Ellie and Thario in MO
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Strange. Oh well. Keep moving forwards.


She might want to watch where she walks, or else she might trip over a rock.

Or a twig.


She is not going to trip.


… How about falling into a lake?


It would have to be an extremely sudden lake.


Extremely sudden like 'extremely suddenly came out of existence'? Or extremely sudden like 'she couldn't see it until she was right upon it'? Because the latter is definitely– likely.



Well that was a suddenly unexpected lake. Quite deep, too. She manages to keep her balance, but only just.


The lake is in fact quite deep. In fact, it's more like an artificial pool, seeing as how it's over a meter deep right at the edge, and there seems to be a rather straight-down bank.

She can probably walk around the lake but she might need to be careful, seeing as how she still cannot see around her.


Okay, hop up out of the pool and carefully try to navigate around the edge.


It is not a huge lake! She can walk around it quite easily and then continue on straight!

Hopefully she doesn't walk into a tree. That would be embarrassing or something.

Also painful.


Walking into a tree would be even more ridiculous than walking into a lake.


Okay, well, in that case she can just continue walking through the darkness.

Does she have her eyes open?


Because apparently the Dark Cloud of Slight Sensory Deprivation has decided to turn into a White Cloud of Slight Sensory Overload.

You know how she has that annoying lightning pain? That gets worse. Oh, and she feels like she's going to go blind, which is somehow a different kind of painful.

Plus there are stabbing pains and everything's way too loud. She can hear a scream.


This is more annoying than the sensory deprivation. Eyes get shut, pain gets shunted aside, walking turns in the direction of the scream.


She will shortly stumble across who appeared to cause the scream! It's a girl, seemingly human except for a weird blue aura to her, who seems… quite upset by the pain coming from her arm.

Apparently a slightly horrible cut that then gets exacerbated by the White Cloud? Causes her to scream out a little.

She's looking down at it when Elleira finds her. The White Cloud does not limit her vision as much as the Dark Cloud did, though it doesn't let her see further than about ten meters away.


Yet another new person, hooray.

Any sign of anything that could have caused the slightly horrible cut?


Nope! It seems like she's probably had it for a while seeing as how she's not looking around in horror or anything, she's just sucking in air between her teeth.

Then she looks up and notices Elleira. She starts to scramble away a bit, then looks at her and notices something which causes her to stop. Instead, she just looks at her warily.


"Where'd you come from, then?"


She sighs and holds up a finger, then the blue aura around her seems to flare slightly red.

After a few seconds, she motions for Elleira to go on.


"...Some kind of translation magic, I assume?"


… She makes another 'continue' motion, listening to the words quite carefully.


"But not one that works immediately. Rather inconvenient of it."


… At that she tentatively nods.


"How much more data does it need? Can you understand me well enough to answer if I ask who you are?"

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