Ellie and Thario in MO
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The lightning pain doesn't really seem to be abating yet, but she should notice that she's definitely better at thinking around it now. Must be getting used to it.

The ground: continues to get damaged by her attacks. There aren't really many walls anywhere near her, so she can't really test on that, and the ceiling is… likewise extremely high up.


The damage will continue until she feels better.

If there are any areas of denser fog around, she will begin aiming for those.


There are some areas of denser fog! They mostly stop being areas of denser fog after she runs lightning through them, clearing up and having bits of rock fly various places.

She should definitely be careful. A bit of shrapnel might fly towards her.

… She also seems to be able to see slightly further than before, before it starts getting blurry.


If any shrapnel thinks it's going to hit her, it had better think again. She will blast it out of the air.


It's really not that difficult to work out if something's going to hit her, actually, so yes, she can blast it out of the air relatively easily!



She seems to be feeling better now. It still hurts, she's still pissed as hell, but there's room for more rational thought. She slowly ramps down the storm until it falls silent.


… Is one of the pieces of shrapnel moving?


Does it still seem to be after she hits it with enough lightning to shatter it to dust?


No. No, it seems quite unmoving after that. As do all of the other potentially-mobile pieces of shrapnel.


Yeah, that's what she thought.

She takes a moment to compose herself.


Then turns to face Blue.


He is… presumably quite far away, since she can't actually see him.

She should know what direction he set off in, though.


Off she goes, then.


There does not seem to be much along the way! There is a small rabbit—


Not anymore, there's not.


There was a small rabbit, but it managed to get quite blasted, yes, and then there were a few rocks dotted around quite harmlessly (there are rocks dotted around practically everywhere anyway) and then there's a wooden bridge that seems mostly safe…


Fuck it, apparently she's not quite done yet. Everything but the bridge can get blasted.


Well, blasting the water makes for some… interesting sparks. But then when she's done venting with all the wonderful destruction, the bridge is still available.

It still seems mostly safe.


Good. Across the bridge, then.


Then she can continue for another while!

Rhunes, which is a category that includes Blue, can run quite fast, as she found with Thario. She might need to speed up if she wants to catch up to him, since he's presumably running away in case she does something like explode.


Hm. Good point.

Fortunately, she has all this extra energy lying around. It's more fun to turn it into lightning, but she can use it to run just as easily.


After a while, she'll find herself at: a wall.

Fortunately, this time she doesn't have to pick a direction, because there's an obvious route that Blue presumably took.

There's a wooden door set into the wall, a few meters off the ground, currently open and showing outside.


She jumps up to the door.


She can get through the door fine!

On the other side: she finds herself outside the temple, in the patch of relatively unremarkable forest, at the exact same entrance that she used to get in.

Except now it has a door in the archway.


Any sign of Blue?

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