to each other."

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"So, do we try another weird building and hope for something edible that's also not harmful, or do we stay out here in the so-far-safe-ish street thing, or…?"

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"I will not require food for some time yet, how urgent a priority is it for you?"

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"Not super urgent," he says. "It'll be a bit before I actually get hungry, and then I can probably survive a while after that, but it would probably be good to find some sooner rather than later anyway. Water would be nice."

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"Did you see a building that looked like it had water in it when you were flying over?"

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"Nothing obviously potable, no, but I should be able to desalinate some water? Small amounts at a time, but still."

He's still hugging his osprey. Poor guy.

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"To the lake, then?"

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"Yeah? But– like I said, kinda far away so you probably want me to fly you there."

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"All right. Let's go, then."

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So he makes sure that she has a hold on her animal, makes sure it's in a position where he's not going to accidentally catch it, waves goodbye to Thario, and flies her to the lake.

It takes maybe a minute and a half. He can go quite quickly.

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Indeed he can.

She sets her lizard down when they get to the lake. Anything stand out here?

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Tyler flies back to go pick Thario up.

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There are: lots of trees! It's almost like a solid wall bordering the lake, actually.

The lake is rather huge. Also presumably quite deep. And seems to have a few splashes a distance out – she can tell there are various lifeforms moving about in it, of various types.

The sky is still quite dark. It's not too difficult to see around, because weirdly enough the darkness doesn't actually seem to be reducing the clarity of her vision much out here, at least not in the local area.

Other than that… not really? The ground is green. It has grass. There are a couple of mushrooms. Small pebbles nearer the lake. A couple of small boulders, no mysterious swords, no obviously predatory animals.

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Seems like she could relax, here.

She doesn't trust it.

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Well, there's that slight noise, if she's paying very careful attention.

… But it's probably nothing.

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No, that's probably something. Where's it coming from?

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… Probably in the forest? Or maybe that's just a weird echo.

The forest really does look like a wall, though. Kind of literally. Not super literally, she can still see gaps, but the trunks are rather close together.

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Hopefully that'll prevent anything big from getting through.

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It should! Unless the really big thing towered over the trees, of course, but it probably doesn't. She'd probably be able to feel the vibrations as it moved or something. (She can't.)

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And then Tyler is back with Thario!

"… Anything interesting happen?" he asks after seeing her.

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Thario continues to translate. He's quite good at this.

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"There was a noise. From the forest, I think."

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Thario listens. "… Do you by any chance know what 'Mirroculus' means?"

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"You mean miraculous?"

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"Nope. 'Mirroculus'. I will take that as a no."

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"Never heard of it either," says Tyler.

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"Okay, well, something is saying it from the forest."

Which is weird, because she can't hear it. It sounded like it was just the one sound to her, not a continuous thing.

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"...I can't hear anything."

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"Me neither," says Tyler.

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"Right, okay," he says. "Anyway – water?"

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So Tyler gets to work fetching some water and then trying to mess with it to desalinate it.

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"Say something if it gets louder or closer or anything."

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"I can't really tell how loud it is," he says, shrugging helplessly. "It's just sort of… there."

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"It might be related to your languages thing."

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"Yeah," he says. "I'm not sure it really makes sense, though."

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And then Tyler is done desalinating the water! Apparently he just needed to grab – hydrokinetically – a small blob of water from the lake, then… sort of stare at it. For a little while. Then remove a small blob of water from the bigger blob, send that back into the lake, and then he has a large-ish blob of water that he says is desalinated.

He decides to drink some and apparently finds it acceptable. Unfortunately they do not seem to have cups of any form so he will have to put it into the others' hands for them to drink it, unless they'd rather he put it directly into their mouths (probably not).

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Elleira will take a handful.

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Thario will do likewise.

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And then Tyler will fly over the lake, causing a bit of movement in his wake and seeming to have… some sort of fun.

His osprey-or-whatever is attempting to stay on his shoulder.

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"There might be fish or something, in there. We may want to attempt to catch some."

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"Yeah," says Thario, "and hope they're edible. Can you do fire or will we need to work out some way to do that?"

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"I could light one, if the tinder is dry enough."

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Nod. "Forest probably… works for tinder. And we should probably try looking for some plants that are… hopefully not poisonous."

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"The book suggested the leaves of the tree as a remedy when you were poisoned. Perhaps it will have more suggestions about the vegetation."

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"Hopefully," he says. "Weird place."

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"I wonder if it will ever be possible to leave."

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"I hope so. But it's not like there's any guarantee."

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Tyler seems to have caught something! Probably. Or maybe it's caught him, because it's a weird creature in the weird lake. Who knows.

He seems to be doing okay, at least?

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He'll have to come closer to shore if he wants any help.

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He will! But he doesn't. Seems like he might be having fun sorta-wrestling with the weird creature. His animal has decided that it'll just fly near him instead of getting caught up in things.

After a short while, he throws it back into the lake and continues looking around for something else.

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Elleira decides to walk down the shoreline while she waits.

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Thario's just gonna sit down on the grass, facing the water and maybe talking with his keriol.

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Elleira encounters: a few small rocks! Also a couple of pebbles, various types of grass, a few small flowers that look very pretty and that she probably should not touch because who knows what they might do, a random piece of wood, a screw (why is there a screw?) and also: a ferret!

Yes. A ferret. Or it looks surprisingly like a ferret.

It's friendly.

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Is it? Is it really?

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Well, it at least doesn't bite her?

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Okay ferret, here's the deal. You stay over there and don't do anything weird, and Elleira won't horribly murder you.

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… The ferret looks sort of sad about this, because it was being all curious and inquisitive about the weird new creature, but okay, it understands when people just want to be left alone.

Smart ferret.

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...Thario would probably be more accepting of the ferret. Can she sort of shoo it in his direction?

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She can point over to him? Maybe try saying some words, maybe walk around the other side of it and make shooing motions?

Overall, yes, she can shoo it in his direction. The smart ferret seems to understand what she's getting at and moves over to the other weird new creature..

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It's always nice when you can arrange to have someone expendable to take the risks.

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Thario sees the ferret and eyes it slightly warily!

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Aleir, Thario's keriol, decides that it wants to get closer!

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The ferret noses its way over to the keriol, looks at it somewhat inquisitively, and– still does not bite!

It might honestly be a nice ferret.

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Give it time.

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… It still doesn't seem to have turned mean by the time Tyler comes back!

He has two rather large fish – mysteriously having bore holes through them, perhaps he killed them with water – and also a cephalopod! They look potentially edible.

It's still night, though it doesn't actually seem to be varying in brightness very much. Maybe this place just has two settings – 'light' and 'dark'?

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Thario looks at the cephalopod with… slight disgust. "I think I might go look for some plants," he says.

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"I'll go with you, gather some firewood."

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His keriol starts moving with him when he gets up.

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Tyler places the fish onto a rock after quickly cleaning it off with some water, then goes back out over the lake.

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The ferret looks like it wants to join Elleira and Thario! It sort of perks up and then stands up and– looks at Elleira sort of curiously but apparently trying to stick back in case she doesn't want to be followed.

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Fine. But she's watching you, ferret.

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The lizard gives it an encouraging nosebump.

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It jumps forwards and follows after them, seeming rather content in its life's path right now.

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Into the forest they go, then! Between the trees, through the narrow gaps, and as soon as they're in a few meters they find that the trees are nowhere near as dense!

The trees past the perimeter actually seem rather colorful. Mainly the leaves, but as they get further in there are a few colorful berries and fruits.

The book does not glow. Thario gets it out anyway and opens it, and… appears to frown at it in confusion!

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"It's blurrier than it was. Probably because of Tyler?" Headtilt. "Also seems to have transcribed what I've been signing, so there's a lot of repetition, and– uh, it seems to mention that apparently the blue-hair rock wasn't just a blue hair rock? Apparently it also would have cut my lifespan in half, so um, lucky I got that fixed?"

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"Guess we should have consulted it earlier. Anything else that would have been useful?"

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"Well, whatever it had about the tree – you said something about saving me from the bunny with it? – seems to be gone, so apparently it doesn't keep everything?"

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"Of course not, because that would be helpful."

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"I could try copying stuff down in case we need to keep it, but maybe it'll reappear if we go find that tree again?" Shrug– freeze.

"Apparently whatever was saying Mirroculus has decided to stop," he says. Hesitantly.

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"Yeah," he says. "So, um, want to try one of the fruits?"

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Elleira takes one and regards it skeptically.

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It's very red! It looks juicy, though, and surely will do her no harm.

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Yeah, right.

Hey little ferret buddy, want to try some fruit? Call it a peace offering.

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Is she sure she wants to do this? Because the ferret will gladly eat it if she does offer it…

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Yes. Let the ferret try it first.

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Well, the ferret tries it!

… She's pretty sure there was a ferret there before, right?

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Thario looks slightly confused.

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"...Where'd it go?"

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"It's… there, I think?" he says. Headtilt.

It seems to be invisible! Probably. But for some reason, Elleira can't quite look precisely where the ferret was before.

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"I can't- perceive it, anymore?"

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"Yeah. Um. That's kinda weird?" he tilts his head a bit more. "It's sort of like I can tell there's a blob of… not. While everything else is."

It's not quite like that for Elleira, but it definitely seems to be that she can't perceive it.

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"Can you tell where it is well enough to try to pick it up?"

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"I think so?" he says, and moves slowly, trying to grab it.

When he picks it up… it seems like his hands really aren't where they should be? Apparently the effect isn't totally limited to the ferret.

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"That's... disconcerting. The effect's extended to your hands now."

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"Hm," he says, looking down at the ferret – and then suddenly, the ferret is back! The weird effect seemed to suddenly stop.


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"At least it's not permanent. Time-based, or did you do something?"

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"Time-based, I think."

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Does the ferret seem to still be healthy?

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It does! It hasn't changed color at all, nor has it dropped dead, nor does it even look particularly sad!

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She'll try a piece of fruit herself, then.

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She goes… slightly hard to see! Including to herself. It's not as strong an effect as it was on the ferret.

Thario relates this to her.

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"Can you still hear me if I talk?"

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"Yeah, but it feels kinda– slippery?" he says. "I can see you, too, you'd just be a lot easier to miss if you were camouflage or something."

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"Might be useful to take some of this with us, in case we run into trouble."

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"Yeah," he agrees. "And hopefully it has some nutritional content."

He looks around for some and makes a mental note of where this is, then suggests they keep looking for other types.

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Good idea.

Walk walk walk through the weirdly dark forest.

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Green fruit! Blue fruit! Brown fruit! Some types of nuts, some glowing fruit, some multicolored fruit.

Would they like to try them now or would they just like to maybe grab a few?

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Some of each, along with a bundle of brush, then back to the lake.

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The ferret was put down partway through the journey and continues to follow them very inquisitively and politely.

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Tyler is still flying over the lake when they get back, but he heads back over to them when he notices them. "Find anything?"

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"Wood for a fire. A fruit that makes you difficult to see, some other kinds we haven't tried yet."

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Neat how Thario can translate with some convenient shrugging and nodding, isn't it?

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"Hm. May I try that one?"

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She offers him one.

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He takes it and bites into it.

Presently, he is gone.

He's gone rather more completely than she was, too. His osprey, however, is still floating just behind where he was.

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"… Huh," says Thario. "It did that to the ferret but only made her difficult to see."

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"I wonder why. Here, you try one."

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Thario takes it and eats it!

… Nothing seems to happen to him. As in, he is still totally present, not difficult to see at all.


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What happens if the soul animals each try a piece?

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Nothing! It's like when Thario ate it.

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Tyler still hasn't turned visible again.

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"That's strange."

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Possibly a noise? A very slippery noise.

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Yeah, signs Thario. Any idea how long it'll last?

"Lasted like a minute with the ferret?" he says.

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"Did he say something? I didn't hear."

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"Oh, uh– it's what I signed," he says. "You couldn't hear it?"

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"No. I think your translation effect is interfering with the fruit."

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"Seems so."

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Shouldn't really matter. You couldn't understand me before, anyway.

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"But it does mean we can't necessarily consider him a reliable test subject."

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"You mean– reliable for future magical things that might come about? Yeah, especially if it sounds like there might be contamination from a translation thing."

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"Fortunately, we've acquired this ferret."

Come here little ferret, Elleira has more fruits for you to try!

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The fruits do various things!

The green fruit: turns the ferret purple.

The blue fruit: makes the ferret slow down. Including with respect to gravity, when dropped.

The brown fruit: appears to do nothing. (Is this a suspicious nothing? Perhaps.)

The various nuts: cause the ferret to glow for a couple of seconds but otherwise appear to have no effect.

The glowing fruit: makes the ferret weightless!

The multicolored fruit: appears to do nothing, but it's a very unsuspicious nothing. Very unsuspicious. Nobody would suspect it of anything.

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Thario looks at the ferret slightly suspiciously when it's fed the last one. Is it possible to be so unsuspicious that you're suspicious? Apparently the answer is yet.

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Tyler (with his weird invisibility) grabs one of the glowing ones. Might be useful.

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Does the book have anything to say about any of these effects?

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… It mentions that the one that turns you purple also doubles your natural lifespan? One-time use, no penalty for trying to use it twice; it just acts as a normal fruit the later times. And the multicolored one is, in its words, very suspicious.

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She'll take a bite of the green fruit then. And dispose of the multi-colored one.

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… How does she plan on disposing of it?

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Lob it deep, deep into the forest.

She's got a pretty good throwing arm.

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That's totally safe! That is a good method of disposal. Well done on picking that method and not something potentially hazardous, such as, hmm… dropping it into the lake.

That could've ended badly!

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Thario also takes a bite of the green fruit!

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As does Tyler! Briefly purple, woo.

Apparently he only gets briefly purple hair!

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Thario also gets briefly purple hair. It matches his eyes.

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Aleir tries eating some too, but does not go briefly purple.


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Elleira gets purple hair for a short time too.

The lizard does not change color.

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Nor does Tyler's osprey!

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"Okay, well, that's slightly weird," says Tyler. Thario translates, and then after a couple of seconds, Tyler actually becomes visible again.

That lasted quite a while for him. Hmm.

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"I'd say the purple thing only affects hair? But it didn't do anything to his keriol."

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"My hair went purple," says Tyler. "Pretty sure."

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"It might be a soul animal thing, that the fruits just don't affect them."

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"Yeah. Well, maybe they got the double lifespan with each of us."

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Thario reaches down to pet the ferret. "I hope nothing horrible happens to this little guy because of the mysterious fruit."

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"You should hope that if anything does, it happens before we also eat the same fruit."

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"I meant the suspiciously unsuspicious fruit. The one that has been tossed. But yeah – hopefully the other fruit is fine too."

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Tyler decides that this moment is when he does a backflip and goes to fly around the lake again.

Presumably he'll return if called upon.

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Time to build a fire, probably.

Elleira has never done this, but she thinks she understands the basic principle.

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Thario has likewise never done it but can help if desired!

Is she going to use lightning to light it? That sounds like it might work. Possibly.

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His keriol continues to be draped around his shoulders.

It's kinda cute, actually, especially since its tail is just swishing about.

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And soon the fire is constructed. Elleira applies a very small, very concentrated shock at the base to light it.

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Well that's nice, because now they have a small fire over which to cook their fish.

"I think I'm just gonna eat some berries," says Thario. "You can probably– skewer one of the fish with a stick or something, but I'm not a great fan of meat. Rhunes don't really eat much of it."

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"Suit yourself."

She digs a small vibroknife out of her bag and uses it to gut the fish. She uses one of the sticks not currently in the fire to hold it while it cooks.

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It cooks relatively quickly and seems like a normal fish. Which is nice.

Thario eats a few of the nuts and then decides he's not actually that hungry right now, so decides to leave the rest for later and-or the others.

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Nom nom fish.

Surprisingly tasty.

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And she doesn't seem to keel over in the slightest! How nice of the fish not to be immediately poisonous.

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Tyler: flies back from the huge-ass fish that just jumped out of the lake. Then he decides that he wants to go exploring, so he dives into the water.

The osprey goes with.

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...Birds can't usually swim.

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Well they don't seem to be resurfacing!

Perhaps he got himself killed.

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Thario seems pretty content petting his keriol. The ferret is currently in the lake, apparently bathing itself.

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Meh. He's the one with hydrokinesis. He's probably fine.

Poke poke at the fire.

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Thario looks up at the sky. "It's kinda dark, isn't it?"

There are no stars. There is also no moon. The sky is approximately pitch-black, although it's still not actually that difficult to see things in their vicinity.

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"Just a bit, yeah."

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"I think I'm gonna try getting some sleep," he says. "Seems relatively safe right now."

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"I'll stay up, then."

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He nods, finds a bit of flat ground to lie on, and then tries to get some sleep.

His keriol wraps around him. Black and red, stripey, it's a cute little adornment.

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Tyler comes back after a few minutes! Apparently he did not in fact drown, nor did his soul bird thingy.

Looking over at Thario, he tries to convey that he can keep watch if Elleira would like to sleep. He's not that tired yet.

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She'll lie down too, then.

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Tyler will keep watch.

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After about twenty minutes, Thario will get up.

He can't seem to get to sleep, and he doesn't feel particularly tired, so he signs as such to Tyler and then decides to go sit on a rock – a different one from the one they left the fish on.

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Tyler doesn't feel particularly tired yet, either. He's only been awake – and alive – for… a few hours by this point.

They can just sign to each other, in that case.

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… Huh. Thario didn't know Tyler knew sign language.

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Elleira is asleep.


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Thario and Tyler can just sign to each other for a while then.

Then Thario can look at his keriol, since he hasn't actually done that much, and the keriol allows this to happen.

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Elleira can probably get a solid four hours before a huge fish flops out of the lake!

It doesn't seem particularly dangerous, and Tyler puts it back in before it causes anyone any harm even accidentally. It might wake her up, though.

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She startles awake. Her lightsaber is in her hand almost before her eyes are fully open.

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"Fish," says Thario, noticing this. "Huge one, being dealt with."

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"Ah. Good."

She relaxes slightly.

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"… I couldn't get to sleep," he says after a moment. "Didn't feel tired. Still don't."

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"...Is that unusual?"

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"Yeah. Usually I'm fine getting to sleep, and by this point it's probably a while past midnight, body-clock time?" Shrug. "Might be the leaf, or… whatever it was."

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"Anyway, are you going to go back to sleep, or…?"

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"Are we going to be attacked by another fish?"

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Shrug. "Unfortunately I haven't developed psychic powers in the past few hours."

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"Me neither," says Tyler. "Would be nice if some other Formed people were here – some of them are psychic."

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"Hm. Stay alert, then."

Back to bed. Zzzz.

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So Tyler solidifies the top layer of water at the edge of the lake near them. Shouldn't be getting any more fish through there anytime soon.

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Thario gets out his phone. Because apparently he has his phone on him, but he's forgotten about it until just now.

Fortunately it has not been destroyed. That's nice. It's probably running slightly low on battery, though, since he hasn't charged it in a few days.


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Nothing interrupts Elleira's sleep for the rest of the night. Well, not quite 'rest of the night' because it's still not bright by the time she wakes, but nothing interrupts her sleep anyway.

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How nice.

She wakes several hours later, well rested.

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Tyler: is walking along the lake, looking down at the water below.

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Thario: is swimming! … Possibly naked.

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Is the fire still burning?

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It is not! It probably went out a while ago.

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She'll scrape together whatever wood remains and attempt to start a new one.

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After a short while, Thario gets out of the lake.

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Tyler, helpfully enough, removes water from Thario's person. Also washes (well, rinses) and dries his clothes, because guess what? Hydrokinesis is useful for that.

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And Thario gets dressed then goes over to Elleira. "How'd you sleep?"

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"Just fine. Nothing interesting happened?"

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"Nah. Tyler froze… ish… the lake. Made it solid yet somehow not ice."

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"I'm literally just holding it in place, dude."

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"Yeah, sure," says Thario, signing the translation as usual.

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"Interesting application. Is it hard to maintain?"

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"Nah," he says. "Difficult if you want me to do anything fine-grained with a huge amount of water, but keeping it in position, especially since it's already still, really isn't too difficult."

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"Neat power," says Thario. "All I get is lumen, which apparently you people don't have."

Lo, a light.

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"Huh," he says. "Can you write words with it?"

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"Yeah," he says, writing some letters in the air. One set of them quite clearly says look in Basic, and the others are presumably in Chinese or something.

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Tremble, mortals, before his awesome powers of being a slightly shitty holoprojector.

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Eyeroll. How about if he uses dark lumen to totally obscure her vision of him? It's not like it's camouflage, it's quite clearly just a bubble of darkness, but still.

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"… That doesn't look much like light," comments Tyler. Unintelligibly to Elleira, for Thario is not visible to translate.

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Even if she can't see, she can still tell where Thario is well enough to shock him. Just a little bit.

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The dark lumen bubble appears to stay up! Despite him apparently being shocked and making a slight pained noise.

He turns it into a dark lumen panel, instead.

It's quite a big panel. She might well still be able to shock him, depending on how the lightning picks a target, but there's quite a big surface area on which she has to locate her target.

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The Force is her ally, and she will fear no panel.

She can continue to target him quite accurately.

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Well then he'll just cover her in the dark lumen.

It's not like it prevents her from moving, so she can try to step outside the bubble, but apparently he's slightly frustrated. You know, by all the lightning.

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"Like I said before. Practically useless."

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"I can still do diagrams," he says. "Like if I wanted to show someone what that weird city thing looked like, I could."

So he removes the dark lumen bubble around her and instead conjures a diagram of one of the buildings they went in.

It would seem he has a good spatial memory, because it's a rather accurate copy.

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"Yes. So could a holocamera."

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"I don't think I've ever heard of a holocamera, but okay, if they can do that then," he shrugs. "It's better than not having anything, at least, but yes, it's not particularly useful in many circumstances."

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"Yes. Shall we stay in this area or explore elsewhere today?"

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"I vote explore," says Thario. "I'd like to find something neat and habitable and-or a way to return home as soon as possible, rather than just sticking with… probably not super terrible." He looks at Tyler. "Might be good to have you go scouting or carrying us places, though. For speed."

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"Sounds like a good idea to me."

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"Pick a direction?"

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"How about… that way?" he asks, pointing right of the lake. "Not sure we've really explored that way."

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"We haven't. Let's go."

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So Thario starts running that way! His keriol is wrapped around his shoulders.

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Tyler looks at Elleira and offers to carry her. With gestures.

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Sure. Nod.

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So he picks her up, avoiding the reptile, and flies in the direction Thario pointed in.

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There doesn't appear to be much other than 'forest' over this way, though after a few minutes he notices that the atmosphere suddenly changes.

So does the ground beneath them.

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Is Thario still around?

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Well, seeing as he was in the forest… it would appear not? Since the forest is no longer available.

It appears to be a cracked wasteland for miles around.

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Tyler stops and then tries flying back.

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She motions for him to stop, then stretches out her senses, seeking any hint of presence.

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He stops!

… She cannot. It honestly seems to be a wasteland for miles around. Then again, in these few minutes they have gone quite far from Thario and he had gone outside her range a couple of minutes before.

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Hmm. Tyler should start flying again, then.

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Tyler does!

… Nothing after three minutes!

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Well, there's nothing down below. Stopping is unlikely to avail them any. Keep going.

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So he does!


… What about if there's nothing after ten minutes?

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As long as there's nothing of interest down below, keep going.

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It continues to be a barren wasteland. With cracks. Huge cracks.


… Finally, after another twenty minutes, they suddenly find themselves above a large tree.

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Worth a shot. She motions him down.

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So he lands on the ground near the tree, then points in the direction of approximately-where-Thario-should-be and tilts his head questioningly.

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Eyes closed, reach-

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Thario does not seem to be within her range! Mind you, that's not all that surprising, seeing as the lake was something like ten miles away from this place, and then they went perpendicular from there.

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Yeah, okay. Point, nod, back in the air.

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Back in the air!

Back that direction!

You know, he can actually fly really fast. It takes him like three minutes to get to the approximate area, and then he lands to let her check again.

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Any sign of him?

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Yep! He seems… lake-wards of where Tyler landed, ish, about three-quarters of the way to the edge of her range.

It really doesn't seem like he's moved much distance from the lake at all, actually, but he's coming sort-of their way.

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She points the way.

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Tyler picks her up again and flies that way!

Shortly, he catches sight of Thario and descends upon him.

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"… Oh, hi guys?" he says. "Find something?"

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"If by something, you mean a cracked desert wasteland. We should stay closer together."

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"Oh?" he frowns. "Any… particular reason? That sounds like it has a reason behind it."

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"Remember that cracked desert wasteland I mentioned? That was suddenly beneath us instead of the forest."

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"Suddenly beneath as in… teleportation?"

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"Yeah dude."

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"Okay but, you clearly got back here so it can't have been that bad?"

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"...We were gone for half an hour."

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"Half…" Frown. "As in, like, three lots of ten minutes?"

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"It's been more like two for me."

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"More like thirty for us," says Tyler. "Wonderful."

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"So in addition to spatial distortion, this place can do time dilation. Wonderful."

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"We were gone for like three before we even got to the wasteland, too. Ugh."

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"Okay, well, this place continues to sound just lovely," he says, rolling his eyes. "Do we maybe not want to go towards the wasteland then, especially if it sinks a bunch of time?"

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"That sounds like a good idea."

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"So… left? Further away from the city thing?"

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"Sounds okay to me," says Tyler. "So long as we keep track of where the city is. Might want to go back there."

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"And we stay together. Don't run off."

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"Yeah," agrees Thario, walking in that direction.

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Tyler nods and moves to do likewise.

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Walking, hooray.

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Lots of fun.

They can speed up if she wants? Tyler can carry her again, keeping low, and Thario can speed up.

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That works.

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Then they do that!

… Relatively quickly, they will approach a waterfall! Somehow. Tyler's pretty sure the forest was rather flat for miles around, but apparently there is a cliff and a waterfall, which they are at the base of.

He relates this confusion to the others.

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"Geography seems to be more guidelines than rules, in this place."

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"Apparently so," he says.

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Thario goes over to the pool at the base of the waterfall – there doesn't seem to be any stream away from it – and looks in.

"Doesn't seem to be anything in it?"

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"And non-plant life is added on an ad-hoc basis."

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"Plant-life seems pretty consistent, though, which is nice. Lots of forests."

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"And that one wasteland."

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"… Yeah."

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"Perhaps the rule is that there are exceptions?"

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"That sounds like an extremely unhelpful rule, but yeah."

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Anything stand out about the waterfall, besides its sudden appearance? And is that ferret thing still around?

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The ferret thing: is not still around! Apparently they left it back at the lake. Poor guy.

The waterfall does not seem super interesting! It does seem kinda dark behind it, though, and it's quite a tall cliff – maybe there's a weird cave!

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"Might be a cave back there. Shall we check?"

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"Yeah, sounds good," says Thario.

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So Tyler flies them through the waterfall, temporarily diverting the water, and lo: there is a cave!

He puts Elleira down and goes to fetch Thario.

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And what sort of cave is it? Damp, dry, dark, lit by mysteriously glowing fungi?

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Well, it's slightly damp. Also relatively dark. There are in fact no mysteriously glowing fungi.

Mysteriously glowing rock upon which stands a creepy statue with wings, sure!

Tyler returns with Thario and looks at it flatly.

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"I wonder who carved it?"

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"I wonder who made all those buildings too, except I have a weird suspicion that no-one did and the world just is this way."

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Thario goes up to the statue and looks like he's gonna poke it!

Will anyone stop him?

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His keriol will jump off him.

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Better something nasty happen to him than her.

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So he taps it!

Also turns to stone.

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The keriol shrieks. Just a little. (A lot.)

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Elleira reaches out to touch the stone Thario.

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Fortunately, she doesn't also turn to stone. Because wouldn't that be horrible.

He does… crumble a little, though? (Still stone.)

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What happens if she moves him away?

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Nothing! If she's careful. If she's not careful, he'll crumble a bit more.

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Maybe it'll wear off in a while. Anything else of interest in the cave?

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Well, there's the glowing platform that the statue's on? Thario touched the statue, not the platform itself.

Thario seems to be missing a bit of his shoe, though. And part of his shirt. From where she so carelessly crumbled him.

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Tyler has a look around the rest of the cave.

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Those aren't important bits. He'll be fine.

Can she levitate the platform? Possibly after shoving the statue off.

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The platform is really rather heavy, at least with the statue on it! And if she shoves the statue off, Thario will start to tip over slightly.

She might want to make sure he doesn't completely fall over. That could be dangerous for his later wellbeing.

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Okay, one hand on Thario to steady him, lift the statue off the platform gently and set it down against a wall. Then float the platform over.

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She can float the platform!

… Where is she floating it to?

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Over closer to Thario. Right by his leg.

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It moves the few inches to get to his leg! And taps it.

Nothing seems to happen!

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What if she (carefully) lifts him up and puts him on top?

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Then he looks to be in a similar position to how the previous statue was! Except the previous statue had wings.

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Thario's keriol continues to whimper. It's moved itself to the edge of the platform.

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… You know, the previous statue seems surprisingly, uh, less gray than it did before? And– did one of the wings just twitch a bit?

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It'd better not have, if it knows what's good for it.

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Apparently– the statue has suddenly decided to go full color and stretch out, flinging off various bits of stone.

It also appears to be a winged woman.

It also appears to collapse immediately after this.

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Huh. That's interesting. And potentially a clue. Does the former statue show signs of getting up soon?

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After a few moments, yes! She seems to roll onto her side a bit, minding the wing, then get into a seated position and look up at them.

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"Hello?" asks Tyler in English.

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She looks at him, then tilts her head and frowns. "Theo?"

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He shakes his head, slightly confused.

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You know what would be handy right now? A translator. Unfortunate that one of them will have to be sacrificed to get him back.

She beckons Tyler over.

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Tyler goes over to her.

… And apparently that ferret from earlier isn't quite as gone as it seemed? Since it – somehow – appears at the entrance to the cave.

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Hello, ferret. She might only get one shot at this and she's not sure if you'll work.

Tyler is given a Force push at his back to nudge him into the statue.

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He doesn't move into the statue.

He does, however, turn around to look at her with a raised eyebrow.

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The winged woman slowly gets to her feet, also giving Elleira a bit of a look.

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She shrugs at him.

Okay fine. Hey ferret, get over here. Yank.

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Ferret: gets over there!

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Tyler moves back over to the winged woman and starts trying to converse with her.

Apparently he's successful in speaking at least one of the languages she does.

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How nice for them.

Ferret: gets booped into the statue. While Elleira is safely not touching it.

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Ferret: turns to stone.

It's so cute that she was willing to trade the hydrokinetic with flight for the pretty boy with lumen and translation, though.

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Just temporarily. Until she found out what the winged one's deal was. Playing charades is tiresome, and magic translation is a convenient shortcut.

Thario is moved off the platform, the ferret takes his place.

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Poor ferret.

The keriol moves to follow the pretty-boy statue.

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Which will hopefully be waking up soon.

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… Hopefully!

It seems like it might take a while. The ferret definitely turned to stone, though.

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Victoria, meanwhile, is saying in English, "You seem to look quite like my son, Theo."

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"My name's Tyler," he says. "And I'm pretty sure I'm not your son."

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"If you say so," she says.

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"I would have Formed at a tsunami, except I got dragged here. 'Formed' meaning suddenly come into existence with superpowers, no parents."

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"Right," she says. "You also don't seem to speak like Theo."

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Look at them, babbling away. Too bad the book got stoned with Thario.

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It really is, isn't it.

Fortunately, after another few minutes Thario starts to gradually regain color too.

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His keriol jumps up onto his shoulder and headbutts him lightly, then jumps from one shoulder to the other and back a few times, worriedly.

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Oh good, it worked. Hurry up and finish thawing, she has questions.

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About half a minute later, he seems to suddenly regain color and stretch, just as the mysterious winged woman did, pieces of stone flying off him.

Fortunately, they do not appear to hit his keriol.

His shirt and shoe are still missing the small bits. It really is quite fortunate that she didn't get anywhere else on him.

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"Welcome back," says Tyler.

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"Yes. Ask her what her deal is." She points at the winged woman.

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He blinks and then moves his head back a bit to get out of the way of the suddenly appearing keriol.

"Um," he says, then looks at the winged woman. "Wasn't she just–?"

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"Yup, now get translating and be helpful," says the keriol. "… Oh, I could've done that while you were a-stone, oops." Headbutt.

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"Rrright," he says, then starts translating what people say.

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"… You might want to be more specific than just asking what 'my deal' is," says the woman. "Victoria, by the way."

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"Who are you, why do you have wings, how did you get here, why were you a statue."

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"There was someone on the pedestal thing. I touched it. Apparently that's a feature that it has. I'm Victoria, I have wings because of this place, and I got here by– would you know what I mean if I said 'something shiny and then a moment of vertigo'?"

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"Yes," says Thario. "Both she and I got here through that."

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"… What about– Tyler?" she asks.

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"Red rock," says Thario with a bit of a sigh.

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"By which he means he touched a red glowing rock and Tyler appeared."

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"I Formed. In the wrong place."

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"He's beginning to make something of a habit of it."

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"I touched a stone statue, okay?" he says. "If you'd rather I just stay away from everything and, I dunno, let you touch them all and get turned to stone, be my guest."

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"I didn't say I disapprove of this behavior. I do think you should hand the book off to someone slightly more cautious if you are going to continue."

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So Thario tosses the book to Tyler.

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He catches it and pockets it.

Nice of it to, weirdly enough, be a pocket-sized dictionary now. (Was it like that before?)

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No, it wasn't. Whatever.

"Can you do anything beyond baseline human other than, presumably, fly?"

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"Nothing supernatural, no," she says. "I haven't – hadn't – been here long."

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"Hm." Mostly useless, then.

Has anything interesting been added to the cave since last she checked?

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Anything such as what?

… Ooh, how about that cute pink bunny by the entrance?

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...Bunnies are bad news.

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It might have been that the one bunny was an exception, okay? That one was gray.

This one is pink!

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Tyler eyes it suspiciously and flings a bit of water at it.

Apparently he keeps water on him somewhere?

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The bunny jumps a bit when hit with water.

Does not do anything else except move slowly around near the entrance.

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Well, a quick and easy test to see if this bunny is really bad news is to see if another one suddenly reappears if she flings this one away.


The bunny is Force-punted out the mouth of the cave.

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The bunny flies through the waterfall and, a few seconds later, appears to make a splash in the water below.

No other bunny seems to be forthcoming.

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"So," says Tyler. "Should we continue exploring or just go back to that lake?"

It is still night. It has been night for a while and continues not to impede their vision much.

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"Let's keep going. It hasn't been that long."

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He eyes Victoria and suggests that they try something else for transport.

The 'something else' turns out to be a little puddle of water, solidified and moved through the air as he flies.

He can give it handrails or turn it into a bubble if desired.

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Handrails are for people who aren't Sith. Elleira does not require any.

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Victoria has wings, so she doesn't actually need to be transported, but she cannot fly very quickly so she also opts for the water thing.

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… Thario might as well take it too. He's good at running but Tyler can fly quicker.

Handrail please.

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And then, presumably, they're off?

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They are!

There is a heck of a lot of forest, but Tyler can actually speed up to rather extreme speeds when he doesn't feel the need to slow down.

He makes sure they aren't too affected by the wind. Solid water makes a relatively good windbreak. Yay for ingenuity.

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After a while, there is: a volcano!

… It appears to be active. Thario signs for Tyler to please go very far around it so they don't all die of ash inhalation or some such.

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Tyler seems sort of like he wants to go look at it, but sure, he can go around.

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Elleira's curiosity about the volcano will be satisfied by the view she can get from a distance.

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And they will go around the volcano, staying far away, and then they will find an ocean!

… Do they want to go over the ocean to see if there's another continent nearby, or do they want to continue along the (very green) coastline, or…?

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She votes coastline.

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He decides to continue in the same general direction that they've been going in but along the coastline, in that case!

There are various animals beneath them. Apparently it has decided to be more consistent about wildlife.

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Maybe they can find another ferret test subject when they land, then.

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Does she want to land? If so, she can probably flag Tyler down – he seems to be looking over at Thario every so often.

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Only if there's something more interesting than 'forest'.

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… Does rainforest count?

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No, not really.

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Elleira considers how to kill her companions, should it become necessary. Thario should be fairly straightforward, likewise Victoria. Tyler would be a challenge. Flight gives him a maneuverability advantage, and his hydrokinesis seems capable of impressive flexibility. A straight fight would be a dicey proposition. Better to take him by surprise, while he's asleep, if possible. Assuming Formed do sleep.

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Well, he hasn't slept yet! Who knows. Maybe she should ask him.

Next up: plains. With an open lava pit.

Alternatively, if that doesn't work, swamp? How about area with lots of really deep puddles? Or the weird place with lots and lots of crystals? Or, or! There's one place with a bunch of really tall cliffs. Then there's a place where there are a bunch of cracks in the ground and you can't see to the bottom. And there's a floating island. And there's a huge sandy place with colors of various types.

Surely one of these must be interesting?

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Crystals might be interesting. Let's have a look at the crystals.

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Crystals: are blue!

Also red.

Also purple.

In fact, they come in lots of different colors. They're also rather large, come in clusters and appear all over the area, and some of them glow!

Tyler sets them down in a small clearing. The floor: is colorless crystal. Looking down, however, just provides you with a slight sense of confusion. It's slightly disturbing.

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"So who wants to go poke one?" asks Victoria.

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"Thario, probably."

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So he moves over to one of the red crystals and taps it!

… Then he looks at his hand because um what the fuck where did it go.

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… Uh, is it bleeding?

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What the fuck do you think his hand is missing because of the red crystal of fucking course it's bleeding

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Well, it could have just turned his hand invisible.

She pulls her saber out. "Do you want me to cauterize that?"

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Yes, he seems to scream with his body language.

No, seriously, it's sort of piercingly loud body language. She might really want to go cauterize it, because he seems really serious about it.

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"Hold it out, and hold still."

She waits for him to do so, then brings her blade around in an overhand slash that brushes the tip of his stump. He feels a brief flash of heat when it does so, then the pain of a severe burn. But at least he's not bleeding anymore.

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Yes in-fucking-deed he's not bleeding anymore and fuck he screams because have you ever had your hand disappeared and then cauterized? No, you almost certainly haven't, so you don't get to fucking comment.

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Note to self: find a better guinea pig.

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Or a quieter one, at least. How long is he going to keep screaming like that?

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It was only a short scream but it was loud and now he's just holding his arm and his stump and trying to cut down the pain and try to not focus on the fact that he has lost a hand.

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His keriol doesn't really seem to know what to do and is just lying across his feet, making sure to stay away from any of the crystals.

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She rummages through her satchel. Does she have any- aha, yes. Two hyposprays of kolto.

"Want something for the pain?"

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"Yes," he grunts in pain (literally grunts, as in composed of grunts). "That would be nice."

(Still intelligible, though. Useful translation magic.)

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He can have half of one of the kolto shots then. Not as good as a full one would be, but it cuts the pain to near nothing almost instantly.

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Thank you.

"So what do I try next then, seeing as I'm becoming the sacrificial– whatever? Maybe the purple one?"

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"After a result like that, I'm not sure if the potential benefit outweighs the risk."

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He pulls a face. "Maybe it'll fix my hand? Because I would really hate to be stuck like this," he says. "Fuck."

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"I won't stop you. I can cauterize as often as needed, but my supply of kolto is sharply limited."

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"I'll live," he says, gritting his teeth. "Probably."

And he goes for the purple crystal.

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Suddenly, he is: lying on the ground, looking hollowly into the distance.

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His keriol jumps at him – it was waiting a few feet away from him while he tapped the crystal, but now it seems to just bury itself against him.

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"… He doesn't look particularly okay," says Victoria to Tyler.

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"No," he responds, in English.

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...She attempts to get a sense of his mental state through the Force.

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How is 'still present'? That's not quite all that can be said for it, but… it's approximately accurate.

He continues to look into the distance, really quite hollowly.

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Can't cauterize this. Well, she could, but that would be quite drastic and likely to be taken the wrong way by the others.

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The keriol headbutts him in the face, lightly. Gets no response.

Tries it a bit harder. … Still gets no response.

Then it just sort of sits, draped across his shoulders and peering down at him, hoping for– well, for some sign of life.

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There's still breathing?

That's… that's about it, though.

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… After a couple of moments, someone steps out from behind a green crystal.

He looks rather like Thario. Even has a keriol wrapped around his shoulders.

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"...and you are?"

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"Blue," he says. "Um, I'm not sure how he's… um, going to cope with things? He's not been doing much."

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Victoria frowns, looking at him and then Thario, then looks at her watch.

… Then she's gone, just like that.

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Must have seen something shiny and vertiginous.

"What do you mean?"

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"He's been like that for a while," he says. "I'm not sure how long it's been for you guys?"

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"Only a minute or two. Where'd you come from?"

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"Him," he says, nodding at Thario. "Apparently a stupid light magic is not all he had."

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"How long's it been for you?"

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"… Couple of weeks? Something like that."

Translates as 'something like twenty days'.

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"That's some fairly extreme dilation."

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"Yeah," he agrees. "Um, anyway, purple rock apparently does that, red one was the really kind of ridiculously sharp one, yellow makes you high for, like, an hour, blue makes everything seem really slow but I'm pretty sure it's because it makes your body slow instead of because it speeds your mind up, and green one… doesn't seem to do anything. The clear one doesn't seem to do anything either, which is kinda fortunate." He looks down at the ground they stand on.


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"How do you know this?"

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"Trial and error? No-one was around so…" Shrug.

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"Right. Can you clarify exactly how you and he fit together?"

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"I appeared after, uh– I don't actually know how long, something like a few hours though. I'm not really sure how, since it only happened the once, but I remember stuff up 'til I appeared."

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Thario shudders a little.

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"So Thario was experiencing the longer time as well."

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"Yep," says the new guy. "Fortunately we don't seem to get hungry so he hasn't died of starvation."

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Thario moves his head closer to his keriol.

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"But his animal was in the shorter time. There are adverse effects when they are separated from us by distance, it is reasonable to assume that the temporal desynch could do something similar."

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"Yeah. I mean, I think that's probably why he's acting like– well, like that," he says, indicating Thario, still lying down quietly. "It could be another effect of the crystal though."

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"It sounds like having these animals is mainly a weakness," says Tyler, looking at his osprey.

The osprey does not seem particularly offended.

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Blue translates.

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"Not something I would have chosen to have. He may recover, given sufficient time and continued proximity to the keriol."

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"He seems to be showing more signs of activity than most of the time we were there."

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Well, apparently 'slowly moving closer to the keriol and curling up a little' is more activity than most of the time, in that case.

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"See if the book says anything about the green or clear crystals, otherwise I think we should move on."

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The book: does not say anything about them.

Tyler relays this information and agrees that they should probably leave.

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Will they be taking the flying water pads?

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They will!

Thario will be lifted up and placed into a bubble, left to snuggle with his keriol or whatever.

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He will do that.

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Off they go, then.

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After a relatively short while, they're flying over a patch of relatively unremarkable forest when they stumble across: a few bits of stone planted in the dirt, covered by moss.

There are quite a few bits of stone.

They're dotted around the place.

It's somewhat curious.

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Elleira wishes to land and investigate.

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So they– well, most of them – land!

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Thario stays in his bubble, hugging his keriol.

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What are the stones like up close?

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Cylindrical! Apparently quite embedded into the dirt, covered in moss but otherwise rather gray… Most are about a meter and a half in diameter? (They vary.)

… Hm, but there seems to be a path? Or they seem to be forming some sort of guide for a path, or something.

Blue sets off following it.

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As does she.

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Tyler follows with Thario, keeping low but aware of his surroundings.

The rocks continue for a short while! They seem quite overgrown and there are lots of trees around, a few blocking the pathway, and the pathway isn't particularly straight, but it does definitely seem to be a pathway.

And then they come across a hill. Or perhaps it would be better to call it a small mountain.

It, weirdly enough, wasn't visible from the air.

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Pretty normally, by the standards of this place.

Anything resembling an entrance?

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The small mountain seems slightly pyramidal? So if she follows one of the sides for… a while… she might find one eventually?

Or she might not be able to see any entrances because it's so overgrown. Maybe she should try poking at some of the vines.

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She slashes down a likely-looking cluster with her lightsaber.

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There are quite a few clusters. That one doesn't seem to provide an entrance.

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Tyler, however, has noticed what she's doing and is trying to slash down other clusters with some water!

His hydrokinesis is pretty neat. Look how sharp he can make the water when he wants it to be sharp.

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What's the structure look like underneath, if she clears off a large area?

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Seems to be some sort of stone! Various types, actually, arranged in bricks or slabs.

Tyler continues looking for entrances.

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Hmm. She's familiar with several different architectural styles that create buildings like this. Based on what she can see, and extrapolating from that, there should be a doorway right about... here.

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This place doesn't seem to care where the doorway should be, apparently.

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Over here, maybe?

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Yup! She can find a very neat… archway.

It wasn't even particularly obscured by the vines, but she didn't notice it before.


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This fucking place.

She calls the others over.

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They come over!

"… You wanna go first?"

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...There doesn't happen to be a convenient ferret lurking nearby, does there?

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There is a deer!

Or, well, there was a deer. It noticed her looking at it and decided to run away. Maybe she can catch up to it.

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If it runs slower than Thario did, yes she can.

Off she zooms.

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Well, in that case the poor deer is caught.

What's she gonna do with it? Throw it through the archway?

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Tyler eyes her a bit warily.

Perhaps there's some dissent in their tribe. Maybe she should take him out sooner rather than later.

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If she sees a good opportunity to make it look like an accident.

The deer is put down just inside the entrance, and shooed onwards.

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The deer doesn't seem to want to go in.

Unsurprising, really.

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It doesn't have a choice. She'll push it all the way, if she has to.

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It gets the message after a few pushes and goes in.

Nothing seems to happen to it?

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Tyler definitely seems to be dissenting, though.

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As does Blue.

He doesn't have a knife in his hand but it really feels like he does, y'know?

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"Was that a personal friend of yours?" she inquires.

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"Huh?" he asks.

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She shakes her head and turns back to the arch.

"Never mind. Let's go." And she starts walking.

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"Yeah. Sure," says Tyler, venom in his voice.

Doesn't seem to come through when Blue translates, but that definitely sounded like venom, ouch.

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They're probably in it together, and Blue's trying to cover it up. She'll have to arrange to be the only one who comes out of here.

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She might need to be careful, though – she saw what Tyler did to those fish. He could probably drill a hole through her if he tried.

But attacking him right now probably wouldn't be a good idea. He's watching her and seems to be waiting for her to make the wrong move.

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Blue seems to be looking at her slightly suspiciously, but he doesn't seem quite as threatening as he did earlier.

He's got his keriol wrapped across his shoulders, though. Might be a useful weak point – not that he has any other powers, probably, just the weak light magic?

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In fact, the only one of them who doesn't seem threatening is the one who's currently in the bubble, hugging his keriol.

He, however, is quite useless, as she well knows.

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If the soul animal is a weak point for one of them, it's a weak point for all. Certainly something to bear in mind.

Further in, further in.

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There is a rather dark tunnel! Nothing happens to the deer through it, so it's probably safe for them to go through.

In fact, the deer seems rather quiet. Still alive, but quiet.

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She lights her saber. Just for the illumination, of course. Anything written on the walls?

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There are a couple of small markings, but of course she can't seem to understand them. If they happen to have any meaning at all.

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Blue translates anyway, obviously gloating that he has the translation ability. Look at him, so smug. He probably needs to be dispatched too, though she might be able to get some mileage out of manipulating him into things.

He came from Thario, after all, so he's probably quite weak willed.

The markings seem to repeat: Danger lies here for those with impure hearts.

Ominous, isn't it?

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No witnesses would be safer, but she won't lock herself down to one course of action just yet.

It would be convenient if there were a fork in the path, a reason for them to split up.

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It would be, wouldn't it!

… You know, eventually they'll probably stumble across one. Such as this one, right here. Can go left or can go straight on, both paths being extremely dark.

(But what will whoever separates do without the deer? Ooh, maybe Tyler should separate so he can use Thario as bait – that sounds like a safe thing to do, right?)

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"We should split up here, search both at once."

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Tyler looks down one of the paths and then back at her, obviously not thinking much of what she's said. "Any particular reason? Time doesn't seem much like a concern, here."

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"There might be something that can restore a lost hand. If not here, then elsewhere. If Thario were present to have an opinion, I think he'd prefer we find it sooner than later."

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"… He's already waited like twenty days, though."

He seems to say it very disparagingly. Like 'how can you be this stupid, of fucking course it doesn't matter, we don't need to be eaten, we need to stay alive while we look for stuff, ugh'.

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"And that makes it better? I'll remember to take my time if you ever lose a hand, then."

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Raised eyebrow. "It's better to have him wait another twenty minutes or something and for us to not die."

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"… Would you rather I go?" asks Blue. "I mean, I have my hand, for whatever reason, but it was pretty shit not to have one?"

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"You can make up your own mind. I'm going this way." She heads to the left. The deer is still in the path heading straight.

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"Just keep him safe, yeah?" says Blue to Tyler. "Since however I got here it was apparently when he mysteriously got a copy, so if I die, it'd be nice to be back later? Thanks."

Then off he goes, down the path with the deer. He shoos it on, and it seems much happier to move in response to calls instead of being directly pushed.

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… Well okay then but this is a terrible idea?

He follows Elleira.

Belligerently. Very belligerently.

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Walking walking.

Keeping an eye out for an open space and an attack from behind.

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Well of course he's not going to attack her now – it would be too suspicious and he might be heard. Or maybe not. Maybe he could muffle her or kill her before she even realized he was doing it, horrible hydrokinesis and such.

… That hydrokinesis might apply to blood, even. He hasn't shown an ability to do it yet, but if he can do it, that could restrict what plans are effective against him.

He continues walking, keeping Thario nearby.

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Hmm, yes. Of course, she has abilities not demonstrated yet either. Such as the mind trick. The language barrier may be a problem, but if she keeps it to simple concepts she can just push them directly.

And Thario will have to be dropped off, first. Don't need him seeing this.

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After a short bit of walking, there is in fact an open space!

There seems to be some sort of platform in the center of the room, with a moveable lid. Might be a sarcophagus.

Tyler seems to be giving her a look. Again.

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He should leave Thario just up the corridor. She twists her hand, putting the wieght of the Force behind the suggestion as she sends it at him.

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He does.

He also stands near the wall, keeping a watch on the both of them since (a) he doesn't want Thario to come to any harm in that corridor, and (b) he– obviously doesn't want her to get any ideas.

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He should turn around and face the wall. It's really much more interesting than anything else in the room could possibly be. The room is definitely, totally, one hundred percent safe and nothing will happen to Thario.

And she sends the same to his bird, while she's at it.

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… He looks briefly confused and then turns around to look at the wall.

His bird does likewise.

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She might not be able to see it from where she's standing, but Thario raises his head a bit and looks over at them.

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She notices when she walks over to Tyler.

This is not interesting. Go back to hugging your keriol.

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He continues to look at her for a few moments, looks over at Tyler, tilts his head a bit… then lowers his head again.

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Good. She projects calm at Tyler.


Places one hand over his mouth and the other at the back of his head.

Short, sharp twist.

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That's definitely a solid crack she hears, and then he goes limp.

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Thario doesn't seem to notice, seeing as the water bubble was more a water platform while they were exploring and not traveling at high speeds.

She might want to hide the body before he looks up again.

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She floats the body quickly over behind the sarcophagus. And double-checks that it is no longer has the presence in the Force of a living person.

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It doesn't.

She might notice that the bird has disappeared.

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She only needs to hide the one body then. Good.

Safely hidden, she allows herself a vicious smile. It's been far too long since last she murdered someone.

Quick check on Thario, is he still distracted?

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… He seems to be gone.

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Oh well. Worry about that later. Does the lid to this sarcophagus come off easily?

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Inside: a body. Seems like it hasn't decomposed even a slight bit.

It has its arms crossed over itself and is holding a rather neat sword. It seems very silvery and shiny and has a gemstone embedded into the handle.

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Is there room for a bedmate?

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Well, she can place Tyler on top, sure!

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Let's take the sword out first, assuming she doesn't get a sudden premonition of danger when she reaches for it.

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Nope! No sudden premonition of danger… unless she's intending to slice herself?

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No, just take it so she has something to discourage curiosity about the contents of the sarcophagus if necessary. She grabs the book from Tyler's pocket as well.

Sword out, body in, lid back on.

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Nothing prevents her from doing this.

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Good. Still no sign of Thario?

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Still none!

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She'll head back the way they came, then.

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She can do that!

And then after a short while, there's a turning off left. There are, if she looks closely, a few shoeprints in the dust, indicating that someone has come this way recently.

(Is that a shorter distance than it was? Maybe.)

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Probably, but meh. Follow the tracks.

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She stumbles upon a huge chamber! It's really huge. It's… possibly the distance from the huge trees to the lake in width? Approximately?

She can't, however, make out much of what's happening further than about fifty meters from herself. It gets– a bit blurry.

Shame she left that deer with Blue, isn't it.

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Little bit, yeah. But hey. She's got the Force. That's worth something.

She sets out across.

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Well, it lets her detect that there are lifeforms somewhere! But, you know, they're sort of… thataway? And thataway seems to change which 'that' and which 'way' it is depending on how she looks (metaphorically and literally) at it and how she squints and where she is when she's doing it.

Ultimately, it's slightly confusing and apparently doesn't seem like it's wants to be normal about its geometry.

But! That way is more consistently the thataway than that way so she should probably try the first-that way. Right?

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Seems as good a course as any, and better than some. Sure.

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That way: takes her to a river!

… It would appear the life-forms have crossed it somehow!

… It is not immediately evident how seeing as the current seems rather fast!

(Perhaps she should look for a bridge. Or maybe she could try jumping it, if she uses the Force?)

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How wide is it? Can she see the bottom?

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It is: very wide! Wider than the fifty meters before things get blurry, and probably more than sixty but prrrrobably less than three hundred.

She can in fact see the bottom! It only appears to be about two meters deep (give or take a couple of meters in various spots), but the current is very fast.

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Too far to jump. She'll look for a bridge.

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Which direction does she pick – left or right? (She can't see a bridge immediately in either direction.)

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Hmm... Left. Left worked last time, let's try it again.

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She can get about a hundred meters before she comes across a small wall!

Would she like to jump up over it (presumably she can do this with the Force), or would she like to turn back the way she came?

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How about she just jumps up to see what's on the other side, but doesn't jump all the way over yet.

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… It seems to be a cliff. The ground continues quite evenly at the new height.

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Okay then. She jumps a little higher, and lands on top.

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Then she can continue her progress along the riverbank, a few meters up from where she was previously.

The current gets slightly higher up here, as is to be expected with rising riverbanks (maybe) especially since she's going upstream!


After about fifteen minutes, she will stumble upon a small bridge. Well, it's more like a small stone pavement that crosses the water, seeing as there's no handrail, the bridge is really rather narrow, and also it seems slightly impossible that it manages to stand up as it does?

… Especially since the separate bits of stone used for the bridge are extremely thin and also have– um, gaps? Gaps between the individual stones.

Apparently the bridge is just levitating in place, quite content to be extremely horrifyingly unsafe, and the river goes past very quickly beneath it.

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She did mention the thing about Sith not needing handrails, didn't she?

What happens if she pokes one of the rocks with the sword?

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It moves down slightly!

… It seems to slow down and stop and then move slowly back into place. Greater force makes it move further, but it does seem to stop.

It should– hopefully not drop her into the river? They seem to mostly stay upright

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Well, one way to find out.

She moves quickly and lightly over the bridge, stepping on each stone for only the briefest time possible.

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They drop quite a lot as she steps onto them but if she moves onto the next one before it drops too low, she can successfully jump to the next stone!

None of them seem to even get close to touching the water, but then again, she's not continuing to stand on them.

And then there's unfortunately a bit of a gap where the stones seem to have disappeared. Quite far away from both edges of the river.

She can probably jump it. You know, if she's extremely careful to push off the last stone hard enough.

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Hard push, Force-assisted leap.

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She– does not quite jump far enough to make it to standing on the stone at the other side of the gap! She can grab hold of it and hope she doesn't fall off, though, hope it doesn't lower her too far down or drop her into the water or mysteriously fail like the other stones apparently have?

This might not have been the best move.

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She doesn't need very much leverage to get herself back to a standing position. Even if she can just grab it with her hands, that's enough.

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She can get back to standing then, she'll notice that the rock seems to be climbing back up steadily, and she should be able to just drag the next rock down slightly and then use it and the next one to hop back up to her previous pace of jumping along the stones!

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That's helpful of it. She does so, and goes back to skipping along the bridge.

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She will get to the other side! Then she will note that she needs to go, again, approximately thataway.

There doesn't seem to be much there. A few glowing mushrooms. A couple of glowing areas of stone that she should probably avoid! They are very much things she should avoid and she should note how dangerous they are if she goes near them! And then she'll come to a wall and she'll need to decide if she wants to go left or right.

(This wall is not jumpable.)

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She goes thataway. Mushrooms are ignored, dangerous glowing areas are avoided.

At the wall... she'll go left again. Might as well.

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… Hm, after a couple of minutes it seems like she's going the wrong thataway if she goes left.

Is she sure she wants to go left?

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She's not attached irrevocably to left. She can reverse course and try right.

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Right… feels like it's a bit better as a thataway!

She will notice a gap in the wall when she's been moving for about four minutes, and she will notice that it's rather thin and seems to extend upwards a lot, almost like the wall has just been pulled apart!

… It's quite a narrow gap. If the walls were to move while she went down it, she could get squished.

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Is it very important that she go through this gap?

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Well, she could try not going through the gap but she'll notice that she's going the wrong way.

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Sigh. Okay. Through the gap as quickly as possible.

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That seems like a wise decision!

The gap lasts for a while, though!


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She sidles quickly.

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It's quite a while.

It also seems to get slightly darker.

… She's definitely going the right way, though.

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That's something, at least.

Sidle sidle.

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After a while, she notes that the walls mysteriously disappear!

Like, actually disappear. She can't see them even if she looks back where she came from.

The life-forms are probably really close, though, and she can sort of work out where they are? So perhaps she should go that way.

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Good riddance to them.

She heads for the life-forms.

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It seems slightly foggy!

After a couple of minutes, she will notice a (human) body on the ground.

It seems to be trying to crawl away from her. Unfortunately it is missing a hand. And more importantly, one of its legs is very broken. The other one…? Actually, probably also broken, seeing how it's angled.

There is also a small furry thing trying to help it – or him? – along, but unfortunately it's very small and, well, cannot really help much.

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She walks around in front of him and crouches down.


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He seems to notice her, dismiss her, and then continue struggling onwards.

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"Hey. What happened to you?"

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He mutters something unintelligible and continues moving.

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Well, sooner or later he's going to run into her.

She'll move to make that happen if she has to.

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He does so and frowns slightly, then seems to try to move through her.

She might be able to understand him say something to the extent of 'not real'.

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She flicks him on the forehead.

"I am real. Talk to me."

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He flinches back from her and then tries moving around her.

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And what happens if she grabs the keriol?

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Then he will freeze and collapse, making small whimpering noises.

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She drops the keriol back on top of him.

"Talk. To. Me."

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He grunts a bit in pain and then continues moving, ignoring the keriol.

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This is getting annoying.

Does there seem to be anyone else around?

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There's another person– somewhere!

Unfortunately the geometry of the surrounding space seems to have decided to screw itself up again.

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She makes a grab for the keriol again.

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Thario makes a lunge for her leg.

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Oh, so now we're reacting to her, are we? She dodges his lunge, turns out people with unbroken legs have superior mobility.

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Turns out he still has an arm left over and he can actually move himself quite well when he's motivated to anger.

Sure, she can probably get away eventually, maybe even straight away, but he managed to propel him at her quite quickly and shouldn't be discounted immediately.

He seems quite intent on biting her.

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She could just jump over him. That's a thing she could do. And then, since she's behind him anyway, she could kick one of his broken legs.

Like so.

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That gets a pretty horrifying moan, especially since it comes with a side of 'I will kill you' through his body language.

Oh, and it has those horrifically 'too personal' overtones to it, too. Apparently he remembers about that.

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"Are you ready to tell me what happened yet?"

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So the 'I will kill you' thing has turned into a 'fuck off you vengeful demon' (or some such equivalent).

And still, he struggles onwards.

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Oooh, 'vengeful demon'. She likes that description.

What happens if she lifts him about a meter and a half into the air? She'll even keep his legs level.

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Then he will attempt to kick her with whichever leg is closer, and seeing as he likely fails since she's probably not standing that close, will grunt and try new combinations of hateful translation.

… Apparently he can get a 'searing' translation going, that appears to be something he can do. She probably wants to stop looking at him now.

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Yeah, she's pretty much done with him now.

He can get (non-gently, non-carefully) tossed a good distance away.

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At which point he goes poof.

Literally, cloud of smoke.

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Time to start walking again. Does any particular direction feel better than the others?

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Yep! It's about thirty degrees off from where she threw Thario.

There is not much that seems important along the way. Most of it seems extremely not important. Some of it is suspiciously not important.

Not that any of this seems important, of course.

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No, of course not. Why would any of it be-

Wait a second.

She squints at one of the not-important areas.

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… Is she sure she wants to squint at it? It's quite boring. This area seems to be a rock. A very small rock.

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Just a rock? Oh. Well, carry on then.

No, hold on, she wants to go investigate the rock. Even if it is boring.

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The rock: is still small! It is also gray. Maybe slightly brown-gray. Can be picked up if she so desires. Does not in fact seem to do anything when she picks it up.

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What if she throws it at one of the more unimportant spots?

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It does not seem to do anything except hit another unimportant rock!

… You know, it's somewhat difficult to ascertain the relative importances of various spots.

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Yeah, okay this is actually not interesting. Back to walking.

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Walking: finds her places! After a lot of vague blurriness and fog and– hey, isn't she still inside? That's weird – she finds herself upon: a small bit of water!

It is quite hot. It appears to be a small hot spring thing.

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There is someone in the distance, though she can't really see quite who it is since it's rather hazy! He's quite tall, though, and seems to be walking alone.

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Over closer to the person, then.

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The person: looks rather like Thario! Or maybe Blue. Seems to have both hands, so it's probably Blue.

He's walking along slowly and cautiously, seeming to look for something.

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She calls out to him.

"Hey! You there?"

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He turns around and looks at her. "Hey!"

Then he jogs over to her.

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"Oh good. I've lost track of Tyler and Thario."

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"… What happened?"

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"We found a room with a sarcophagus about fifteen minutes down the split. We left Thario at the entrance and went to investigate. We got the lid off easily, but when we looked up, Thario had just vanished. This sword," she hefts it for inspection, "was in the coffin. Tyler went to pick it up and I think he must have seen something shiny and dizzy, because he popped out of existence before he got hold of it."

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"Oh," says Blue, frowning. "Was there anything else shiny around? Do you think Thario got the same?"

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"I didn't see anything when I looked, but maybe he had his phone out or something."

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Nod. "I will make a note to be careful around my phone, then. … Assuming I don't want to be teleported elsewhere, which I might be, depending on where I am at the time."

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She nods. "Yeah. Anything happen to you?"

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"Mostly it was just a lot of fog? And– a weird blurry distance thing, not sure if you had that?"

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"Since I got to this room, which seems excessively large."

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"Yeah, just a little." Shrug. "So, should we keep going?"

It's weird how nice he seems about things now, isn't it?

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She's a good liar. And without Tyler's influence he should be manageable.

"Might as well."

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So they continue!

… There continues to be quite a lot of fog and the small hot spring turns out to be a less small hot spring!

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Is it an obstacle to their forward progress?

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Well, not really because they can go slightly sideways around it…

This is really a rather large cavern, and it's not like they're going any particular direction to look for anything in particular, they're just searching around for things in general?

It is rather large, though. Weirdly, it looks rather small, but it seems to stretch quite far behind them anyway.

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She's pretty much given up on the idea of a consistent geometry. Around the spring it is.

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… What are they looking for again? Just something interesting?

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That or a way out.

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Oh, well, if they want a way out they could try that hole in the ceili– wait, nope, no they can't, they can't fly, and she killed off their nice mode of transport.

They could try going back the way they came?

(Or maybe they'll find something interesting if they keep going!)

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Forward it is.

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There continues to be vague fog and mysterious noises— wait, were those not mentioned earlier?

Oh well. Probably nothing.

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"Do you hear that?"

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"Hear what?" asks Blue.

(Of course he does. He has pointy ears and therefore good hearing. He's probably just being rude.)

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"Noises in the fog."

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"I'm not sure I–" he starts, then frowns. "Oh, do you mean the whispers?"

… They don't sound much like whispers. It sounds more like small bits of moaning and whining and a few grunts and maybe a bit of– a howl?

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"Doesn't sound very much like whispering."

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"Hm." He continues to frown. "I'm pretty sure it sounds like whispering to me, but then again, this place is weird and also the translation thing."

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"Is it anything intelligible?"

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"It mainly seems slightly upset and a little curious about things, but I'm not getting actual words, no." He squints a bit. "Which really I should have noticed earlier."

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"Huh. Weird."

Walking, walking.

Staying alert for impending danger.

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… There's another bunny. It literally looks like a bunny formed from mist, or maybe a cloud bunny.

It is extremely fluffy and pettable, although she is not quite compelled to do so.

Blue stops when he notices it.

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"...Let's stay away from the bunny."

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What if the bunny hops over to them? Really cutely and cloudily and fluffily?

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Bunnies are Bad News, okay? Go away, bunny.

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Bunny doesn't seem inclined to just go away, but if she pushes at it… it continues stubbornly refusing to go away.

Instead, it jumps at her, aiming for her hand.

She can probably dodge.

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She does, spinning and pulling out her lightsaber, aiming to slice it as it passes.

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Funny thing about fog… It doesn't seem particularly harmed when she slices it.

It lands and jumps for her again, but this time seems to be moving faster. It'll be harder to dodge.

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Oh, great. Fog bunnies.

She can get pretty quick about dodging,

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The bunny… can get pretty good at attacking, unfortunately for her.

It gets her hand. Bites into it – despite being a fog bunny – and she starts to feel shooting pains.

In fact, it's rather like small shocks of lightning are running through her body.

It's quite debilitating.

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That hurts. Almost as much as that time she was twelve and the overseer had her tortured for killing those other acolytes. She grits her teeth and grimaces.

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The bunny disappears!

The lightning shocks seem to be getting worse. And worse.

Is she sure about her previous assessment?

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She bites her lip. And hisses.

And falls to her knees. Then to the ground.

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They do seem to be getting worse.

Continuing to get worse.

And worse.


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Blue seems to be moving towards her! In slow motion. He also seems to be saying something, and while she could make out what it was – with helpful translationy lip-reading because her ears don't seem to be working right this minute – she's probably too overwhelmed by the lightning to get much more than "Are you okay?"

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If she opens her mouth she's going to start screaming and she doesn't think she'll be able to stop-

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She also probably couldn't make any coherent sounds! Maybe she should try interpretive dance or something.

Or, y'know, maybe not. She's probably going to get a blinding headache at this rate– oh wait, she's already acquired one! You know what it feels like when you get struck by lightning throughout your brain, several times per second? No? Well, it feels like that anyway.

He moves towards her, still going apparently slow-motion.

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She does know what that feels like, actually. That was her fifteenth birthday. (For her sixteenth she did it to someone else.)

This is somehow much worse.

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… It seems to be striking elsewhere around her, too. It's not affecting her soul animal, but she can feel it striking bits of her that– don't actually seem to be her?

Blue is about halfway to her! Is she sure she wants to be in debilitating pain this near to a potential enemy? Oh, wait, she probably can't do much about that.

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She can't, this is true. Besides curl up into a protective ball, which she does.

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Well, he doesn't seem to be attacking her?

He does, however, touch her on her shoulder.

It stings like a motherfucker. Even worse than the lightning.

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She flinches away from the touch.

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He gets the message not to touch her and decides to go sit on a nearby rock.

The pain continues to ramp up, although it's slightly slower now.

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She starts rocking back and forth on the ground.

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That might not be the best idea unless she's just doing it very small amounts. She might get some more of the searing pain, otherwise.

It seems to stop ramping up after a while, but she can't really do much around the pain.


After a while – it's not really clear how long – she'll realize that she can probably see again and actually process what she's looking at somewhat, even though she's in lots of pain. Does she choose to?

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The first thing she does, once she can, is begin converting pain to anger. She is going to kill this place.

The second thing she does is check that Blue is not directly in front of her. He probably had nothing to do with the bunny.


The third thing she does is convert anger to lightning, stabbing out at nothing and everything for a long distance in front of her.

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It definitely seems to do quite a lot of damage! She can tell that it does a lot of damage in the local area because of the huge marks in the ground, areas where the rock has been totally obliterated, areas where the rock breaks into pieces and also various other things.

Apparently that was quite powerful.

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Blue is, fortunately, not in the way.

And after seeing that display, he's decided to move even further out of the way.

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That is a good idea, Blue. She would commend your quick thinking, if she had any spare brain with which to do so.

So much lightning. Lightning everywhere. In the center of the storm, Elleira draws her feet back under herself, and slowly stands up.

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Hm. It seems like she's on her feet faster than she expected, feeling quite lightweight.

She might not notice though, what with all the lightning – both inside and outside of her.

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She will burn this place to the ground.

A growl builds low in throat, growing to a full scream of rage, the first sound she's made. The storm increases in intensity to match.

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Blue… is gonna start moving away from her now.

Quite quickly.

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The lightning pain doesn't really seem to be abating yet, but she should notice that she's definitely better at thinking around it now. Must be getting used to it.

The ground: continues to get damaged by her attacks. There aren't really many walls anywhere near her, so she can't really test on that, and the ceiling is… likewise extremely high up.

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The damage will continue until she feels better.

If there are any areas of denser fog around, she will begin aiming for those.

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There are some areas of denser fog! They mostly stop being areas of denser fog after she runs lightning through them, clearing up and having bits of rock fly various places.

She should definitely be careful. A bit of shrapnel might fly towards her.

… She also seems to be able to see slightly further than before, before it starts getting blurry.

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If any shrapnel thinks it's going to hit her, it had better think again. She will blast it out of the air.

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It's really not that difficult to work out if something's going to hit her, actually, so yes, she can blast it out of the air relatively easily!

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She seems to be feeling better now. It still hurts, she's still pissed as hell, but there's room for more rational thought. She slowly ramps down the storm until it falls silent.

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… Is one of the pieces of shrapnel moving?

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Does it still seem to be after she hits it with enough lightning to shatter it to dust?

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No. No, it seems quite unmoving after that. As do all of the other potentially-mobile pieces of shrapnel.

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Yeah, that's what she thought.

She takes a moment to compose herself.

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Then turns to face Blue.

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He is… presumably quite far away, since she can't actually see him.

She should know what direction he set off in, though.

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Off she goes, then.

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There does not seem to be much along the way! There is a small rabbit—

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Not anymore, there's not.

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There was a small rabbit, but it managed to get quite blasted, yes, and then there were a few rocks dotted around quite harmlessly (there are rocks dotted around practically everywhere anyway) and then there's a wooden bridge that seems mostly safe…

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Fuck it, apparently she's not quite done yet. Everything but the bridge can get blasted.

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Well, blasting the water makes for some… interesting sparks. But then when she's done venting with all the wonderful destruction, the bridge is still available.

It still seems mostly safe.

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Good. Across the bridge, then.

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Then she can continue for another while!

Rhunes, which is a category that includes Blue, can run quite fast, as she found with Thario. She might need to speed up if she wants to catch up to him, since he's presumably running away in case she does something like explode.

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Hm. Good point.

Fortunately, she has all this extra energy lying around. It's more fun to turn it into lightning, but she can use it to run just as easily.

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After a while, she'll find herself at: a wall.

Fortunately, this time she doesn't have to pick a direction, because there's an obvious route that Blue presumably took.

There's a wooden door set into the wall, a few meters off the ground, currently open and showing outside.

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She jumps up to the door.

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She can get through the door fine!

On the other side: she finds herself outside the temple, in the patch of relatively unremarkable forest, at the exact same entrance that she used to get in.

Except now it has a door in the archway.

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Any sign of Blue?

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Mmmno. He's probably decided to clear away from the temple for fear of it, y'know, exploding or something.

There is an obvious path that he might have taken if he wished to be found, though. (It's back along the path of stones.)

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Let's run that way.

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That way: is a lot of stone path, since it stretches back way further than just up to the point where Tyler (poor, poor Tyler) dropped them.

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He had it coming.

Remembering the satisfaction of that kill lets her run a little faster.

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Well then, she will eventually come across Blue standing quite a ways away from the temple thingy, in a small clearing, seeming prepared to run if there's any sign of impending doom.

He seems to be alone, still, except for his keriol, and he notices her approach and seems ready to bolt at any moment.

(Her eyesight definitely does seem to be better, though that annoying pain is getting in the way of her ability to study her surroundings properly. It's slightly inconvenient like that, isn't it?)

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It is. (She is going to break this place.)

She slows to a stop at the edge of the clearing and holds her hands up in a peaceable gesture.

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He looks at her slightly warily and asks, "Do you want to tell me what all of that was about?"

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"The bunny was venomous. It hurt rather a lot. That was my way of dealing with the pain."

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"… Ah," he says. "I think the bunny was also made of fog, so that doesn't make a huge amount of sense, but nothing says this place has to do that, I guess."

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"Quite. Shall we continue traveling?"

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"Yeah," he says. "Since Thario and Tyler both disappeared."

Except she originally said she 'lost track of' them, which was a bit of a weird phrasing, wasn't it.

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Not that weird. Maybe his memory was distorted by all that frantic running he just did.

Off they go.

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Except for the fact that he's good at remembering how people phrase things. It might get to be important.


They go anyway. He doesn't give her any indication of having noticed anything up, doesn't give any inclination of anything further than 'well it's weird that they both disappeared like that'.

Are they looking for anything in particular?

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Not particularly. A place to rest, maybe.

Any small woodland wildlife Elleira sees will get summarily blasted.

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What about things like deer?

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Deer can live. For now.

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Squirrels are presumably small enough to be killed, as are rabbits (except there don't seem to be any), as would be a keriol if she weren't making a specific exemption for the one wrapped around Blue's neck…

How about a cow? There is in fact a cow.

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Elleira has in fact never seen a cow before. She looks at it somewhat confusedly.

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Blue has likewise never seen a cow. But then, he had never seen a deer or a bunny or a squirrel – they look similar to some things that he's seen before, but no, they're not quite the same.

"You okay there?" he asks, noting her confusion.

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"Fine, just... Never seen anything like that before."

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"Oh," he says. "I haven't seen most of these things."

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"That one was weirder than most."

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He nods. "Looks like something that the Thamari herd for food, but– smaller."

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"Hm. I wonder if this animal is domesticated too."

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Shrug. "I'm not really sure how to check? See if it startles when you walk up to it, or…?"

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"I think I've had enough personal contact with animals to last me a while."

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He shrugs. "I don't think I trust it enough to go up to it." He eyes it a bit suspiciously. "Even if I probably could out-run it."

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"Let's keep going, then."

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They will rather shortly come across a lake! This one is actually small, unlike the ridiculously huge previous lake.

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Does it seem safe to drink?

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It's not murky, at least? It's not very clear if it's freshwater or saltwater, though…

Blue sits on a rock near the lake.

Convenient how the lakes always seem to have rocks.

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She'll test a little bit.

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If she drinks it, she will note it tastes slightly fruity.

It does not, however, seem salty.

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Mmm. Not bad. She drinks a little more.

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It does not seem to instantly do her any horrible harm.

The lightning pain is still there, in the background.

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She keeps the pain locked in one corner of her mind, a reminder of her rage to fuel her power.

"Probably safe to drink," she remarks to Blue.

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He nods. "Thanks."

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Oops did the pain just disappear wow her head feels so much freer now.

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Suspicious. She makes sure to not show any sign of it on her face.

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Wow huh. It's so nice with it gone, actually, her head definitely feels more– open?

Wait nope it just came back again. It's also a bit worse. Perhaps she should scream to make this known.

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She refuses to scream in pain.

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Is she sure?

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But gritting her teeth is not out of the question.

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Blue appears to notice.

He doesn't, however, comment.

How polite of him.

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Okay, back under control.

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"Is there anything in particular you want to do?" asks Blue, a few minutes after this incident. "I'm just– not sure what I actually can get out of this place and I'm not really very happy with 'live alone in the wilderness' as a goal."

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"I'd like to find whoever's behind all this and," horribly torture them for a very very long time "have a nice long chat. But I don't think that's likely to happen."

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He raises an eyebrow. The subtext was kinda obvious. "Nor me. Especially since this place seems to be magical, so it might have just cropped up all of its own desire."

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"It doesn't have rules, it has whims. To me, that speaks of a guiding intelligence."

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"So far it seems to mainly be that it's consistent about how pokeable it is – that is to say, if you poke it you can expect to be in pain, and if you don't, you can expect to have to poke it sometime anyway – but otherwise, yeah, it's– a bit stupid."

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"We could try to find the buildings again."

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"Yeah," he agrees. "Might take a while to get back there, though. Since we're so far away."

(It's a shame Tyler isn't here.)

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"Yes, it might. Or the geography could suddenly adjust itself, as it's been known to."

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Shrug. "Should we start going then or were you planning on waiting a bit, or…?"

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She stands up. "Let's go."

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He gets up too! "Do you remember what direction it was?"

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"That way, I think?"

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"Prrrobably?" he says, looking that way.

It has quite a lot of trees. Since the lake has lots of trees around it. It's not like they can see the buildings from where they are, unfortunately.

He shrugs and sets off that way anyway.

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Walking walking.

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They can do this for a while. Nothing decides to interrupt them, although there are a few animals in her range.

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That's fine, as long as they don't get too close.

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And after another fifteen minutes or so, a huge rock will block their path!

Presumably they wish to go around it. But do they go around it to the left or to the right?

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Left, of course. Silly question.

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Well, they'll start going around the huge rock in that case, over to the left.

And when they're about halfway around, Blue will briefly frown, look over to his right, but continue walking.

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"Did you hear something?"

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"Slight bump, over to the right?" he says.

Now that he mentions it, she can probably detect a couple extra life-forms that way.

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"Didn't hear it, but yeah. There's something there."

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So he keeps walking around the rock, unless Elleira stops him…

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They can keep going.

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So he continues around the rock! It is a rather big rock.

She might notice that the other life-forms are moving rather quickly. Also around the rock. Currently towards them, and it seems like one might be chasing the other.

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"We've got company incoming. Potentially unfriendly."

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So Blue leans out from the rock to get a better view—

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And it seems Thario has made a reappearance! And is now running away from the rock. And is trying to get very far away from—

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A copy of himself? Who seems rather intent on catching up with him.

The copy does not seem to have a keriol.

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Huh. Maybe they should help him, or something.

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Maybe they should!

Blue gives Elleira a bit of a look, using his mysterious translationy body language to ask if she'd object to him helping and if she doesn't object, could she perhaps help?

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Okay, sure. How about she lifts Not-Thario off the ground and holds him in place?

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Then Not-Thario will be slightly frustrated by it and fire off a warning shot (of body language), slightly difficult to look at, asking: Are you sure you want to do that?

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Thario: will continue running.

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What are you going to do about it, Not-Thario? Give her a reason to hurt you, please.

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How about he just glares? It's quite a clear glare. Very glare-y. Backed up by glare-y body language.

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Sigh. That's... probably not sufficient provocation.

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But what about if he moves a bit, hoping she somehow only has a tenuous grip on him, and the pain in her head flares?

Could be coincidental, could be absolutely intentional provocation.

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Well, maybe she can hold him a little more tightly.

He can still move his chest enough to breathe. Mostly.

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Gritted teeth. She gets gritted teeth for her trouble.

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Thario seems to be getting away! He doesn't seem to have looked back and noticed Not-Thario being hovered in midair.

Well, it's presumably Thario and Not-Thario, although it's not super clear, seeing as they both have their hands and they both look rather alike.

This Thario, however, has a keriol.

Does she care to get him to stop?

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Does she really have to do everything around here? Isn't Blue doing something?

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Well Blue could be doing something, couldn't he, but it seems that he has frozen. Like time around him just suddenly decided to– not.

Quite bizarre, really.

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Bleh. Fine. She'll knock Thario off his feet.

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He– doesn't quite faceplant, because he has quite good reflexes, but then he quickly rolls over and gets up and notices that the danger doesn't seem to be upon him and so he looks around a bit nervously and– notices Not-Thario being held in the air by Elleira.

… So he makes his way back.

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"So how's your day been?"

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"Nonexistent," he says. "Up until I woke up on the other side of that rock with him chasing me."

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"Sounds like fun."

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"Yeah, pretty much," he says. "So what happened back at the– temple thing?" He looks at Blue and raises an eyebrow. "And what happened to him?"

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"Tyler vanished, you vanished, I went searching for Blue, found him, then I was attacked by a bunny made out of fog that had some kind of hideously painful venom, the effects of which I am still not entirely over. I have no idea why he's standing so still right now, he wasn't before you came over."

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"… Have you tried poking him or do I need to be guinea pig again?"

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Not-Thario does not seem to happy about being ignored.

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"Haven't had time to yet, what with getting your attention and keeping whoever that is under control."

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How does 'look like he's screaming, quite piercingly' work for showing his annoyance?

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Well, it causes Thario to turn away from him.

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How does making him feel like his skin is suddenly several sizes too tight work for showing her annoyance?

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Well he continues to 'scream', apparently not finding that motivating enough.

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How about a brief blast of lightning?

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Then he will make a 'louder' noise, as you might expect someone to do upon being struck by lightning.

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And if she applies lightning so as to render him unconcious?

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… He doesn't seem to fall unconscious with the regular amount of lightning, at least.

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She has lots to spare, that's okay.

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It takes quite a lot of lightning before he stops screaming.

… Takes a bit more before he falls unconscious.

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Tough guy, huh. Good for him.

"So, we were going to do something about Blue?"

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"… You could try poking him?" suggests Thario.

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She does not freeze!

He seems quite unyielding. As does his shirt, as does his skin, as does his position.

He's looking straight ahead, he's not blinking, he seems quite mid-stride.

Time seems to have forsaken him.

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"Doesn't seem to have done anything."

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Thario walks in front of him and looks at his face, in case it's just that his body is frozen.

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Blue's eyes do not seem to be moving, either.

However, while Thario is watching him, he completes his stride and then jumps back, noticing Thario in front of him.

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Thario also jumps back! Apparently Rhunes can do that rather quickly! (Or maybe it's just him.)

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"I'm guessing it hasn't been more than a second or so for you?"

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Blue frowns. "I'm not sure," he says. "Uh, both yes and no are the answers, I think."

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"How so?"

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"Feels like I've only lost a second, somehow I know it's been longer."

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"Strange. What should we do with the third of you?"

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"I don't have any idea what his motives are," says Thario. "He just– looked at me like he wanted to kill me and so I ran."

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"You didn't consider just letting him?"

This is probably a joke.

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"I don't know what benefit I would get out of it," he says, running his hand through his hair.

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… Does Blue stiffen a bit? Possibly.

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"You wouldn't have to worry about dealing with this place anymore. When did you get your hand back?"

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"I woke up with it," he says. "And if I thought 'death' was a good solution to being here, I could just try getting rid of myself in a more normal fashion, instead of being brutally savaged to death by a clone of myself?"

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"I thought a more passive option might have been appealing to you."

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"A more passive option would be drowning, I think," he says. "But no, not really, in case you were planning on 'helping me along' or something." Eyeroll.

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"Should we wake him up and ask him?"

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Shrug. "Go ahead, I guess?"

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"No idea," says Blue.

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She grabs Not-Thario by the collar and slaps him on the face a couple times.

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He becomes conscious, sure, but he continues to act the exact same way – boneless – so she can only tell with the Force.

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"Stop faking, we have questions."

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So he opens his eyes and gives a rather strong impression of boredom.

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"Who are you, where did you come from, why did you want to kill Thario?"

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"I don't have a name, I don't know, and– because he is really fucking annoying?"

He says that last bit like it is quite evident and factual.

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"Pretty strong opinion to have about someone whose only interaction with you has been running away."

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"… Except for the fact that I know what his personality is like?"

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She turns to point at Thario.

"You need to stop spitting out clones of yourself everywhere you go. This is getting out of hand."

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"Do you think I got him intentionally?"

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Eyeroll. Laden with 'you are really fucking annoying' subtext.

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"This is what, the third time it's happened?"

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"… Third?" he asks. "There are three of us and two animals, I don't know how you got 'three' from that."

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"The soul animal I'm going to count, then Blue, then this guy. Which makes me suspicious of Tyler and the winged person, in retrospect."

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"So what, you think literally everyone here is me except you?"

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"The evidence seems suggestive, does it not?"

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"… But even so, why would you be an exception?"

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Can Not-Thario growl? Yes. Yes he can.

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She flicks Not-Thario a lot harder than you would think from just observing the gesture. You be quiet.

"I was here first. And I don't seem similar to you at all."

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"Okay, but what ways did Tyler seem similar to me? Other than 'male', because if you're going to go for that, ugh."

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"He didn't, really, which is why I'm not seriously counting him. But you still have two more duplicates than anyone else I've ever met."

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"Yyyep," he says. "And I didn't have either of them before I got here. And I didn't intend to get either of them."

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"And I have never intended to get one either, and look where that's gotten me. Must be a character flaw."

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"Or just luck?"

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"I prefer the character flaw interpretation."

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He rolls his eyes, turns away from her, and starts to walk away.

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Not-Thario looks like he wants to get up and chase.

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Too bad, Not-Thario. You're not going anywhere.

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Blue eyes Thario and then says, "So anyway, while he's gone what should you and the two clones do?" Eyeroll. "Keep looking for the buildings and abandon him?"

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"Or we could abandon this one and go look for the buildings with Thario."

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"Got any plans for keeping him down? … Knocking him out again?"

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"Could. Killing him would be more permanent."

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Shrug. "Might work."

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She pulls out her lightsaber and holds it above Not-Thario.

Assuming no last-second objections, she cuts his head off cleanly.

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His head: comes off rather cleanly.

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And now they can go catch up with Thario.

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They can! He was only walking, after all.

He looks back when he notices them and continues to walk– right into a rolling fog of darkness.

Outside the fog of darkness, it continues to be weirdly dark, in that it continues to be dark yet not that difficult to see things.

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Elleira follows him in.

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Blue tilts his head and also follows.

Inside: it is very dark. As in, can't even see your hand unless it's right in front of your face.

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Presumably it doesn't interfere with her Force perceptions.

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… Well, except for the fact that it's definitely a lot harder for her to sense things in here.

It's also harder to hear things, and for some reason it's slightly harder to feel her skin and it's probably easier for her to lose track of precisely where her limbs are.

It's like she's been put into slight sensory deprivation, in fact, and she can't even see where Blue is anymore.

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Strange. Oh well. Keep moving forwards.

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She might want to watch where she walks, or else she might trip over a rock.

Or a twig.

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She is not going to trip.

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… How about falling into a lake?

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It would have to be an extremely sudden lake.

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Extremely sudden like 'extremely suddenly came out of existence'? Or extremely sudden like 'she couldn't see it until she was right upon it'? Because the latter is definitely– likely.

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Well that was a suddenly unexpected lake. Quite deep, too. She manages to keep her balance, but only just.

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The lake is in fact quite deep. In fact, it's more like an artificial pool, seeing as how it's over a meter deep right at the edge, and there seems to be a rather straight-down bank.

She can probably walk around the lake but she might need to be careful, seeing as how she still cannot see around her.

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Okay, hop up out of the pool and carefully try to navigate around the edge.

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It is not a huge lake! She can walk around it quite easily and then continue on straight!

Hopefully she doesn't walk into a tree. That would be embarrassing or something.

Also painful.

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Walking into a tree would be even more ridiculous than walking into a lake.

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Okay, well, in that case she can just continue walking through the darkness.

Does she have her eyes open?

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She does.

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Because apparently the Dark Cloud of Slight Sensory Deprivation has decided to turn into a White Cloud of Slight Sensory Overload.

You know how she has that annoying lightning pain? That gets worse. Oh, and she feels like she's going to go blind, which is somehow a different kind of painful.

Plus there are stabbing pains and everything's way too loud. She can hear a scream.

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This is more annoying than the sensory deprivation. Eyes get shut, pain gets shunted aside, walking turns in the direction of the scream.

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She will shortly stumble across who appeared to cause the scream! It's a girl, seemingly human except for a weird blue aura to her, who seems… quite upset by the pain coming from her arm.

Apparently a slightly horrible cut that then gets exacerbated by the White Cloud? Causes her to scream out a little.

She's looking down at it when Elleira finds her. The White Cloud does not limit her vision as much as the Dark Cloud did, though it doesn't let her see further than about ten meters away.

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Yet another new person, hooray.

Any sign of anything that could have caused the slightly horrible cut?

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Nope! It seems like she's probably had it for a while seeing as how she's not looking around in horror or anything, she's just sucking in air between her teeth.

Then she looks up and notices Elleira. She starts to scramble away a bit, then looks at her and notices something which causes her to stop. Instead, she just looks at her warily.

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"Where'd you come from, then?"

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She sighs and holds up a finger, then the blue aura around her seems to flare slightly red.

After a few seconds, she motions for Elleira to go on.

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"...Some kind of translation magic, I assume?"

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… She makes another 'continue' motion, listening to the words quite carefully.

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"But not one that works immediately. Rather inconvenient of it."

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… At that she tentatively nods.

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"How much more data does it need? Can you understand me well enough to answer if I ask who you are?"

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Does a wavy hand gesture work? Is that a thing they have in Elleira's culture?

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"Not yet. Wonderful. I hope this does not take too much longer."

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She sighs a little, points at herself, and says, "Maya."

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"That's your name? Okay. Actually, I have something here that might help." She pulls out the translation book and opens it. "This will let me understand you."

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"I can understand," she says, in Basic. "Translation magic need– uh, needs? – needs data."

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"Oh good." She closes the book and puts it away. Something she won't have to explain if Thario or Blue decides to show up. "How'd you get here?"

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"Where?" she asks, looking at her a bit carefully. "Here?" she asks, pointing at the ground. "Here?" she asks again, this time gesturing around herself.

Then she frowns since she's not really sure that's very clear what she's trying to ask. Sigh.

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"Here, specifically. Not this fucked-up world in general."

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She raises her arm – the wounded one – and says, "I actually need something."

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"And what's that?"

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"… Magic," she says, rolling her eyes. "Magic is rather inconvenient. I can– something, but do not understand specifically," she shrugs. "It's wonderful and good but inconvenient."

Her aura continues to be slightly red.

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"You don't have enough vocabulary?"

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She shrugs and waves her hand again. "If you answer, I can understand. You don't have what I need, but might help? I don't understand inconvenient magic."

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"Unhelpful. Right. I'm not going to stand around here talking any longer, so if you want to keep talking, keep up." She starts walking.

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Maya rolls her eyes but follows. "How did you get here?" she asks. "And what's your name?"

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"Saw something shiny and felt dizzy. Elleira."

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"I had that," she says. "It is inconvenient and unhelpful."

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There isn't really anything interesting around them, since the White Cloud seems to cover most things up, but they can see the ground in a few-meter radius around them.

"… What– you want?" asks Maya after a bit. "Ugh, vocabulary."

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Elleira pulls out the book and hands it over.

"Vocabulary towards the beginning."

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She reads it through for a bit.

They do not stumble across anything interestingly new – the White Cloud continues to be white and oversensory, though it's apparently worse so for Elleira than for Maya since Maya doesn't seem particularly impaired by it.

They get into an area with fewer trees for a bit. Elleira's Force sense still seems slightly messed up for who's around, but there definitely seems to be someone within about… half a kilometer.

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She's more interested in getting out of the cloud than meeting up with someone else.

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That is probably a good priority to have!

… It might take a while, though, since the cloud seems perfectly happy to be quite large.

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Well it's not like she's going to stop.

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It continues to be quite large, and then it gets quite suddenly blue.

How heavy is she? Because, well, her weight has apparently turned to 'zero' and now she's probably having difficulty walking as normal.

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Maya notices her sudden weightlessness and then her aura goes quite transparent with small sparks appearing around her.

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Well, she can push herself back down to the ground, at least.

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Fortunately there is in fact a tree she can push off, yes. But then she'll have to bounce between objects to get anywhere.

Maya, on the other hand, appears to be moving in whatever direction she chooses, although it's relatively slow movement – slightly slower than walking pace. So she moves over to a tree and then kicks off it so as to speed herself up.

It's quite fun if you have something to protect you were you to kick off in the wrong direction. Wouldn't want to accidentally fly into the sky or something, would we?

(Elleira will notice that the lightning pain has slightly dulled.)

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Elleira moves slowly and surely, careful not to exert too much force with each push.

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Well, in that case she can slowly continue her way in the direction she was previously going.

Maya will go faster at first then notice Elleira's falling behind. She will slow down and continue reading the book instead of messing around with the weightlessness.

It's curious how her aura seems to do different things with different colors/styles, just like the Cloud, isn't it?

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Curious indeed.

Suspicious, one might almost say.

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Perhaps she got the magic here? She still hasn't explained how she got the cut, has she?

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She didn't have the vocabulary to make a proper go at it. When they get out of this inconvenient zero-grav fog, she'll ask.

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The zero-grav decides to turn green instead! It is no longer zero-grav, though Maya continues hovering along.

That is, until she breathes in and chokes a little. Apparently the fog is not currently designed for breathing in.

This may be an issue.

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There's a basic Force technique that allows the user to hold their breath for an almost indefinite period, provided they have some warning. Getting caught by surprise makes it... less efficient.

Elleira starts moving more quickly.

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Maya drops down to the ground and flares her aura white instead! She continues having trouble breathing but manages to stand up and carry on.

She doesn't look too happy about what she's doing. Apparently it's quite unpleasant.

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No one here is happy about this turn of events.

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This will continue for about ten minutes, with Maya continuing to walk – not too slowly but probably more slowly than Elleira would like – despite her difficulties breathing, and then suddenly they're out of the cloud and Maya breathes a deep breath and her aura goes back to the blue color that it started off as.

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"That was unpleasant. Are you more capable of coherent conversation now?"

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Fortunately, Maya re-flares her aura red when Elleira starts talking – 'coherent' is not a particularly common word and Maya wouldn't understand it otherwise.

"Yes," she says. "Which is a useful word. What do you want to know?"

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"Everything. Your magic seems to be based on or affect the color of your aura, how does that work?"

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"I pick a color, the colors do things. Red is understanding, blue is getting power, spark – somehow a color? – is propulsion, white is– undeath?"

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"I can't die? That fog would have killed me."

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"How did you acquire this magic? Is it inborn?"

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"Nope. Got bitten by a small– thing like a snake?"

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"Here or someplace else?"

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"Here. After the shiny and dizzy thing."

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"Have you noticed any drawbacks to it?"

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"This red thing takes mental effort. It's– like I have to do a three-digit multiplication every couple of seconds or something."

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"Is that the only one or do the others carry equivalent penalties?"

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"Blue doesn't seem to do much, white doesn't stop the pain but I haven't noticed anything else yet, spark thing makes my head feel– weird."

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"Sounds useful, overall."

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"Yeah. I haven't tried other colors – they do weird things the first time."

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"Weird like what?"

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"Spark did a huge lightning bolt, white I think made me pass out or something, blue is what started after I got bitten, red was– a few seconds of really tiring mental effort."

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"A more extreme version of their penalties, maybe."

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"Yeah, something like that. I haven't had it long, anyway, so it might do other things."

She looks around a bit – they seem to be in a small clearing on the edge of the fog, trees at the edge of it, and then a rather large mountain on the other side.

There is also a small tunnel in the mountain.

Elleira might notice that the other life-forms in her range are coming this way, though they're separate from each other. Might be Thario and Blue.

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"Can I have my book back?"

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"Yeah," she says, tossing it over. "Thanks."

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"Don't mention it."

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Maya looks at the mountain and moves so she can get a better view of the tunnel, then frowns and– glows yellow, with a slight wave of power moving off her and her hair blowing in a nonexistent breeze.

"Whoa," she says.

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"Enhanced senses," she says. "Probably gonna give me a headache in a moment but– that tunnel is definitely smaller than it should be."

(Her hair is still blowing in a nonexistent breeze.)

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"Smaller? Further away?"

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"It goes through the whole mountain. It isn't long enough to do even the half I can see from here."

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"Pretty normal, by the standards of this place. I wouldn't worry about it too hard."

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Shrug. Frown. "I can hear coughing."

The lifeforms are quite close to the edge of the cloud! Which continues to be green, though fortunately does not seem to be moving towards them.

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"Probably the two people walking through it. They're almost here."

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"Two people? – Oh, did you come in with others?"

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"I have been traveling with them, yes."

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And then: Thario comes out of the green cloud, coughing once and then flopping onto the ground.

He seems rather dead. Isn't actually dead, or at least doesn't seem to be to her Force sense, but isn't breathing or anything.

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Blue is not far behind him.

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"Don't suppose healing is in your repertoire?"

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"Huh?" asks Blue, then he looks at Thario, sees the lack of breathing, and looks up at Maya.

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"I don't thiiink so," she says, then flickers to her yellow aura. "… He's not dead, at least?" Headtilt. "Seems– very not dead."

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"Well that's all right, then."

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He gasps quite suddenly! And bolts upright. And looks at Blue, frowning in slight horror.

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"… Okay, what now?" asks Blue.

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"Why are you in my head?"

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Blue: looks quite confused by this question.

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"Isn't that where he came from originally?"

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"Yeah, came from not still is in but apparently still is in so I repeat: why are you in my head?"

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"How should I know?" asks Blue. "I'm not personally still in there? You can see me here, right?"

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He squints and tilts his head. "Yes? But– what?"

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Maya looks at them in confusion. "Um, hi there?" she says. "I'm Maya?"

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"Don't mind them, they have issues."

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"Issues?" she asks, then takes a second look at them. "– Yeah, I can see that."

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Thario looks at her and raises his eyebrows. "… You look like someone I know," he says.

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"Oh really?"

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"Yeah– Maya, did you say? There's a Maya who's friends with a friend of mine, Rashel."

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"Yeah, you know you've got," she waves around her eyes. "Right? I don't."

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"Yeah," he says, "but the Maya I know is a Luna with purple hair, not a Rhune, so you wouldn't have the eyes anyway."

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She raises an eyebrow.

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"You can feel free to ignore him when he starts yammering about the different species. I do. He looks like that and he can do light manipulation, everything else is mostly irrelevant."

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"Light manipulation?" she asks.

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He creates a small blob in mid-air. It's purple. Also somehow means: It's called lumen.

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"Oh, that's–" she tilts her head. "Kinda creepy?"

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"The translation thing is different. But that thing's called lumen."

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Nod. "Anyway – through the tunnel in the mountain or are you too busy complaining about your head?"

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"If he is, we can leave them behind."

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He sighs and gets up. "Green fog: kinda poisonous? Also having him in my head is a little freaky, as I'd expect you to agree if you had experienced it."

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She shrugs. "Or, since he's very clearly not in your head, unless you have a copy of him there in which case that's not actually him, it's just like him, you could quit complaining?" Smile. "It's not the nicest place. Be happy you didn't get struck by lightning."

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"I think that being struck by lightning is actually something that hasn't happened to him yet. Hm."

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She laughs. "Do you have some way to arrange it?"

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"I would prefer that you not?" he says. "Unless it gives me magical powers or something?"

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"… Yeah, fair, cruelty for the sake of cruelty isn't that fun."

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"Oh wait, you were struck by lightning. Remember by the first lake, and you were attempting to show the uses of lumen?"

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"No," he says, voice tinged with a growl. "I had totally forgotten that."

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Maya raises an eyebrow. "Do I wanna know?"

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"One of the things I can do is create lightning. He received a demonstration when we were discussing combat application of our various powersets."

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She laughs a bit.

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"I had literally just said that it was useless and was doing diagrams with it and I was just showing what else it could do."

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"Which was…?"

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"A cloud of darkness. This was ineffective, as I do not need to see to target the lightning."

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"Potentially useful," she says. "But yeah, probably not– the most effective against you, no. So, mountain?"

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Blue shrugs.

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"Might as well."

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So Thario gets up and starts moving towards the stupid tunnel.

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Blue follows!

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Maya would like to go last, unless Elleira objects?

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She can go last if she wants to.

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Then they will proceed through the tunnel which is quite sturdy and will not drop a rock on Thario in a way that would likely squish him.

And they will shortly be on the other side and– the top of one of the buildings is in sight.

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So it is. Amazing.

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"What are your names?" asks Maya of Thario and Blue. "You didn't actually introduce yourselves."

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"Thario," says Thario, looking at the building and frowning a bit.

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"Blue," says Blue, then he looks over at Thario. "Would you just stop being so surprised by things, for fuck's sake. You know this place doesn't care about geography, right?"

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Thario just decides to continue walking, in that case.

Oh, and his keriol can now be found around his shoulders.

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"Um," says Maya. "First of all, why do you have a thing around your shoulders, and second of all, when did it get there because it wasn't there just a moment ago."

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"Uh–?" he starts, then looks at his shoulders. "It's a keriol, it's my weird soul animal that this place decided to give me, and I– don't know what you mean with the last bit?"

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Blue can also now be found with a keriol around his shoulders! "Yeah, seconded, what do you mean?"

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"Y–" she starts, then tilts her head and squints a little. To Elleira: "They… both seem to have a keriol wrapped over their shoulders. Right?"

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"...Yes? He got his the same place I got mine." She gestures towards her feet.

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There is a largish yellow-and-black lizard there.

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"… That was not there just a minute ago," says Maya, and Elleira can tell that it sounds quite true. "I am pretty sure of this." Also true.

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Blue gives Maya a bit of a mistrustful look.

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She shrugs. "Well, I don't have one as far as I know and I'm pretty sure you guys were missing yours, but… I dunno. Um. Were you guys going for the building or–?"

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"Yes, we were."

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"Okay, so… should we continue that way? We can talk– while we do it," she says, then mutters in English.

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"I have a translation thing," says Thario. "I can translate if you just want to speak something else?"

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Huh. That's quite helpful of him. "Sure, sounds good," she says in English.

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And so he continues to translate with totally made up sign language that still somehow means what he wants it to. Or, rather, it's not made up, because it follows a pattern and he does it instinctively, but it doesn't seem to be a sign language that any of them would otherwise recognize, were they to know sign language.

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Walking towards the buildings.

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There is: a whole lot of nothing on the way, except for the continued appearance of various small (and less small) animals.

There is in fact a bunny or two.

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Not for very long.

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Maya notices this and asks somewhat incredulously, "Did a bunny kill your firstborn or something?"

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"One bit me and I was in horrible searing pain for quite some time. It still hasn't fully subsided."

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"Ow," she says. "Okay, yeah, killing the rabbits makes sense."

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Elleira nods.

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And then they come across the huge lake that they stayed at before. Somehow, the side they were on before (with the small rock and the campfire and such) is on the side that they're now on, despite it being the opposite side of the lake from the buildings, whereas before it was on the same side as the buildings.

Maya, obviously, does not notice this because she hasn't been here before.

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Thario shakes his head a bit and keeps walking.

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This place. It is ridiculous.

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And then: they find the small Tyler-made lake. "I wonder if he's gonna pop up again," says Thario.

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"Missing context," says Maya, rolling her eyes.

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"I used to have another companion, acquired after Thario but before Blue. He could manipulate water, and created this lake breaking us out of a room we were trapped in. He vanished a while before you appeared."

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"Ah," she says.

Then her aura finally returns to blue.

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Thario shrugs and continues walking.

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Blue does likewise.

He seems somewhat pensive.

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Everybody's walking. Is that building getting closer?

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… Yes? It's definitely closer than it was when they got out of the tunnel, but it seems to move closer in staggered increments.

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Well it's not like this place can just be normal, is it? It's set up all these expectations of being extremely bizarre and to turn around and be normal now would just be weird.

You know, like that time at the lake when it was mostly normal survival by a weird lake with a hydrokinetic who liked playing around with fish and cephalopods.

That kind of weird normal.

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...She hates this place.

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This place doesn't express any obvious opinions back at her, but she might like to note that her lightning pain continues, although it definitely does continue to reduce in how painful it seems.

The buildings: suddenly get quite a lot closer when they go under a tree and they're blocked from sight. As in, a few hundred meters away.

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"… Nearly there, apparently," says Maya.

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"Yes, just make sure not to lose sight of it."

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"So far it's been getting closer, at least?" she shrugs.

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"No telling when or if that might change."

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"Yeah, I guess," she says, but then soon enough they're past a few more trees and there is, in front of them: a building!

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Thario looks around a bit, and seeing nothing he immediately recognizes (unless 'buildings of various colors that are mostly not distinctive in any way from this angle' counts, which it really probably doesn't), he asks, "So where should we try first? Look for the wood cabin and start there again?"

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"I don't think a systematic search has any real advantage here. Might as well start with what's close."

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"Okay," he says, and so, seeing no doors on this side of the buildings, he walks over to the nearest alleyway between two of them and goes over to the main street.

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Maya follows, flaring her aura yellow again and looking around.

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Blue also follows, as is to be expected.

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As does Elleira.

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There is: a street! It is slightly bigger than she probably remembers, contains a few small trees along the sidewalk, actually contains some non-skyscrapers as well as some skyscrapers, and appears to be quite a lot more consistent in its façade than it seemed from the back of the buildings.

Blue translates a few of the signs – there's a pharmacy, a delicatessen, an office block and a store that sells some bits of technology. The technology is likely rudimentary by Elleira's standards, but seems approximately modern to Thario and Blue.

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Maya, not having yet entered the store for they have not yet decided to do so, cannot comment on how modern the technology seems to her.

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"We might want to stop at the pharmacy, see if they have anything potentially useful."

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Maya looks down at her arm. "I'm not going to die of this, and it's not that bad – it was just jarring with the weird white cloud, but yeah, it's probably a good idea anyway."

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Thario looks at it and says, "Yeah, probably a good idea."

So over to the pharmacy they go! It has, as everyone knows is the universal symbol for a pharmacy, a symbol that looks like an upside down 'V' in blue. Except, wait, Thario doesn't know that as the universal symbol.

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… Nor does Maya? It's a green cross where she's from.

She looks through the window before they go in, in case it's infested with alligators or something!

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That's not the symbol where Elleira's from either.

Anything suspicious inside?

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There does not appear to be! It's well-lit, does not contain any ominous animals or clouds or small critters or anything except for a few shelves that could potentially conceal some of these things!

The shelves seem to have interesting things on them, though. Maya decides to go in and look around, though she can't understand most of what's around– until she flares her aura red.

Magic: so useful.

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Thario also goes in and translates things if Elleira's curious.

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Blue decides to wait outside for now.

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Yes, what has it got?

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It has: various vitamin supplements, some sanitary items, some contraceptives – for, apparently, a humanoid species – as well as a few small-ish medical things that you might put into a first aid box: bandages, tape, band-aids, something that Thario thinks is like aspirin but it's kinda difficult to translate the medical name, apparently, and various other small items, such as tweezers and thermometers.

If they look around the back of the counter, there also seem to be some pills! Both in bottles and in blister packs, for a variety of different things such as stronger pain relief or soporifics or stimulants. Also some other drugs in different forms – there seems to be various liquid equivalents, presumably for children.

Thario grabs a few of the stronger pain medications and grabs some stimulants, since they seem quite good quality.

Also a knife. They have some blades tucked away in a corner for medical use.

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She'll take a selection of the more... interesting drugs, as well as some of the basic supplies.

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Maya opts to just grab a few stimulants, then they're probably done here.

She goes out to Blue.

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Outside it is.

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"Where next?" asks Thario, coming out behind her.

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"I'm kinda curious about the technology store? The food might be nice too but I'm surviving okay so far and I have no idea when this place will turn on me and the technology seems like it might be more useful."

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"It looks somewhat primitive to me."

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"… I could go look in there while you guys– I dunno, go to the delicatessen presumably or look around elsewhere? Unless you want to go into the office block."

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Blue shrugs.

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"Food would be nice. I will go there."

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"I'll come with, in that case."

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"I'll go with Maya, then?"

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She shrugs.

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So they split up. Off to the deli.

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The deli: has food, as a deli typically does. None of it looks poisonous, some of it looks mildly untasty, some of it looks like it would be really nice, and best of all: there is no-one looking for payment.

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She'll take some of the best-looking stuff. And make a sandwich of it.

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That is completely possible!

Apparently Blue doesn't want anything.

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Whatever. Elleira is hungry, so she will eat.

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Blue will have a look around for anything interesting!


… There does not appear to be anything interesting!

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That's a shame.

Nom nom.

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Blue also happens to have a phone on him, though. How convenient.

So he uses it while she eats.

There is not in fact anything horrible happening, it doesn't seem. For once.

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What a lovely change. And then Elleira is finished eating and she suggests they go back to the others.

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Blue agrees that this is probably a good idea. Off they go, then!

The technology store: seems to now be lacking windows.

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Does it still have a door?

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It does! It also seems to have shelves mostly as they were, but Thario and Maya don't seem to be on the ground floor.

"Well that's… interesting?"

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"Yes, rather." Are they anywhere close by?

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Up a few floors! She can sense that.

Blue is looking at some of the devices.

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"They're upstairs, I think."

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There is a flight of stairs at the end! Blue nods and moves towards them.

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Up the stairs!

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Up the stairs is: another room that looks extremely similar to the one they just left! (Except for the fact that this one doesn't have a door because it's not on the ground floor, and this one still contains windows.)

Up another flight of stairs, presumably?

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Ever onwards, ever upwards.

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A couple of floors up, they will find: Maya and Thario, looking through the shelves!

"Hey," says Thario, noticing them appear.

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"Find anything interesting?"

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"Uh– not really?" he says. "I'm not sure what sort of tech you have but this is probably all below it."

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"Looks that way, yes."

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He shrugs and keeps looking through the shelves.

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"Find some food then?" asks Maya.

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"I did."

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"… Not Blue?"

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"Wasn't hungry," he says.

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Thario's keriol, Aleir, was exploring the shelves but now decides to grab something and bring it back to Thario.

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What's it got?

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It has: what appears to be a watch! It hands it to Theo and he takes it. "Might be useful," he says.

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"Shall we move on?"

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"I think it might be useful to look around at a few more things?" says Thario. "This whole place is weird enough, it might have some useful tech in with some stuff that you find really basic."

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Anything useful looking on the shelves?

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There are a couple of tablet devices? Also timers and a few phones and things.

There might be something more interesting on another floor.

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Yes. Presumably the lower ones have been searched, so upwards again it is.

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There are: laptops!

They are, again, quite modern for Thario and Blue, but probably not for Elleira.

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And they'll eventually become useless, without some means of charging their batteries.

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Well, this building has outlets, but as to whether they'll work is a different matter.

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...A question she know wants to know the answer to.

After a bit of fiddling, she figures out how the power cords work and attempts to plug in one of the devices.

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It seems to cause the laptop to light up where it's plugged in, so, presumably there is power.

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Huh. That's interesting. Does the laptop have any programs preinstalled?

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It has: a calculator, notepad, drawing program and basic spreadsheet app. Also a web browser but that presumably won't work, and a music player except there's unlikely to be any music to play.

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She tries the web browser, just out of curiosity.

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It gets: an error connecting to any local hotspots.

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As expected. Is it just laptops on this floor?

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There are a couple of tablets and phones and a few other devices, but it's mostly laptops.

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Do the phones require infrastructure not present?

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To communicate between each other, yes, but just for the other uses (as small computers), not unless you try to use the internet.

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Not useful, then. On to the next floor.

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On the next floor: it is mostly empty!

Except for this one quite large white cylinder (about a meter and a half in radius) in the middle of the room. It appears to have a door.

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And what happens if she opens the door?

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She sees: the inside of the cylinder! It looks cylindrical, has white walls, has no ceiling or floor, and is totally a normal interior to a cylinder.

You know, except for the missing ceiling and floor.

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And what, pray tell, is there in place of the ceiling and the floor?

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… More cylinder? She might need to lean in to actually see any more than that, but fortunately she has her Force danger-sense to warn her if it would be dangerous (which it doesn't seem to be).

If she leans in: the cylinder seems to go on for quite a while, but at the very bottom there's some green (presumably grass) and at the very top there's gray (looks somewhat like a cloud).

The cylinder appears to have other doors – one other at the same height as she's currently at, and various more at other heights and positions around it. Perhaps someone with flight would be useful here.

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Perhaps. If it's still here when she gets back.

She heads back down to find the others.

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The others: can be found looking around on the same floor as before.

Maya looks up when Elleira gets onto their floor. "Hey. Find anything?"

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"A spatial anomaly. It's a couple floors up."

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"Oh?" she asks. "Spatial anomaly – how?"

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Thario looks up from the tablet he's looking at briefly, then goes back to fiddling with it.

His keriol seems slightly bored around his shoulders.

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"A sort of cylindrical structure, much taller on the inside than out."

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"Anything interesting inside?"

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Blue looks somewhat interested.

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"Several doors, which must presumably lead elsewhere. Though they would be hard to reach for those of us incapable of flight."

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"I can do that momentum thing with the spark aura? Could probably reach the doors."

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"Shall we go look?"

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"Yeah," she says. "Uh– I can probably handle speaking– what's your language called again? – without translation for a bit?"

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Stairs are this way, up up up they go.

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So Maya follows! "Might need some of those words again," she says, flaring her aura red. "What was it– cylinder?"

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"Cylinder, spatial anomaly, bigger on the inside."

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Doesn't take too long to get up the stairs. Then they are upon the cylinder, which continues to be white and also doored.

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Elleira opens the door again.

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It continues to open to the inside of the cylinder. Also continues to have a door on the other side.

"Should I go through, then?"

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"Seems like the thing to do."

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So she flares her aura sparky, tests that it works even with gravity by hopping in the air, then makes her way over to the door, goes into the cylinder, and pushes open the other door.

On the other side: it looks like the same room.

"… Huh," she says, then goes through the door and looks around the cylinder. "Copy of the room that's in the same place and somehow not the same room."

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"Can you reach any of the other doors?"

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"Yeah, should be able to – up or down first?"

There's a door about ten meters away either way.

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"Try up."

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So she does! She moves up slowly but is at the door relatively shortly, at which point she opens it, has a quick peer around from the cylinder, then shuts it and says, "It's quite dark in there."

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"Another room like this one, do you think?"

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"No, looks more like a, uh, under-room? Whatever they're called. Mostly empty, I think, but dark as I said before and I didn't want to step in so I could– do yellow and see – in case there was anything there."

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"Basement. What about the door below us?"

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So she allows herself to drop and then stops herself when she's down at the door below. "Looks like the top of a building. With plants."

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"Could you carry a passenger?"

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"I don't know," she says, shutting the door and starting to rise again. "Could test it back inside?"

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"Probably best to."

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And then she's up at the door where Elleira is, so she goes inside and hovers up a bit then offers an arm to Elleira.

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Which she takes.

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Then Maya rises a bit more and tries to lift Elleira with her and then– suddenly the sparky aura flickers to go around Elleira too, causing her to likewise go weightless.

"… Huh."

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"So that's a yes. Can you share the other colors as well?"

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So she tries to flare white instead – and predictably falls to the floor.

The white might have been present around Elleira for a moment, but if it was then it was only a very weak aura.

Maya sighs and rolls her eyes a bit.

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Elleira picks herself up.

"I didn't mean we should test it right that second."

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"I was aiming for sparky and white to see if it could do that. And I didn't realize you were quite so far off the floor."

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"Again, something best tested when not actively in midair. Try again?"

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"White, sparky or both?"

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"Try sharing the white, first. Two auras at once may be a different sort of problem."

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So she grabs Elleira's arm, still flaring white, and tries to shove it at Elleira.

… Doesn't seem to be going yet, at least.

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She can wait patiently.

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It… seems like Elleira's arm might be glowing a very little bit white?

"Uh, that looks like you have a very weak bit of aura around your arm but I have no idea how that would affect things."

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"Try one that's easier to test. Red, maybe."

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So she tries flaring red and pushing it onto Elleira!

… Elleira probably notices the mental effort that Maya was talking about. It's kinda distracting.

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"I can feel this one working. Say something in your native language?"

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She does! Elleira gets a vague idea that it's… redundant.

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"Not getting a clear sense of it."

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"I said, 'this is a sentence.'"

She repeats it in her native language, and Elleira can tell that they seem to be approximately the same level of redundant, but she can't get much of a better idea of it.

There is a very slight red glow around Elleira.

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"It doesn't seem to be working as well as the sparks. It may take practice, or the auras may just be different levels of sharable."

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"Yeah, I don't know," she says. "Anyway – sparks seems to work so do you want to go see the basement or the roof garden thing?"

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"Start with the roof," she decides.

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So she moves closer to the door, makes sure she has a solid grip on Elleira, flares sparks, and floats out into the cylinder.

Then they go down. There are, fortunately, no hiccups in the movement.

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Fortunate indeed. It looks like quite a long way to the bottom.

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It is! It's quite a long way. And they would probably squish if they fell it.

But then they are at the door and Maya opens it and drags Elleira through and they are on a very nice roof garden with lots of pretty flowers around the edge and there is– a weird amber bubble around the building.

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Elleira goes to check out the bubble.

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The bubble: is quite a distance away from the building itself. It's amber, as mentioned before, and semi-transparent, though outside the bubble there doesn't really appear to be much.

If she walks over to the edge of the building, she will be able to see that the building is quite tall – at least twenty storeys so – and there is concrete below, as well as a path from the front of the building away over to the edge of the bubble, up until it abruptly stops.

"Huh, weird," says Maya, from right beside her.

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"It looks like some kind of environmental containment field."

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Maya flares her aura red and asks Elleira to repeat herself. "Should probably get in the habit of keeping this on."

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She does so, and adds: "At least while the Helpful Sign Language Boys are not around."

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Maya laughs. "Thario's kinda useful for that, isn't he?"

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"That and testing strange possibly-harmful artifacts."

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"I feel like that's a story?" she says, looking around at some of the plants.

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"I am risk-averse, and he is very, mm, suggestible? It's worked out well for me so far."

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"Suggestible?" she says, tilting her head a bit. "Mm, yeah, I can see it."

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"He's also not that good at learning from experience, most of the things he's touched have not had pleasant effects."

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She shrugs. "Maybe he likes testing new things? Or was trying to be nice, I dunno." She makes a bit of a face. "He seems like he might be nice."

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"My experience with nice people is limited. I parse his actions as 'foolish'."

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"They are, yeah, but– well, I haven't actually been there for them but this place doesn't seem that nice overall, so maybe he was just trying to poke it to get something useful?"

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"The ratio of harmful or useless to useful effects is far too high, in my estimation."

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"Yeah," she agrees. "Probably. But then you'd just end up living in the forest or something if you didn't poke anything? I mean, even coming into this store and then through the cylinder is– sort of poking stuff."

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"He touched a crystal that was so sharp it sheared his hand off. Right after we patched that up, he went and touched another crystal in the same place. That one put him in a bubble of altered time such that several weeks passed for him in a matter of seconds for the rest of us. His soul animal was outside the bubble. He was practically catatonic by the time it got over to him."

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"… Right." She blinks a couple of times. "Well, ow. But this place has put some things sorta like that together, from what I've seen – really good and really bad, right next to each other. Still, um, ow."

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So, these flowers. Anything interesting about them or are they just flowers?

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They are quite colorful. They seem to have been arranged purposefully and decoratively, and some of them seem slightly dangerous – think 'rose thorns', not 'man-eating'.

Maya looks at one of them then flares her aura yellow, spinning around to look for something and catching herself on one of the thorns. "Sh– ow," she says, looking between it and the door that leads to the cylinder.

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"I thought I– heard something," she says, looking down at her arm again. "And… what the hell? How did I forget about my cut all this time, that– doesn't make sense. And– I hope this new one doesn't do something to me."

She makes a bit of a noise of frustration and then stalks towards the door.

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Elleira follows, careful of thorns.

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Maya opens it and looks up and down. Then, seeing nothing, goes around the back to look for something and comes across– a bunny.

It seems quite damaged, though, like it got into a bad fight with the thorns, and is being very cute and slightly horribly damaged.

She does not get any closer to it.

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Elleira, when she spots it, flicks the bunny off the roof.

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The bunny: is flicked. Also falls.

Maya flares her aura red when she notices this so she doesn't have to hear it hit the bottom.


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"Those creatures are bad news. Especially when they appear from nowhere."

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Maya nods. "All of them or just the rabbits?"

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"Just the rabbits. There have been one or two ferrets that were mostly unobjectionable."

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"Any helpful animals yet?"

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"We used one of the ferrets to test some strange fruits we found. And then I turned it into stone so that Thario would get unturned from being stone."

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"… So that you could keep having him test things? Or was this before Blue and you didn't want to be exploring alone?"

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"This was before Blue and there were others present I didn't share a language with."

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"Right," she says. "Okay, well anyway – are we done with this garden or do we want to try going down into the building by flying over the edge, or…?"

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"Let's go back for now."

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So to the door Maya goes, spark aura flared, and then she grabs ahold of Elleira and starts to take them up.

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The drop: continues to be very far. Maybe she could manage to catch the ledge of a doorway.

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… Yyyeah, maybe. (No. Probably not.)

And then: they are up at the door they came from! Except both doors are shut. "Ugh, which did we come from?" asks Maya.

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"Let's try the closer one first. If we go downstairs and the others aren't there, we can come back and try the other."

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"Okay," she says, and opens the door closer to them.

Through the door: is a room that looks very much like the room they came from, though as to whether it's the same, that's a different matter.

Maya flares her aura red again when they're back on solid ground.

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If it still has stairs, they can go down a few flights and make a check.

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It does! It does in fact have stairs.

And then after they go down a couple of flights it would seem that the next flight of stairs stubbornly refuses to be where it should be.

Instead: there is water. In the stairwell.


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"Try the other door?"

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"Yeah," she says. "Probably a good idea."

So, back up the stairwell they go and then into the cylinder and Maya flares sparks and opens the other door and ferries Elleira across.

There are also stairs on this side.

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Down the stairs!

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Down the stairs is: not much. They can go down a few flights to the floor where Blue and Thario should be and instead there is an empty room.

"Hm," says Maya, flaring yellow and looking around.

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Can Elleira sense them anywhere nearby?

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Apparently she can! They're very far below them, though it feels somewhat sideways. As in, if she can sense them in 3D, assume there's another dimension that's somehow orthogonal. They're also that way.

Maya looks out the window and says, "I think this was the wrong door."

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And what about the window leads her to this conclusion?

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The city seems to be lacking, somewhat! Lacking what would be a good question, but a better question would be what is it not lacking.

For it is lacking quite a lot. The buildings, for one, as well as the ground, and even a forest or anything in the distance, and also a sky! Somehow it is missing a sky.

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"...That's disorienting. Let's go back."

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"Yeah, agreed," she says, and then back up the stairs and through the door they can go (once again helped by the sparky aura).

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Back through it is.

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And then back down and Elleira will notice that the other lifeforms no longer seem weirdly sideways and they also don't seem as far down as they did before, but are still… below the water. Over in the direction of the street, though, so maybe they're not actually underwater.

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Is there a window they can climb out of?

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Well, they could try smashing the large glass one on the floor just above the water and going through that? Shouldn't be too difficult.

(… There does not appear to be a large flood outside it, though the ground might be a bit wet.)

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Yes, let's try that.

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So they can smash the window, that goes fine, and Maya flares sparky and offers her arm for them to go down to the ground.

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Elleira takes the proffered arm.

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And then: Maya jumps out the window, taking Elleira with her.

They land quite gracefully.

Around them, the ground is… slightly wet. The lifeforms seem to be in a nearby bakery and the water seems to be coming from the electronics store that continues to miss a window, though it's only moving out very slowly.

"… Weird time, too, right."

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"I think they're over there."

She points to the bakery.

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So Maya spins around to look at the bakery, makes sure it doesn't contain any obvious horrible traps or some such by flaring yellow, and then makes her way over to it!

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… Thario is eating a croissant.

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"Why is there water coming from apparently nowhere?"

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"I tried the lightswitch."

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"Apparently the lightswitch objected to this," says Blue.

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"I suppose that makes as much sense as anything."

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"Yeah. Approximately none."

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"Anyway," says Thario. "How was the cylinder?"

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"The doors inside led to apparently unconnected places. It may have been a useful exploration shortcut, if you hadn't flooded the building."

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"I mean, you got out of it so presumably you can get back in?"

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"I can fly back up, yeah," says Maya, "but it's a little awkward."

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"It's usually easier to jump down than up."

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"… Yyyeah but it's not like it's impossible to go through back up to that floor?"

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"Uh, it was kinda totally flooded on the ground floor? And probably the second and maybe the third floor too?"

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"It wasn't that bad when we left it," inputs Blue.

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"The thing about floods is that they tend to get worse as they go on."

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"Well yes they do but it wasn't much water at the time and it was slowing down."

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"Besides, it's not actually our fault that this place objects to turning on a light. So you should maybe cut it with the whole 'you're all idiots and this is your fault that we're inconvenienced', because it's not."

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"Can't you both create light out of nothing? Why did you try the light switch?"

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"To check if the power works? You know, since these are weird buildings in the middle of nowhere and I see no power source and I wanted to know if it was mysteriously doing power too?"

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"The outlets were, even if the switch was doing water instead."

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"Okay, and it would've been nice to know that before I tried the switch that did weird water instead." Sigh. "For the record, flipping the switch off did not stop the water."

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"I was assuming you did at least check that."

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"Thanks," he says. "I'm glad you don't think I'm quite that stupid."


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Elleira commences investigating the bakery for anything that might contain chocolate, to which Zash had recently introduced her.

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There are pains au chocolat? By the croissants.

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She'll take one of those. And begin eating it.

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And Thario will shortly finish his croissant and pull out a shiny new phone that he apparently got from the technology store before it flooded.

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Blue: is making hand-gestures at his keriol and occasionally whispering to it. It stays wrapped over his shoulders and occasionally pokes its nose at his cheek.

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Maya, meanwhile, is flaring red and looking around because some of the things here are not things she's seen before! Also she seems to be frowning in thought a little, probably again because of the red.

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Nom nom chocolate is good. She takes another.

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Maya grabs an apple turnover.

It is, fortunately, not magical in any horrifying way, so she eats it.

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After she is done eating: "Where next?"

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"No idea," says Maya, then looks to the others for their input.

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Thario shrugs. "Probably just keep looking through more buildings? At the moment I'm just– kinda hoping that I find a way home. But I don't think it'll be as easy as that."

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"It doesn't seem likely."

So, exploring more buildings. Step one, grab one more of the chocolate things and put in bag for later. Step two, exit bakery and inspect street.

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The street: continues to exist as before. Has a few trees, is quite wide, has an assortment of buildings that are all mostly really tall, seems quite homogeneous…

There isn't a whole lot of interesting stuff but maybe there will be buildings with hidden depths, like that weird glass office from the last time they visited.

Who knows.

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Who indeed.

Let's try, say, that building, two doors down.

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That one: is one of the rather tall buildings! When they enter it, it appears to be a museum. With lots of rocks in it.

"Woo, geology museum."

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"So it seems."

What sorts of rocks does it have?

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They are various types! Igneous, they have lots of igneous rocks for some reason, more than the typical ~2/3 of Earth, might have been somewhere with lots of volcanic activity, and then a couple of sections for various sedimentary ones and a bit of metamorphic and– oh, is that a shiny rock?

It appears to be a shiny rock.

Perhaps she should go poke it.

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Or she could not do that.

Or she could induce Thario to poke it. She points out the shiny rock to the others.

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"No," says Thario. "I've had enough poking shiny rocks. Go fetch a ferret or something."

He looks at his hand – the one that was cut off when he poked the crystal.

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Oh well.

There aren't any ferrets around, are there?

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Maybe if she looks outside, but no, there are none in the museum itself.

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Her curiosity about the shiny rock is not that pressing.

Are there other floors?

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There are!

… One of the floors has a hovering cube in the center of the– well, of the whole floor! It is gray and slowly rotating.

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Is there a helpfully explanatory placard near the rotating grey cube?

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There is! She might need someone with language skills to read it, though.

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Fortunately Maya is nearby, so Elleira won't have to go get one of the other two.

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She calls her over.

"Can you translate this?"

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"Uh– sure," she says, then flares her aura red.

Headtilt. "I think it's a religious thing. This reads like a– religious thing. It's talking about the cube fixing things and stuff. In a very religious way but I don't have the words, ugh."

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… Blue is nearby-ish (down a floor, in one of the exhibits) if they'd like someone with better translation and would prefer the potential lesser of the two annoyances?

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Sure. Let's get Blue up here.

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Blue takes a look at it and raises an eyebrow. "The Cube will save you and give you salvation. Apparently. So long as you worship in its direction at the setting of each sun and ensure to live a life pure and holy as according to the doctrines of the Cubist Archives. Whatever that is."

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"And there's no sun here that can set."

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"True," he says. "At least, not that we've seen so far, but yeah."

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"Well, hopefully it's not some weird magic that will affect us now that we've been near it," says Maya. "Because that would be just awful and kinda like this place."

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"It will 'save and give salvation'? That seems oddly redundant."

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"It's sort of– save you from some sort of calamity and then also raise you up in the eyes of some deity."

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"Anything else around here mention a Cubist Archive?"

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"Not that I've seen."

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"Might be worth keeping an eye out for. It is after all a very impressive cube here."

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"Hovering and being quite large and also being– what, of religious significance?"

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"Apparently so. Though it is odd to find such a thing in a museum."

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"Yeah, a little," he says. "Maybe it's a thing for this society though?"

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What else is on display?

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… Mainly more rocks. There's not much interesting, really.

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"Let's move on."

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So they can go fetch Thario! He is downstairs as expected, and his keriol is for some reason clambering over a small display nearby.

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"Ready to go?"

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"Yeah," he says. "Nothing interesting?"

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"A cube of probably religious significance, but no other information about the religion."

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"Yep," says Maya. "And now we're bored with this place so we're gonna go somewhere else."

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Out the door and across the street. What's this building got?

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Well… before they actually get to that building, they might notice that the water on the ground bubbles a little.

Then a bit more.

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"… I am not poking that either," says Thario, stepping backwards into the museum.

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Elleira does not have a good feeling about this.

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Blue looks around at the ground beneath him and decides to get onto the steps of the museum instead.

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And Maya can just flare sparky and get away from it since that seems safer.

The water: continues to bubble.

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Elleira goes back to the higher ground of the museum steps.

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Just in time, because… nope, wait, the water just continues to bubble a bit.

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Blue looks over the side of the steps, checking how much of the water is actually bubbling.

The answer is: quite a lot of it, at different rates.

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"This is new and ominous."

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"Little bit," says Blue. "You– getting any information about it? Since you seem to know where people are?"

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"It's not alive and it's not good news."

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"Okay, so should we maybe get back into the building before it attacks?" he suggests, backing up the steps a bit more.

The water: starts to bubble a bit more. And seems to be starting to form vague shapes.

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She backs up towards the door, keeping an eye on the bubbles.

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… One of the bubbles forms a small shape. It seems like a small tube, then it gains slightly more detail and starts moving around and– well, it seems to be a snake.

Made from a bubble in the water from the flood caused by that lightswitch.

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Maya is going to keep moving upwards, thanks, and maybe get into a building through the window.

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Elleira reaches behind herself to open the door and steps through.

Hopefully it won't be able to get in.

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Blue steps through likewise!

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Thario is already inside, his keriol (still red-and-black, still rather stoat-like) wrapped over his shoulders as usual.

And outside, it has started to rain. More bubbles seem to be forming shapes.

The door to the museum, unfortunately, is made of glass. It seems like quite sturdy glass, but it is glass nonetheless.

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And Maya is moving towards a balcony a few floors up.

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Anything they can brace the door with nearby?

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There's a bench nearby that they could try using? Or some plank of wood somewhere, probably, that they could put between the two handles to prevent it from opening as easily.

The door is still mostly glass, though, and definitely smashable.

And meanwhile, the number of bubbles that seem to be forming coherent shapes increases.

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She can't really do anything about glass being smashable.

She can move lots of big stuff to be in front of the doors and pressed up against them. Once the glass is gone the water-things might just flow around it, but. She's not going to do nothing.

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Blue, noticing this, will help out by doing likewise.

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Thario will go over to the stairs and block off the basement, since there seem to be windows down to there and it would be really frustrating if they blocked off the ground floor entrances only to be attacked from below.

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Indeed it would. Good job on not being useless, Thario. (She does not voice this sentiment.)

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And Maya… tries dropping something on one of the bubbles from the balcony.

It seems to be made of water, not just a bubble, and gets quite squished when impacted, but then reforms nearby.

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Oh good, that's going to make this much harder.

Time to decamp for higher ground.

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Might be a good idea, since the water creatures seem to be moving in their direction. Slowly, for now.

Blue notices her moving and follows, calling for Thario to follow when he's done.

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Thario is… actually, yeah, he's pretty much done blocking off the basement, and also he checked for back doors and such – conveniently easily locked and also conveniently had boxes nearby to stack in front of them – and then he follows them up.

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When they get up to the balcony where Maya is, Elleira asks, "Fighting water creatures will be difficult. Do you have any others colors that might be useful?"

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"I– none of them are jumping out at me for, like, 'ranged attack', no?"

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Thario lags behind a bit, blocking off the stairwell at convenient positions – such as where doors are, good museum having a stairwell with doors – so as to try to prevent the things from getting up as quickly.

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"Anything that might disperse them more effectively. I can probably flash-vaporize the water with my saber, but I only have one."

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"I mean, I don't know all the colors available and they have weird effects– which, probably worth trying if these things are dangerous like we expect, but I'm just trying to gauge here – what sort of level of danger is acceptable, should I just fling about between colors and see if I get something useful?"

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"I am having really quite a very bad feeling about these, so yes, that seems advisable."

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"Okay, right," she says— and then Elleira's danger sense goes for getting flung backwards quite painfully.

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She preemptively dodges backwards.

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And the danger stops. "– What was that?"

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"Something was about to happen, probably related to whatever aura you were going to flare there."

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"It was going to be purple, and if it maybe causes damage perhaps I should try it with you far enough back that it's not going to harm you? Since, might be useful."

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Blue is quite a bit further back than Elleira.

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"This distance should be fine. Go ahead."

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So Maya flares purple, causing a small shockwave, shoving things back from her. Elleira is not much affected by it from her new position, but it's still definitely noticeable.

There was a small plant in a pot on the edge of the balcony, which has now found a new location on the ground quite far from the museum. It was flung away quite strongly, and the other things on the balcony got pushed away from her.

"Hm," says Maya, after observing this.

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"Can you affect the directionality of that, or have it not centered on yourself?"

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"That was the first time I used that," she says. "So the aura did a weird thing."

She looks at a chair nearby and tries to push it, which– causes it to move away from her. Then she tries moving it to the side, and that works too, and then she tries a blast and she sort of gets a weak one.

"Seems like telekinesis?"

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Blue translates.

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"Doesn't seem very strong. Any penalties for its use?"

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"Not that I've noticed, but they're not all as obvious as the red one and I haven't actually noticed white or yellow have one."

She tries to shove the table a bit harder, then ups the strength quite a bit, then squints at it and– it snaps in two, vertically.

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"… Huh," says Blue.

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"Can you broaden the effective area?"

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"What, like, trying to do a wide battering ram?"

She continues trying it out and seeing how it might work.

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Elleira begins work on overloading her lightsaber's powercell. This is a relatively simple task, provided you have both the knowledge and a simple multitool. Which she does.

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Blue looks around for something that might be useful as a weapon.

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And then Thario comes up to the same floor, finally. "I've blocked off the stairwell as best I can – not sure it'll help because water but should at least slow them down."

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Elleira finishes her modifications, and turns the saber on. It doesn't explode immediately, which means she was successful. The blade's hum has transformed to a lower-pitched hiss, and jagged sparks crackle up and down the length of it. She switches it back off.


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Maya looks over the edge of the building to check on the progress of the water creatures, but jumps back after a moment, then proceeds to run back in through the door, shutting it behind her– just as a blob of water jumps up onto the balcony.

And then the rain, previously only falling very lightly, increases in intensity.

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Blue returns with a spear, moving rather quickly when he notices Maya.

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"My blade should be hot enough to flash-vaporize any of the creatures it comes in contact with. I can only get about fifteen minutes in this mode before the powercell is permanently damaged. If you can herd the water into one spot, that would be helpful."

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Maya goes to look for something so she can block the door, because there is a blob out there that is possibly going to try to attack them.

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… Thario decides to go check upstairs to see that nothing is going to come down and attack them.

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"Yeah," says Blue. "I'll try that with my– spear." Ugh.

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Elleira- waits. Not much point in conducting an offensive while it's raining.

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Not really.

It takes a couple of minutes and then she'll hear some noises from the stairwell.

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She goes to investigate.

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Sloshing noises, something battering against the door coming from below.

Thario is still not back down, but presumably nothing has got him upstairs since nothing's coming down to attack them.

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Her daemon jumps up on top of one of the exhibits in the center of the room, well away from the floor.

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The door remains some distance from the center of the room, so perhaps she won't be investigating too closely.

That's probably fortunate, though, since it seems to be bending inwards.

Apparently water can do quite some damage.

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While she can take the separation pains for brief periods, it is altogether desirable that she not have to. Elleira retreats to the position that offers the best compromise between visibility and comfort. And braces.

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And then there's a gap between the door and the doorframe, and a bit of water slides through it. Apparently the snake has got in.

A bunny, also made of water, is not far behind it.

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Maya flings the snake backwards against the door when she sees it.

Apparently her telekinesis has some range and power.

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Elleira flicks her saber on and tosses it, guiding it with the Force so that it nicks the snake-thing where it's pinned.

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And the snake… does in fact vaporize, as expected.

The waterbunny hops closer.

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Then they can hear noises coming down the steps, and Thario saying, "I've sealed off the bits upstairs but I don't—"

He promptly stops when he's about halfway down the flight of stairs to their current floor and he sees the bunny.

Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any way through for him.

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Well, it worked on the snake...

She yanks the saber in a path back to her, intersecting the bunny along the way.

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The bunny gets vaporized when it touched the lightsaber.

And then another bunny bounces through the door, along with two friends, and also another snake.

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Thario backs up the stairwell. Then turns around and starts running, because one of the snakes decides to go for him instead.

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Elleira turns the lightsaber off again when it reaches her.

"Try to corral them together," she calls to Maya.

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She tries to grab the one on the steps to bring it back their direction but isn't actually close enough to get much force on it, and it manages to evade her grip and actually escape upstairs after Thario.

The others she does manage to get into a small group, though.

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Blue thinks he's going to smash a few display cabinets and grab some rocks to throw at them.

Some of these rocks are very pretty. He's sure they're also quite heavy and able to do quite a lot of damage.

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Elleira sends her saber scything through the group.

"Go after Thario, Blue. We'll hold the others here."

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He eyes the door warily but smashes a display cabinet – fortunately there are no alarms – and grabs a rock, then runs to the door, jumps over a puddle that seems to be seeping under the door, and makes his way up the stairs rather quickly.

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"I'm not sure we're going to be able to hold them unless we reseal the door," says Maya.

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"See anything useful to do that with?"

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"My aura could maybe work to put it back in place but no not really!" She looks around for something. "We might be better off just getting away if I can fly people off the roof or something."

The door behind them, the one to the balcony, starts making a weird creaking noise. If they look back that way, they'll notice that there's a puddle on the ground, possibly formed from the rain, and it now seems to be rising up to lean against the door.

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"It is still raining. And mind the balcony door." She readies her saber to throw again.

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And Maya looks back at the door, just as it smashes inwards and the water starts flooding into the room. She turns to face it and flings in its direction, flaring purple even stronger – tinges of it leak into her hair and it gets a stronger coloration.

The stairwell door leaks a few more animals, so perhaps Elleira should get to attacking them. Maybe they should make for higher ground.

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Saber goes vzzthmm, animals go poof.

"Time to leave. Stairs." She heads that way.

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Maya starts running that way, flaring the sparky aura so she can just kick off things in that direction, and then takes up the stairs, moving past the leaking door quite quickly.

On the floor above, there seems to be some activity coming from a wing off the central area, some smashing glass and– well, presumably that's where Thario and Blue are.

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Rocks and sticks are presumably not an effective weapon against water. Elleira heads in that direction to sort it out.

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Maya rises into the air and then flares purple and smashes downwards, trying to destroy the stairwell before the water can get up and then sparking back up to the level of the floor above.

She doesn't expect that'll stop it, since she doesn't expect anything to be fucking easy but dammit she's gonna try anyway.

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Blue: has his spear and rock and is in fact throwing the rock at a rather huge amorphous blob of water, then smashing a display case and grabbing more things to throw at it.

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Thario is: reading a book.

Quite fervently.

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Perhaps it's a variation on the one in her bag that she reclaimed from Tyler.

In any case, amorphous blob of water, meet column of poorly-contained superhot plasma.

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It… gets slightly vaporized. Nowhere near completely, though.

And Blue throws a rather large rock at it, which seems to do a similar amount of damage.

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She can swing her saber through it several times, if that's what it takes.

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It's quite a large blob of water. It will take quite a few tries.

And after a couple of them, Thario throws the book at it. Literally. Causing it to shrink to approximately half the size and the book to return to him like a boomerang, hitting him with slightly too much force and throwing him backwards into some glass behind him.

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It is a magic book then. Good.

Does the reduced size make it easier to vaporize?

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It does! It's not instantaneous, but she can definitely vaporize it more easily, while Blue keeps throwing stuff at it to try to continue to reduce its size.

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Good job Thario. Way to not be utterly useless.

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And the blob is summarily vaporized.

Thario is also back on his feet, again holding and reading through the book.

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"Where'd you get that?"

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"Mysteriously appeared in my hands," he says. "Apparently this place decided to give me a weird spellbook."

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"Anything to get rid of more than one of the creatures at once? Or stop the rain?"

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"It's written in some sort of code and doesn't actually work like a freaking book because nothing can in this place – I read it a certain amount and I just know how to do a thing, so, gonna keep reading."

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And then Maya appears. "Hey guys, maybe we should get up a floor? I don't think the lack of a stairs will hold the water thing for very long."

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"Good idea."

Up they go.

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That they do.

And fortunately the floor above seems, currently, clear of water.

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"We should break the stairs again."

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"Agreed. Should I do it or you?"

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"I don't want to strain my saber more than necessary, and your telekinesis seems better suited."

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So she uses sparky to float up again and, as before, flares purple as she drops.

It's not too difficult to destroy, apparently.

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"Should I go check upstairs again, make sure it's sealed off? They'll probably get in through the roof eventually if anything."

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"More useful to have you sit tight and keep reading your magic book in case you find something useful. I'll go."

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He nods and continues reading.

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"I can come with if you want?" says Blue. "Not that I'll necessarily be much help."

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"Stay here, make sure Thario doesn't get into trouble."

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Apparently Maya is also staying, then?


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Elleira goes to check the upper floor.

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The upper floor: is mostly empty. Has a few display cases towards the edge of the central room, has a few archways off into other exhibits, and doesn't seem to – from her current viewpoint – have any water creatures.

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Does a cursory patrol turn any up?

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Nope, just a lot of windows, doors that seem to have been barricaded and locked and such – well done, Thario.

This isn't the top floor, though, so perhaps she should go check those too.

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Up the stairs again it is.

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This floor looks rather the same as the one below, and continues to have– well, continues to be mostly uninteresting, though one of the balconies is accumulating water in a similar way to the one below and might pose some danger eventually.

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How thick are the balconies, and how well supported?

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Not particularly. If she's planning on slicing through it with her lightsaber, it'll work.

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Good. She'll make that happen.

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The balcony: falls. Along with the water, and she was presumably being careful while destroying it and therefore didn't fall down with it.

It hits a couple of things on its way down.

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Probably not important things. Any floors above this one?

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One more, but it's also empty, and then it's just the roof.

Does she want to go onto the roof? There are ominous noises coming from the stairwell.

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The roof can wait. Back down to the others, for now.

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"Hey," says Maya. "Find anything?"

Blue seems to be missing.

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"Nothing of note. The upper floors appear to be secure."

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Nod. "Any ideas for what to do now? Since I'd rather not wait for them to come attack us – uh, possibly I should try taking us across the street to another building and hopefully not get killed in the rain?"

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"Where'd Blue go?"

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"He–" starts Maya, then she frowns.

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"He was here just a few minutes ago?" says Thario.

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"And you didn't see him go anywhere?"

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"No," she says. "Which is freaking wonderful because it means that this place is screwing with my head."

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Thario is looking around for sign of Blue.

How do you just lose a person?

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Can she feel him anywhere nearby?

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Well, unless he's part of those few lifeforms a floor below them, or in the stairwell, except– wait, no, those are the water creatures.

There are quite a few of them.

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"People have been known to disappear suddenly and without warning. We should move up, get a better angle to jump out from."

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"Right, but then I would have noticed him disappear. Anyway, yes, upstairs."

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Stair climbing time. Elleira thinks they should go all the way to the roof, so she doesn't stop.

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Well, she will again hear the ominous sloshing noises.

Also it's probably still raining. What with the noise that sounds suspiciously like really heavy rain.

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Thario goes with them.

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What's roof access like?

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Stairwell to what appears to be an emergency exit door onto the roof.

They can't actually see what's on the roof from inside the building, but after going through the door they will be right on the roof.

The sloshing noises continue slightly ominously.

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Elleira opens the door but doesn't step through.

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There is water on the roof. There is quite a lot of water. The water is moving in small undulations, like small waves are going across the roof, and there is– really quite a lot of rain.

And a moment after she opens the door, the water starts to move in her direction.

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...She shuts the door.

"We're going to have to run, once we get outside."

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"Uh– okay," says Maya. "Should I get ready to fly? Which of you should I take first, will I be able to come back for the other do you think…?"

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"Can you do both of us at once?"

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"I don't know! Should probably test that, um, take my hand?" she says, flaring sparky and offering one arm to Elleira and the other to Thario.

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Elleira takes her arm.

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As does Thario.

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And then Maya tries to rise into the air, and the sparks move around Elleira a bit, as before, and she starts to rise with her.

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And then there's a sharp crack and Thario yanks back his hand. "It shocked me."

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"The sparks are apparently not just cosmetic," he says.

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Maya raises an eyebrow. "Might not work if it shocks a second passenger, then?"

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"Does it work at all with him? Have you tried before?"

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"No, haven't tested it," she says, and moves closer to the ground then lets go of Elleira. "Presumably not gonna work for this scenario anyway."

Still offering the hand to Thario.

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Thario takes it again, slightly warily.

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And Maya tries to rise into the air again, with Thario!

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Then there's another sharp crack, causing Thario to yank his hand back again. "Apparently has something against me, okay, hopefully this spellbook has something in it, ow, uh, how close is the nearest building, can I just jump it?"

The nearest building is not in fact within jumping distance. This building seems to have quite suddenly become somewhat isolated, with large gaps between it and any neighboring structures.

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"It's a fair distance, last time I checked. You probably wouldn't make it."

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"… So it might be a good idea for you two to get out of here while it's still semi-plausible and for me to hopefully get something out of this." He indicates the book he's still holding.

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"Reasonable. Let's go." She offers a hand.

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Maya takes it, flares sparky and catches Elleira with it too, takes a breath, then yanks open the door and throws herself forwards and upwards.

They go that way rather quickly.

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Thario shuts the door behind them, though not before some water gets through.

There are a few noises of a struggle.

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Not much she can do from up here. Maybe he'll survive, maybe not.

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And it's still raining.

Elleira might notice that there's a small blob of water in Maya's hair.

It seems to be moving, almost like a slug.

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Does it cohere well enough to be picked up?

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Yes, but it's slippery, rather like a slug.

Maya will turn when she does it, though, seeing as how she's currently unaware of it and is now having her attention brought to it by some sort of weird mid-air grooming.


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Elleira tosses it away as soon as it's in her hand.

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Then Maya will look vaguely disgusted but they will continue on their way. And they will pass over another building where the roof is covered in a weird watery mass.

"… Okay, if they're all like this then where are we aiming?"

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"As far out as we can get."

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"Right," she says. "That will be quite far since I can probably keep this up for a while. Haven't found a limit yet."

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Onwards they soar.

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And the rain eventually stops and they're back over the forest and Maya suggests they land.

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"Yes, good idea."

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And they do so. There is in fact a small puddle nearby, but it seems rather unmoving.

"I hope Thario's okay."

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"He had his magic book."

Elleira takes a look around their landing spot. Anything to be seen?

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There are a couple of rocks, lots of grass, approximately no large animals in the immediate environs (though she can detect a few slightly farther afield), the aforementioned puddle, and also some trees and bushes with small quantities of apparently-ripe fruit. Overall, it seems like the place has decided to go back to its previous setting of 'totally harmless'.

Maya looks at it all with faint distaste.

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"It seems safe enough."

Elleira pulls out the last chocolate-thing from her bag and starts eating.

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Maya lies down on the surprisingly dry ground and looks up.

It seems to, finally, be dawn. Or this place's equivalent of, since the sky is getting brighter.

She returns her aura to the blue it was originally and watches it.

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Isn't that nice.

Nom nom chocolate thing.

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They can stay here for a while then, quite peacefully.

Unfortunately, after a while, Maya will make a small hissing noise and bring her finger to in front of her face, notice that it has puncture marks, and lean up to look around.

There is a small rabbit, near the previously noted puddle and also quite near to where Maya was lying.

The rabbit seems to be made of water.

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That's unfortunate.

Elleira has not yet undone the modifications to her saber, she can still use it to vaporize the water creatures. She flings it through the bunny.

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The bunny is quite gone. Maya looks at it to ensure this and then turns back to her hand.

If Elleira's looking at it, she might notice that the wound really doesn't seem to be that bad – it's not even bleeding, just has small bits of water on it.

Maya does not seem very relieved.

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"How bad?" she asks.

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"Small bite. Drew blood, but only a small bit."

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"That is good. I recommend not lying near the puddle, going forward."

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"Yeah," she says, seeming slightly distracted.

Her hand seems to be going slightly paler.

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"Your hand does not look right."

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"I– agree," she says, and then her aura– flickers. She looks at her shoulder, her aura continues to be blue for a short while, and then it flickers again. "And apparently I can't flare white."

Her hand continues to get paler and slightly translucent. On noticing this, her face goes paler too.

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"I would offer to cut it off to try to halt the spread, but in its current state my saber would likely set your arm on fire. By the time I undo the modifications it may be too late."

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"I think it might already be so." She bites her lip a bit, noticing that it's spreading up her shoulder too. "I guess– I hope you find a way out of here, someday."

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"I fully intend to."

"I can speed your end, if it's painful."

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"It's actually just numb, but thanks for offering." Lipbite. "I can go elsewhere if you'd rather not– hear it."

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"If you would like privacy..."

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"I don't know. Maybe. Probably."

So she gets up and… sort of pathetically waves at Elleira. A lot of her visible skin is vaguely transparent by this point.

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Elleira walks a short ways in the opposite direction.

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Then she won't be disturbed for a bit.

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After a while, she heads back to see if she can find a body.

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A very pale and somewhat translucent one, yes. It's lying down, curled slightly into a ball.

Definitely seems quite unmoving.

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If she pokes it, does it still feel like a normal body?

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Approximately. Maybe slightly squidgier.

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Well, nothing to stick around here for. She picks a random direction and starts walking.

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And after a couple of minutes she'll see Thario, stumbling away from some buildings and being chased by a few water creatures.

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He survived, did he?

Elleira moves closer, then takes out the creatures.

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The creatures prove somewhat more resistant to vaporization than last time, seeing as how they coalesce back into blobs and continue their pursuit. She might notice that the quantity of water is reduced, though, so perhaps she can still take them out by continuing to vaporize them.

Thario does not seem in a particularly fit state to run, though he still manages a relatively fast-paced stumble.

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She deals with the creatures as best she can, then shuts her saber off. It does not have too much longer.

Over to Thario.

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Scratches, bite marks, scuffed clothing, bits of dirt and grass around him, some bleeding from various locations.

He continues to look to be in a bad state, though he slows a bit when he notices her kill the water creatures.

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"I see you made it out. Maya's dead."

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"Wh– what happened?"

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"Water-bunny. We were well out into the woods, I think it came from a puddle."

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He looks around for any nearby puddles and, spotting one close to a nearby tree, moves away from it. "I– do I want to know how it did it? I mean, I know this place is weird, but, uh, did the water-bunny savage her or what?"

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"Just a small bite. Venom. She went numb and the area turned translucent. It spread quickly, didn't take much longer than ten minutes, start to finish."

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"Oh, ugh," he says. "And this was wholly without intervention from you?"

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"Its appearance went unnoticed. It had bitten her before either of us could react."

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He nods. "Right."

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"Did you find any more spells in that book?"

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"One that managed to keep me from most of the harm when that water got in, near the start, and one that kept them away when I ran through the streets." He eyes his arm, which is still bleeding a bit, then says, "It ran out."

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"I see. We should probably move further away from the buildings, they seem to have been the epicenter."

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"Yes," he says, looking behind himself and then continuing to rather-quickly-shuffle along. "Sounds good."

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Into the woods, then, where the puddles are less frequent and hopefully less likely to contain dangerous animating spirits.

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They are!

… But then there are some slightly creepy whispering noises.

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Ugh. This again.

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One whispers quite near to her ear, quite quietly but definitely intelligibly, "He doesn't seem to like you much, does he?"

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The feeling's mutual if so, but she's not about to say that aloud.

"Are you hearing this?"

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"I'm hearing lots of things," he says. "What in particular do you mean?"

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"The whispering. It seems- different, than the times before."

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"Uh, which times before are we talking about?"

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"Any of the several."

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"Right. Um, different how? It just sounds sort of, uh, like whispering to me."

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"Some of it is intelligible to me."

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"Oh," he says. "I haven't heard anything that makes sense yet."

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"Perhaps he's lying," says another voice, slightly further away this time.

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Perhaps he is, but she really doesn't want a mysterious whisper from nowhere reminding her of that.

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Thario frowns. Then he looks over at Elleira.

Is that suspicion in his eyes?

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This one is weak enough that she thinks she can afford to let him make the first move. But when they stop, she's fixing her lightsaber.

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"So," he says. "I never did get the full story of how Tyler disappeared, I don't think."

He still has his spellbook in hand.

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"Not much of one. He was there, I looked down, I looked back up, he was gone."

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"Where was this, again?"

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"In the overgrown temple we found. You may not remember, you were somewhat catatonic."

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"Right, yes, somewhat catatonic," he agrees. "And then less so catatonic, lying in a bubble of water that then mysteriously turned into a puddle of water. I recall."

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"When Tyler disappered the effects of his hydrokinesis did as well, I suppose."

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"Mm," he agrees. "When he disappeared." Pause. "Facing the wall."

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"More aware than I thought you were."

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"Yeah. Except apparently not aware enough." He looks down at his spellbook briefly, then back at her.

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She keeps a neutral expression.



And without warning lunges at him, saber leaping into her hand, crimson blade extended and crackling like the fires of hell, arcing to bisect his torso-

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And she gets flung backwards, out of reach even with the crackling of the lightsaber, quite quickly at first but rapidly slowing down.

If she moves towards him, she'll notice that there's resistance against it, building as she moves towards him.

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"And here was me worried this wouid be easy. Again."

Does the saber make it if she throws it?

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Slows down as it gets closer, then totally stops about halfway between them and drops to the floor, presumably causing quite a lot of damage.

Thario does not look impressed.

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"I've killed you before, you know. Or at least someone who looked very much like you. Right down to the hand you were still missing at the time."

She calls the saber back and shuts it off.

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"Wh– when?"

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"Shortly after I killed Tyler." She pauses thoughtfully. "Though both your legs were broken, so perhaps I ought not count it."

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Now he looks slightly mad.

He opens the book and continues reading.

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"Incidentally, when in agonizing pain, you scream prettily."

She attempts to reach out with the Force and grab the book or knock him over.

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The book feels quite slippery to her.

He, however, does not, and he falls over with relative ease.

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She yanks him quickly left, then right. Does the invisible forcefield interact with this?

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It makes it somewhat more difficult to move him but does move with him.

He does, however, keep hold of the book.

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What about when she lifts him up off the ground and shakes him?

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That's resisted quite a bit more strongly. It is quite a lot of effort to get him to leave the ground.

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Fine then. Stay on the ground.

See if you still like being on the ground so much when she pours all the rage she has for this place into sending you skidding into the nearest tree. Headfirst.

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… It seems like the spell is somewhat handy for keeping him away from objects too, if he so desires. Or maybe he activated another one.

Then he turns to look at her and– she catches on fire. Just the right leg of her pants, at first, but it rapidly spreads.

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She fiddles with the waist quickly then jumps straight up, leaving the pants behind to fall to the ground. She backflips in midair, landing behind the blazing pile.

She raises her hands, and lightning surges at Thario.

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He gets shocked.

It causes him to hiss in pain – it's quite a convincing hiss – but not do much more than that.

Elleira might notice that the lightning pain is gone from her head, at last.

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Was that all it took? Well then.

Thario can have yet more lightning. Vicious joy is also a strong enough emotion to leech power from.

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He continues to be… approximately as pained as last time.

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It's not like becoming increasingly frustrated is making her less powerful.

Just the opposite, in fact. She attempts to throw him into a tree again.

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This time he gets about halfway there, slows down slightly as the resistance increases, and then it suddenly snaps and he goes flying into the tree at whatever speed she cares to fling him with.

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Which is, if Rhune physiology is similar to humans, fast enough to break his neck.

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It… would appear that it's not quite the same as human physiology, because while there is a rather sickening noise, he doesn't seem to be dead.

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She stalks over and grabs the book away from him.

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That she can do, while he rolls over slightly, seeming to be in pain.

Probably quite a lot of it.

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She tosses the book well out of his reach.

"Where does it hurt?" she inquires mildly.

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She probably isn't going to be getting much intelligible out of him right now, other than a small bit of groaning.

Presumably he still could be intelligible, what with the translation magic, but apparently he's not trying to be so right now.

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She kicks him in the stomach, hard.

"I said, where does it hurt?"

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He makes another groaning noise, this time a lot louder, and coughs, seeming to struggle to breathe properly.

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"Everywhere? Oh, that's good."

And now it is lightning time again. Seeing as he didn't get the full effect the first time.

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And he'll make a strained noise that presumably results from the shock therapy.

Doesn't seem to be participating much in this, though, does he.

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Not really, no.

She ups the lightning to the point of death.

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He doesn't die. Makes a few noises, though.

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...Not the typical reaction. Do they continue if she keeps ramping up the intensity?

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Yep, up to a point.

Then he just sort of– stops. Still alive, but has just stopped.

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Still conscious?

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… Yes. Probably? He's definitely not unconscious, but he's not really responsive in the regular way.

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Meh. Bored now.

She pulls her saber out, reverses her grip, and stabs downwards into his chest.

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It goes through him. Also sparks quite a bit, what with still being on high power, and seems to do really quite a lot of damage to him.

But it's limited, doesn't completely destroy him, and he seems to still be alive and slightly less responsive, yet still conscious.


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Hm. Such resilience is almost unprecedented. Not a trait she expected him to display.

She turns her saber off and retreats over to the tossed book and settles down to observe him for a while.

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He continues to have a rather nasty wound, continues to breathe – although it sounds quite belabored – and continues to remain sort-of-conscious.

The forest around them is quite peaceful.

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She gets his spellbook and begins to read.

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It doesn't make any sense. It also doesn't give her any mystical knowledge of being able to do spells, either.

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Ugh. She tosses it aside in disgust.

Is he any closer to dying yet?

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He seems probably-less-conscious. It's hard to be sure, even with her Force sense.

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What if she goes over and twists his head completely around?

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… It's quite difficult to do, but then he's gone.

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Finally. Alone again at last, o blissful solitude...

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Quite quiet, here in the forest.

… Or maybe not? There's some sort of low-pitched vibrating noise.

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It never ends, does it.

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Did she expect a reprieve after killing someone? It doesn't sound like the low-pitched vibrating noise cares much.

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Is it coming from any particular direction?

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… Vaguely probably city-wards?

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She salvages what she can from her pants and then begins moving in a not-that-way direction.

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The fire didn't actually do much damage to her pants so she can get them back with just a small hole and bit of charring, and then through the forest there is: more forest.

The noise gets louder.

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She walks faster.

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The noise continues to get louder. And develops some specifics now that it's more audible, sounding somewhat like– vague sloshing.

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Of course.

Walking is more like running, now.

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And then she runs into a clearing, containing one small creature.

It appears to be a translucent bunny. One made of water.

The sloshing noise abruptly stops.

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Just one?

...Something here doesn't fit.

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… Is that a lake out of the corner of her eye? Was that there just a moment ago?

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Yep, time to move again.

She attempts to edge out of the clearing in a non-bunny, non-lake direction.

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She sure didn't mean to walk into the lake, did she? Apparently it happened anyway. Weird how fast lakes are at moving, isn't it?

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She snarls, and backs up.

Then checks behind herself.

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Another bunny.

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Her saber flicks out to vaporize it.

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It vaporizes!

Then she feels a bit of danger. It would appear something is going to bite her hand.

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She yanks it back out of reach.

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And a waterbunny lands the other side of her, apparently going in the right trajectory that it would have bitten her hand.

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How many of these damn things are there?

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The bunny doesn't seem to care to tell her.

The weird sloshing noise, however, has started back up again. From behind her.

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This bunny can die - vzthmm - and then she whirls to check the lake again.

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By this point, it's bubbling and making more sloshing noises as it moves around. It's also quite large.

And then a bunny pops out of it, in her direction.

It is shortly followed by more water creatures of various shapes.

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She backs away.

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There's a small splash.

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She stops, takes her foot out of the sudden water, shakes it off, and takes a few steps forward.

This is not good.

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She might want to watch out, because the aforementioned bunny looks quite vicious. As do the other creatures.

And the water behind her is starting to bubble, too.

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She hefts the saber in her hand. She has maybe five minutes of use left before the powercell fails explosively.

She looks around for escape routes. She doesn't see any, there's either water or water creatures in her way.



She ignites her saber one last time. She feels the heat of the sizzling crimson blade on her face as she brings it up to a close guard position.

"Come and get me, then."